Refugees And Migrants
Visa holders cheating refugee policy - Peters
Nearly 1600 people have claimed asylum in New Zealand after arriving on work and student visas, the NZ First leader says.
Australia using alternative legal way to detain NZers
Another legal avenue used by Australia to indefinitely detain New Zealanders has come to light.
Nurturing migrant mums - the midwife's role
A landmark pay parity case taken by midwives against the government would have gone to court today (15 August 2016) but - just days out from the hearing - the parties decided to enter mediation. The… Audio
Insight: Labour-Hire Companies - Exploitation or Opportunity?
Teresa Cowie explores the expanding labour hire sector amid accusations that some workers are being exploited. Audio
Peter Mares - Not Quite Australian
Temporary migration is redefining Australian society. Peter Mares says there are around one million 'unsettled settlers' - including thousands of New Zealanders - on various kinds of temporary visas… Audio
The political risks of soaring immigration
Power Play - Immigration numbers are at record levels, but new arrivals put stresses on the nation, and that can cause dangerous resentments, writes Jane Patterson.
Govt has 'ideological blinkers' on immigration - Labour
Record numbers of work approvals and a sharp increase in new residents have put renewed pressure on the government to rein in immigration
Grocery store to pay $53k for exploiting worker
A Wellington grocery store which exploited a migrant worker has been ordered to pay more than $53,000 in penalties and arrears.
Ministers rejected attempt to sponsor 200 refugees
Ministers rejected a plan to let individuals and groups sponsor up to 200 refugees a year, government papers show.
A Taste of Home - Philippine Festival
Celebrating 50 years of Philippines and New Zealand diplomatic relations, one Filipino New Zealander guides Lynda Chanwai-Earle through her community's annual celebration with a hands on cooking… Audio, Gallery
Katikati locals emotional ahead of meeting with Minister
Emotions are running high in Katikati as locals prepare to confront the Transport Minister about a stretch of State Highway Two where five Tongan workers were killed in a crash. Audio
James Liu: What is NZ's national character?
Is there such a thing as the New Zealand national character? Why does the tide appear to be turning against migrants in many countries around the world, towards closed borders, and a harking back to… Audio
Firefighter discovers friends among crash victims
Firefighter Simione Vakasiuola was called out to the crash in Katikati last night only to find the victims were people he knew, including a man who lived with him. Video, Audio
Katikati in shock at crash victims' deaths
The Katikati community in the Bay of Plenty is still in shock after the deaths of five Tongan men who worked at the local kiwifruit coolstore. Audio
Detainees on Nauru abused and harassed - report
Hundreds of people detained on Nauru are being subjected to inhumane treatment and it's time for Australians to tell politicians enough is enough, Human Rights Watch says. Audio
Tongan Prime Minister to meet with victims' families
Tongan Prime Minister Akilisi Pohiva is in New Zealand and will visit Katikati tomorrow where he will meet with the families of the men killed in a crash last night. Audio
Tongan workers will follow crash victims home
About 20 Tongan workers will head home to farewell their colleagues who were killed in a crash in Katikati last night, the owner of the coolstore where they work says. Audio
Katikati in shock following fatal crash which killed five
The Bay of Plenty town of Katikati is in shock and entire Tongan communities are suddenly in mourning after five Tongan workers were killed in a crash last night. Audio
Number of NZers on Christmas Island 'doubles'
The number of New Zealanders held at Australia's Christmas Island detention centre has reportedly doubled and conditions are getting worse, a detainee says.
The big 'D' word - why diversity?
What is diversity good for? Lynda Chanwai-Earle hears from a group of high profile New Zealand's ethnic leaders to find out whether the increasingly ethnic diverse population in New Zealand is a good… Audio, Gallery