New device helps farmers to identify crop viruses faster
A new agri-tech innovation helping African farmers to diagnose crop viruses could also benefit New Zealand farmers, according to an expert.
NZ wool on trial for space travel
Wool is still big business, but how is it being used? Woollen air filters have been designed for space travel by a New Zealand company and are being tested by NASA. Audio
Chorus's basic service capped at lower monthly rate
The government has negotiated a price drop on a basic broadband connection provided by the telecommunications lines company, Chorus, ahead of changes to regulations. Audio
Why we need to improve battery life
Where our energy comes from and how its stored is a huge part of conversation around preserving our environment. New battery design might offer an answer. Audio
Sky looks to Neflix and internet to stop rot
Sky Network Television is launching an internet-connected set top box to help hold on to subscribers.
E-scooters, R&D spending and Genetic surveillance
Tech commentator, Sarah Putt looks into the new e-scooters that have arrived in Auckland and Christchurch: why is NZ the guinea pig? Sarah also has the facts and figures behind New Zealand's R&D… Audio
Tiny Palm smartphone baffles gadget fans
A tiny Android smartphone designed to be a "companion phone" to a full-sized device has been launched in the United States - using the brand name Palm.
PC pioneer Paul Allen dies
The man who paved the way for our laptops and smartphones has died. Paul Allen spearheaded the operating system for IMBs first personal computer in 1980. And put Microsoft on the map. Audio
YouTube went down, the internet made memes
YouTube went down across the world this afternoon and users were quick to take to other social media sites to vent their frustration.
Facebook won't provide ID protection to hack victims
A data breach has seen hackers steal personal information from 14 millions users but Facebook will not provide identity fraud protection for the victims.
Zig Zag: demystifying Blockchain
'Zig Zag' tells the story of two people navigating their way through a profound period of personal change against a backdrop of technological upheaval. Manoush Zomorodi used to host New York Public… Audio
Can blockchain get our cities moving?
Kathryn talks with urban and climate strategist Professor Boyd Cohen, about the potential for blockchain technology to make cities more efficient - particularly public transport. He's the Dean of… Audio
Is R&D funding working for NZ?
Tech commentator, Paul Matthews, looks into whether research funding in NZ is moving the country in the right direction, plus how many dial-up connections are still out there? And an update on the… Audio
Electronic searches at the border - what are your rights?
At the start of this month some new legislation was pushed through with guidelines on how authorities can search your digital devices at the border. Privacy commissioner John Edwards joins us to… Audio
Chorus subcontractors exploited - First Union
Subcontracters working for broadband installer Chorus have been exploiting migrant workers - taking their cash and promising visas in return. Chorus chief executive Kate McKenzie said the company had… Audio
Cyber bullying: The growing menace costing NZ $444m
Online bullying comes with a massive financial burden of $444 million a year, a new report has found. Audio
Chorus subcontractors 'exploiting' immigrant workers
Telecommunications company Chorus is holding urgent talks with the Labour Inspectorate today after a damning investigation into ultrafast broadband subcontractors. The inspectorate has found 73… Audio
Chorus must shoulder responsibity for subcontractors - E Tū
Telecommunications company Chorus is holding urgent talks with the Labour Inspectorate today after a damning investigation into ultrafast broadband subcontractors. The inspectorate has found 73… Audio
Lack of women in tech putting country's cybersecurity at risk
Too few women are working in cybersecurity and it is putting the companies around the Asia-Pacific region at risk. Audio
Breaking down the 'attention economy'
Broadcasters and advertisers are grappling with “the attention economy” now that so many of us have screens of all sizes engaging our eyeballs everywhere. Dr Karen Nelson-Field tracks how we watch and… Audio