Children's Books with Kate De Goldi
Toby Manhire talks to Kate De Goldi about two books for early readers: Detective Gordon: A Complicated Case, by Ulf Nilsson, illustrated by Gitte Spee, and Night Sky Dragons by Mal Peet and Elspeth… Audio
Children learning reading and dog skills at Chch libraries
Three afternoons a week, children sit down at city libraries to read to dogs. Audio
Miranda McKearney: reading and empathy
Guest host Philippa Tolley talks to British social justice entrepreneur and reading advocate Miranda McKearney who founded The Reading Agency and recently set up EmpathyLab. Audio
Dawn McMillan on using humour to engage young readers
Dawn McMillan writes children's books and educational readers. She has published more than 140 educational readers which are used in schools in Australasia, the US and Canada. Many of her books have a… Audio
Leading literacy
University of Auckland student Adena Emanuel and Professor Janet Gaffney from the Faculty of Education and Social Work talk about their research showing how the development of young readers and… Audio
Otara teacher raising literacy rates by writing his own books
Tangaroa College teacher, David Riley has helped turn his students into voracious readers by writing books they want to read, about their own local sports stars. His books include Off Loading with… Audio
Book banned after Christian complaint
The author of an award-winning young adults book says he is appalled it has been banned after a complaint from a Christian lobby group.
Chance to correct NZ's poor marks
Several thousand 15-year-olds hold the international reputation of New Zealand's education system in their hands. Audio
Librarians say teens reading fewer books
Some school libraries are blaming social media and computer games for big drops in the number of books teens are reading. Audio
Teens reading less, say school librarians
Some school libraries are reporting big drops in the number of books teens are reading, and they're blaming social media and computer games for the fall.
Getting children engaged with reading
Jill Eggleton is an international educational consultant in literacy and author of over 800 children's books with a wide variety of teaching experiences, spanning over 30 years. She works throughout… Audio
Paper books vs words onscreen
Naomi Baron's the author of 'Words On Screen: The Fate of Reading in a Digital World' (Oxford University Press). The book explores the experience of reading on a screen versus reading a good old paper… Audio
The importance of talking and reading to children
Why children and babies are being spoken to less and the impact this is having on language and social development. Speech therapists Ann Locke and Amanda White discuss a recent pilot programme they… Audio
Slow Reading
Meg Williams, Co-founder of The Slow Reading Club is now relishing an enjoyment of books again. Having been an avid reader, one day she came to the realisation that she hadn't picked up a book for a… Audio
Courtney Barnett at Laneway 2015
Melbourne based songsmith Courtney Barnett talks with Zac Arnold at St Jerome's Laneway Festival 2015. Audio
Read and Ride
Scott Ertl of Read and Ride uses old exercise bikes to get kids pedalling while they read. Audio
Stopping the summer reading slump
Teachers and principals want books to play a bigger part in the typical New Zealand holiday, in order to curb the summer reading slump. Audio
A Fragile Peace by Lindsay Wood
A classic story of the first Christmas in the trenches in 1914. Audio
Australian Children's Laureate Jackie French
Jackie French tackles youth literacy in her new book I Spy a Great Reader. She is a passionate advocate for literacy and knows first hand what a struggle reading can be. Jackie French is dyslexic, and… Audio