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Rural news for 29 March 2021
News from the rural and farming sector. Audio
An angel on the trail
Mary Nettle is what's known as a trail angel. She feeds and waters bikepackers on the 3000 kilometre Tour Aotearoa cycle ride from her travelling kiosk, raising funds for her local community hall. Audio
Happy to be farming hops
Harvesting is the busiest time of year for hop farmer Cameron Ealam and his extended family who are working from dawn to dusk picking, cleaning and drying several varieties of aromatic hop cones that… Audio, Gallery
The 90s File - Richard Waugh
Twenty-eight-year-old Richard Waugh buys in 50 tonnes of waste vegetables each week to feed his herd. Audio
On the Farm - a wrap of farming conditions around NZ
Waikato dairy farmers are doing their budgets for next year and there's no shortage of ways to spend their increased fortunes. In the South farmers are trying to set up for winter but it's dry. Audio
Flooded Farms
New South Wales farmer Graham Forbes says stock have died and lots of milk has had to be spilled because of widespread flooding near his farm at Gloucester. Audio
Country Life for 26 March 2021
Flooded Farms; On the Farm - a wrap of farming conditions around NZ; The 90s File - Richard Waugh; An Angel on the Trail; Happy to be farming Hops. Audio
NZ's potato chip industry threatened by cheap European imports
The impact of Covid-19 on the potato chip industry in the Northern Hemisphere is putting locally grown and processed hot potato chips at the local chippie under threat. Video
Midday Rural News for 26 March 2021
The Bluff community is in shock about the re-emergence of an oyster parasite - but they're hopeful scientists will come with answers. Audio
Rural News for 26 March 2021
News from the rural and farming sector. Audio
Seeka wants approval for $60m deal to buy kiwifruit rival
Kiwifruit grower and post harvest operator Seeka is seeking approval to take over OPAC - Ōpōtiki Packing and Coolstorage.
Mid-Canterbury sheep milking business looks to expand
A Mid Canterbury sheep milking business is looking to establish itself as a major player in local industry with plans to take on more than 20 farmer suppliers over the next three years.
Midday Rural News for 25 March 2021
There is further consolidation in New Zealand's kiwifruit industry. Audio
Rural News for 25 March 2020
News from the rural and farming sector. Audio
South Island Field Days holds its 70th event
The South Island agricultural Field Days kicked off their 70th event this week - It is New Zealand's oldest Field Days event showcasing all kinds of exhibitors, machinery and innovation, Michaela… Audio
South Island Agricultural Field Days expects to draw 30,000 to N Canty
The Canterbury town of Kirwee is expecting to see up to 30,000 people turn up for one of the country's largest regional field days events this week.
Midday Rural News for 24 March 2021
Work on installing a new multi-million dollar butter manufacturing facility at Westland Milk is expected to start next month, with product ready to ship from October. Audio
Rural News for 24 March 2021
News from the rural and farming sector. Audio
Millions of South Canterbury sunflowers heading for bottling plant
Millions of sunflowers on a South Canterbury farm will be harvested next month before they're turned into 25,000 bottles of oil.
Midday Rural News for 23 March 2021
The wine harvest is in full swing around the country but yields this year are very disappointing .. In the flagship sauvignon blanc growing region of Marlborough the grape harvest is well down. Audio