5G wireless network to be set up by 2020
Mobile internet customers are being told fifth-generation, or 5G, wireless technology will become readily available in three years.
The trucks that drive themselves
Self-driving trucks are now being tested in several US states. The autonomous transport method's just been identified as one of the top ten breakthrough technologies by MIT's Technology Review and… Audio
Can ridesharing help ease Auckland congestion?
A new app, called Localift, has been launched. Ot's a friend-to-friend ridesharing app, allowing people to organise and share lifts with people they know for free. Audio
Terms and Conditions: a comic
Richard Sikoryak has made a comic book using Apple's terms and conditions. Audio
New technology with Paul Matthews
Wikileaks have done it again, this time exposing the secret hacking tools of the CIA and by extension other US spy agencies, why your TV could be spying on you, and while Uber continues to stumble… Audio
New 111 system 'poorly thought through' - Labour
The Labour Party has accused the government of over-promising and taking too long to deliver a new 111 service.
IT sector complains big companies not making enough money
The telecommunications industry body says big companies like Vodafone and Spark are not making enough profit. It blames too much competition, forcing them to cut prices to customers, as Eric Frykberg… Audio
Profits in NZ's IT sector continue to shrink
Profitability in the IT sector in New Zealand has shrunk to a trickle, a new report has found.
Should NZ health data be in the cloud?
Microsoft has written to the government asking for it's help in removing more barriers which it says makes it difficult for District Health Boards to use cloud-based services. The company also says it… Audio
Jobs, robots and investments
PwC predicts 61% of financial services jobs in the U.S. are about to vanish. Audio
Westminster attacker's WhatsApp message
Should WhatsApp be forced to hand over the London attacker's last message? Audio
Uber suspends self-driving cars trial following crash
Uber Technologies Inc suspended its pilot programme for driverless cars after a vehicle equipped with the technology crashed on a US roadway, the ride-hailing company and local police said.
The role of women an an online world which is often hostile towards them
In this second of a series of three panel discussions about contemporary feminism, Megan Whelan talks with four women actively involved with the digital world: Anna Guenther, the co-founder of Pledge… Audio
Kiwi meets Classical
Kiwi artists, writers and musicians who feel a connection to the Ancient World are being asked to share their stories for a new website. New Zealand was after all where the long running series of… Audio
Radio technology helps track dementia sufferers
Simple radio technology - previously used to track kiwis in the wild - is helping tackle the problem of people with dementia getting disoriented and lost. Audio, Gallery
Tech news: VR update and "Netflix for live music"
Some cool applications for VR technology in art and filmmaking; Google wants you to share your location data with you friends; and a new concert subscription service is dubbed "Netflix for live… Audio
Dr Robin Grimes - the nuclear option
Robin Grimes is Chief Scientific Adviser to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). He visited NZ recently to meet with scientists and ministers to discuss the connection between science and… Audio
Sorting solutions
Seventeen years ago, the blueberry-growing Furniss family found out colour-sorting machines cost $1 million to import, so they had a crack at making one. Now their sorting machine business has a $30… Audio
Vodafone snatches rural services firm
The majority of a small telecommunications company's rural internet service will be sold to Vodafone, posing a major obstacle to Spark's takeover bid.