Everything about the Turangalîla Symphony is exuberant, colourful and excessive. It's an extravagant celebration of love, with music of total exhilaration.
Performed by Joanna McGregor (piano), Cynthia Millar (ondes martenot) and the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Stefan Asbury
Photo: ex video stream, APO/JX Live
The symphony requires a massive orchestra of over 100 musicians and two soloists – a pianist of immense technical capabilities, and an ever rarer human – a player of an electronic instrument called the ondes martenot.
Joining the Auckland Philharmonia are innovative pianist Joanna MacGregor and the world’s finest ondes player, Cynthia Millar.
Beefing up the numbers are musicians from the Australian National Academy of Music.
The concert was presented as part of the Auckland Arts Festival.
Recorded in Auckland Town Hall, 23 March 2019 by RNZ Concert
Producer: Tim Dodd; Engineer: Adrian Hollay