Can we make plastic that's better for the environment?
Nanogirl finds out if we can make plastic that's not so bad for the environment. Video, Audio
Gas bottles, batteries blamed for recycling truck fires
Warning - recycling habits are proving dangerous in Auckland and someone could get seriously hurt, as canisters, lighter fluid cans and car parts biffed in the rubbish are the main suspects in a spate… Video, Audio
Why can't clean green NZ recycle its e-waste?
New Zealand produces some 80,000 tonnes of electronic waste every year - but we recycle less than two percent of it. Audio
Food companies to blame for plastic problems - waste expert
How worried should New Zealanders be about our low rubbish recycling rates? An Auckland waste consultant says we're being unfairly blamed for the poor plastic habits of food companies and shouldn't… Video, Audio
What can you recycle? Plastic confusion across NZ
Do you know which types of plastic go in your recycling bin and which ones don't?
Should you keep the lid on or take it off? If you're confused by the rules in your town, you're probably not alone -… Video, Audio
Call for national plastic recycling strategy
Not all plastics are created equal, when it comes to recycling - in fact many everyday products, like ice-cream containers, can not be recycled at all. Audio
Dairying's Woman of the Year
Taranaki share-milker Trish Rankin is 2019's Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year. She's an active environmentalist, mother of four, teacher, is on the National Executive for the NZ Dairy Awards, is a… Audio
I Didn't Know That Recycling: how far can you go?
Australian company Licella says it has created a system that can recycle all types of plastic, even items with neoprene and bits of wood in them. At present just 10 per cent of plastic is recycled in… Audio, Gallery
Safe food or a saved environment? A panel explores the packaging dilemma
Kim Hill discusses the complexities of packaging and waste with four experts - Sharon Humphreys, Mike Sammons, Prof. Juliet Gerrard, and Assoc. Prof. Xiaomeng Wu. Audio
Household recycling tips from Consumer NZ
How do you recycle batteries? Which supermarkets allow you to bring your own container to the deli section? Can the plastic rings on plastic milk bottles be recycled? Investigative writer Olivia… Audio
Question of the Day for 26 September 2019
What are your memories of the old bottle refund scheme? Audio
Plastic bottle refund scheme touted to improve recycling
Zero waste network chairman, Marty Hoffart joins the discussion on the government exploring a plastic bottle refund scheme to encourage more recycling. Audio
Speaking up about end of life problematic products
Waste minimisation and environmental groups are encouraging the public to have their say on Government guidelines for Environment Product Stewardship.Hannah Blumhardt from The Rubbish Trip explains… Audio
The Poly-cycling octopus
In this episode of Voices; we meet two eco-warriors from the Pacific region intent on spreading the zero waste message to communities and the next generation. Produced by Sara Vui-Talitu. Audio
New programme to recycle pens and stationery
Traditionally if pens are chucked away, they just end up in landfill. Until now. A new programme has launched in New Zealand today to make pens, markers, and highlighters 100 percent recyclable. Audio
Following The Recycling Bag
We've been looking into how New Zealand's waste and recycling is being dealt with over the last few weeks on Nights. Tonight we have a special interview with the Prime Minister's chief science… Audio
Government considers plastic refund schemes
A new proposal could see a levy slapped on some environmentally harmful products with the money returned to the consumer if the products are recycled. The government is seeking feedback on a plan to… Audio
Follow The Bag
In this special report, Bryan has been looking into how we deal with recycling in Aotearoa New Zealand. He follows the trail from the recycling bag at his garden gate to the recycling plants and… Audio
The Waiuku company making fence posts from used plastic
Waiuku-based company Future Post blends granulated soft plastics with chipped up milk bottles to produce sturdy recyclable fence posts. Audio, Gallery
Government considers new recycling scheme
Today the Government announced it is looking at introducing a new recycling scheme where you can get cash back for returning bottles and plastics to recycling centres. Audio