Limericks with a swing and a thunk in this week's competition!
Thelonious Monk Photo: William P. Gottlieb
This week's winner:
When naming jazz musos, I’m sunk:
“Who’s making that melodious thunk?
An Earl, Count or Duke?
A nun? (that’s a fluke)
No - got it! Thelonious Monk!”
- Peter Beatson
Benny Goodman Photo: ebay [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Highly commended:
Benny Goodman got a big kick
Playing a wooden licorice stick
At Carnegie Hall
He dazzled them all
And proved he was more than a gimmick
- Kieran Lewis
Don't be sad, Chet Photo: Getty Images
Nick asked us to write about jazz
Which produced such a dearth of pizzazz
I can't help but wonder
If he made a blunder
Expecting more razzamatazz!
- Annie
Photo: Heinrich Klaffs
And one from Nick:
There once was a master of trumpet
Who said “You can like it or lump it,
But if I take care
I can play a Bach air
But it’s jazz that comes out when I bump it.”