Nelson tech company wins major US deal
A small New Zealand tech company has united with a major US firm to take its patented technology to the world. Nelson-based CORE Transport Technologies has developed a bluetooth device that can track… Audio
Immigration NZ, MBIE use fake social media profiles
Immigration New Zealand and MBIE use false social media profiles for investigations and risk assessment, the ministry has confirmed.
The app that maps happiness
Many of us are at our happiest in a natural environment on a sunny day far away from work, according to ratings provided to the smartphone app Mappiness. Audio
Twitter tests 280-character tweet limit
Social media site Twitter is trialling longer character limits to help users "easily express themselves".
NZ ranks first for 'digital world' skills
New Zealand's education system is the best in the world for preparing young people for an increasingly digital and globalised world, a new study has found.
Great Ideas - Part 7: 'You have to actually climb trees'
In the first episode of Great Ideas season 2, Megan Whelan discusses the future of leisure with three experts from AUT. Once the robots have taken all of our jobs, what will we do with all that time?
…Rocket Lab counts down to new test flight
NZ company Rocket Lab aims to deploy weather-mapping and ship-tracking satellites in its second launch.
Twitter keeps Trump's N Korea tweet for 'newsworthiness'
Twitter is refusing to take down a tweet made by Donald Trump in the weekend that threatened North Korea. Many have interpreted the tweet as being a violation of Twitter's terms of service, which… Audio
Midday News for 26 September 2017
Bill English plans to consult Winston Peters later this week; and a tribunal deems Immigration New Zealand's use of Wikipedia in a visa decision 'unfair'. Audio
Is ACC 'passing the buck' with prediction based evaluations?
Otago University researchers are warning that a computer-based risk prediction model to profile and target ACC clients may be compromising the agency 's ability to make fair and humane decisions about… Audio
Jared Kushner sent White House emails from private account
Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner used a private email account to carry out official White House business, his lawyer said.
Australia to launch space agency
The agency will attempt to cash in on a $420 billion aeronautical industry and create thousands of new jobs.
Standing up to the tech giants
Executive Director of the Open Markets Institute, Barry Lynn, talks to Kathryn Ryan about his concerns over Google's growing power as a monopoly. Barry says he lost his job as senior fellow at the… Audio
On the road to driverless cars
A high-powered panel discusses the changes autonomous vehicles will make on our driving, our roads and our world in front of a Dunedin audience. Audio
The Mixtape: Andrew Dubber
Andrew Dubber is a music technologist, author, broadcaster, and academic. Along with his partner Michela Magas he runs Music Tech Fest, and lives in Sweden with two big fluffy dogs. Back in NZ to… Audio
The Venezuelans mining Bitcoin to survive
Thousands of resourceful Venezuelans have started mining the cryptocurrency Bitcoin to survive the economic crisis facing the country. Rene Chun covered the story for The Atlantic. Audio
Computer decision-making 'a real risk' - experts
Government departments face potential legal pitfalls by using computer-based risk prediction models to profile and target clients, Otago University researchers say.
Kiwis' pushing for correct Maori pronunciations on Google Maps
Say It Tika, a collaboration between Vodafone, Google and Te Taura Whiri O Te Reo Maori, is looking to correct the mis-pronounication of Maori place names. Audio
Facebook to share Russia-linked political adverts with investigators
Facebook will share 3000 Russia-linked political adverts with US investigators, its founder says.
SOFIA - a flying telescope with a unique view of space
NASA's SOFIA observatory is a 2.5m telescope mounted in the back of a plane. It observes the birth and death of stars and the supermassive black hole at the centre of our galaxy. Audio