'Cyber-ransoming' on the rise in NZ
Cyber ransoming, where hackers seize files or intellectual property and demand money for their return, appears to be increasing, Minister Responsible for the GCSB Christopher Finlayson says. Audio
Major engineering firm won't re-tender fibre contract
Major engineering company Downer is pulling out of connecting internet users to the fibre network.
Astronauts get back to earth after Mars simulation
Six scientists have just finished a year long simulation of what it would be live on Mars. First meal they ordered - pizza. Audio
Downer pulls out of nationwide fibre contract
The major engineering company, Downer, is pulling out of connecting internet users to the fibre network. Audio
Cyber attacks breach Australian government networks
Computer hackers based in China are suspected over sensitive Australian government and corporate computer network breaches over the past five years.
Scientists end 'year on Mars' mission
A team of six people have completed a Mars simulation in Hawaii, where they lived in near isolation for a year.
US fears only reason to reject Dotcom livestream - lawyer
The only reason Kim Dotcom's extradition case would not be live-streamed is if the United States is afraid their case is not good, his lawyer says.
Dotcom seeks extradition case live-stream
Kim Dotcom wants the public to see his lawyers "smash" the United States' case against him, he says.
Duncan Grieve and Barnaby Bennett: publishing and journalism
Kim Hill talks to Duncan Grieve, the founder and editor of The Spinoff, an Auckland-based online magazine and custom content creator. He appears at three WORD Christchurch events: The Spinoff After… Audio
Sheila Watt-Cloutier: Arctic and Inuit
Sheila Watt-Cloutier is an environmental and human rights advocate who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for her work on how global climate change is affecting human rights, especially… Audio
Cécile Maisonneuve and Marie-Anne Gobert: future cities
Kim Hill talks to Cécile Maisonneuve, President of La Fabrique de la Cité, and a senior adviser and former head of the Centre for Energy at the French Institute for International Relations, and to… Audio
Hui aims to get more Māori working in tech
Māori technology leaders hope the first ever hui for young Māori interested in careers in IT will change old-fashioned ideas about the technology sector.
Maori tech leaders hope hui will enthuse rangitahi about IT
Maori technology leaders hope the first ever hui for young Maori interested in careers in IT will change old-fashioned ideas about the tech sector Audio
This way Up: What is Vaping?
New Zealand's overhauling the law governing the sale of e-cigarettes, with changes expected by the end of the year. This Way Up's Simon Morton has been looking at what we know about the science and… Audio, Gallery
Aussie town to go 'Off Grid'
It's the Aussie town, that plans to go completely off the grid. The town of Tyalgum is located in the hills near the Queensland-New South Wales border. It has just 300 residents, and if it's… Audio
Technology for good: Find Your Billion
Nine to Noon talks to award-winning educational innovator Chris Clay, about Find Your Billion, a series of free workshops getting young people involved in cutting-edge technologies to help others. The… Audio
Russian hackers may have targeted New York Times
The FBI is investigating whether Russian hackers may have carried out a series of cyber attacks on the New York Times.
Can robots make good judges?
Can robots make good judges? Phil Pennington investigates the crossroads between artificial intelligence and justice. Audio
Nights' Science - Computer Science
Prof. Mark Apperley from University of Waikato spreads out the silicon chips to expose how computers switch us on... Audio
Urbanist Tommy Honey
With the US election looming, candidates are turning their attention to Housing in search of votes, and their solutions are similar to what we have here. In Austin Texas, a start-up is proposing tiny… Audio