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Science & Environment
Warmer oceans to make severe weather events more catastrophic - climate scientist
When the global average reaches two degrees of warming, New Zealand will be four degrees hotter around the oceans, according to GNS climate scientist Georgia Grant. Audio
Allergies on the rise as 'Microsoft 95' immune systems fail to upgrade
All over the world, allergies to everything from nuts to pollen are on the rise. Medical anthropologist and associate professor of science and technology studies Theresa MacPhail is on a mission to… Audio
Hari Hari river threat ‘a pretty bad sort of situation’
A flood risk fix for the Wanganui River at Hari Hari will be further addressed in a riverbank meeting this Friday.
Commercial property manager touts benefits of going green
Commercial property managers could benefit from switching to more sustainable practices as tenants become increasingly eco-conscious.
Relationships with Hannah Korrel
Today Hannah talks to Jesse about how women's sport is helping to break down gender stereo types by being so visible lately. Hannah explains 'you can't be what you can't see.' Audio
UC engineering students 'rocketing' to success
It's been a rocketing success, not only for Canterbury University, but for Aotearoa. A group of UC engineering students have taken out the top spot in an international rocket competition in New… Audio
How gluten can cause brain inflammation in mice
Gluten gives us that beautiful fluffy bread that we love, but it may also be giving us something much less wanted. Scientists at Otago University have discovered that gluten can cause brain… Audio
Dogs running unleashed for exercise potentially behind kiwi deaths
Dog owners letting their pets out for exercise instead of walking them on winter evenings could be a factor behind the recent spate of kiwi deaths in Northland, a conservation group says.
PM hails $2b BlackRock climate investment fund for renewable energy
A "first-of-its-kind" $2 billion climate infrastructure fund has been announced by the government.
UK company commissioned to deliver Auckland 'state of the city' report card
Sometimes it takes an outsider looking in, to give a full and fair critique - and a recently commissioned report by a UK firm on the state of Auckland, has given the city plenty to work on. The… Audio
Rising ocean temps to make cyclones more catastrophic
A climate scientist is warning rising ocean temperatures will make severe weather events such as cyclones more catastrophic.
GNS and NIWA say it's been 3 million years since the Earth experienced… Audio
NZ leaving World Scout Jamboree in South Korea due to facilities and heat
Dozens of countries, including New Zealand, have pulled out of the World Scout Jamboree in South Korea, citing sweltering temperatures, inadequate toilet facilities and a lack of food.
The two-week… Audio
Zero Point Energy
This episode we look at a villain's secret weapon - Zero Point Energy. In The Incredibles Syndrome uses Zero Point Energy to freeze the heroes and get away with his crimes against humanity. Audio
US scientists repeat nuclear fusion breakthrough, increase power output
US scientists have achieved net energy gain in a fusion reaction for the second time since December.
Plans to make fishing sector more profitable and cut emissions
Plans to grow the fishing industry by developing jobs and investing in new technology while adapting to a changing climate have been released by the government.
More than a dozen Kiwi believed to have been mauled to death by dogs
More than a dozen Kiwi are believed to have been mauled to death by roaming dogs in Northland over the past three months. DOC says it's released graphic pictures of the bodies to show the reality of… Video, Audio
Heartbreak at discovery of kiwi believed mauled by a dog
A Bay of Islands conservation group is pleading with dog owners to keep their pets under control after the death of at least six kiwi in the past fortnight.
When technology takes over from nature
Ted Anton is a Professor of English, his new book tells the stories of people on the frontier of discovery and the policy makers trying to keep up with them. It's called Programmable Planet: The… Audio
Government refers wind and solar projects for fast-track consenting
Wind farm projects in Southland, south of Auckland and Manawatū are being fast-tracked through consenting, the government has announced.
Off the beaten track with Kennedy Warne
Temperature records on land and in the oceans are toppling. Climatic extremes once considered rarities have become the "new normal," but what does "normal" even mean any more? Kennedy discusses recent… Audio