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Sunday 23 October 2011 Rātapu 23 Whiringa-ā-nuku 2011
12:00 AM. Music Through the Night
Disc 1
BLOMDAHL: Symphonies, No 1; No 2; No 3, Facets - Swedish Radio SO/Leif Segerstam (BIS CD 611)
1:10 approx - Disc 2
REGONDI: Remembrance; A Set of Three Waltzes; Hexaméron du concertiniste; Souvenir d'amitié - Helmut Jacobs (accordion) (Dabringhaus & Grimm MDG 9030 1420)
2:25 approx - Disc 3
FAYRFAX: Albanus Domini Laudans, from Alloquio dulcis vultu; Missa Albanus; O Maria Deo Gratia; Ave Lumen Gratie; Eterne Laudis Lilum - Cardinall's Musick/Andrew Carwood (ASV DC GAU 160)
3:30 approx - Disc 4
Adaptations and improvisations on piano works by Debussy, Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin & Liszt - Eugene Albulescu (pno) (Downstage DSR 1009)
4:40 approx - Disc 5
MOZART: Concertone in C for two flutes K190; CIMAROSA: Concerto in G for two flutes; VIVALDI: Concerto in C for two flutes & strings RV533; A STAMITZ: Concerto in G for two flutes - Shigenori Kudo, Jean-Pierre Rampal (fls), Mozarteum Orch (Sony SK 45930)
6:00 AM. Sanctuary
ANON: The Latin Sibyl - Montserrat Figueras (sop), La Capella Reial de Catalunya/Jordi Savall (dir/vièle à archet), Alfredo Bernardini (chalemie) (Alia Vox AVSA 9879)
DEBUSSY orch Ravel: Sarabande, from Pour le Piano - Royal Flemish Phil/Daniele Callegari (Talent DOM 2929 95)
BUSSER: Three Antiphons of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Calliope Women's Choir/Régine Théodoresco (Calliope CAL 4301)
HOWELLS: Master Tallis's Testament, from Six Pieces - Christopher Dearnley (org) (Hyperion CDD 22038)
ANON arr Archbishop: O gardener; ANON arr Yyegmalian/orch Shoujounian: The Lord's Prayer - Isabel Bayrakdarian (sop), Elmer Iseler Singers & CO/Raffi Armenian (CBC SMCD 5215)
TRAD arr Prutsman: Wa Habibi - Kronos Quartet (Nonesuch 7559 79828)
BACH: Cantata No 169, written for the 18th Sunday after Trinity, My heart shall possess God alone - Bernarda Fink (mezzo), Berlin Vocalconsort, Freiburg Baroque Orch/Petra Müllejans (Harmonia Mundi HMC 90 2016)
MISKINIS: Ave Maria (third setting); Time is endless - Choir of Royal Holloway/Rupert Gough (Hyperion CDA 67818)
ANON arr Harms: Latvian Prayer - Dawn Harms (vla), Carolyn Mills (harp) (Atoll ACD 199)
DURUFLÉ: Messe Cum jubilo - Thomas Hampson (bar), baritones of the Orfeon Donostiarra, Toulouse Capitole Orch/Michel Plasson, Marie-Claire Alain (org) (EMI CDC 5 56878)
8:00 AM. Grace Notes
LILBURN: Canzona No 2, from Four Canzonas - Ithaca College Festival Orch/Grant Cooper (Kiwi SLD 99)
THE DOORS arr & orch Coleman: The Unknown Soldier, from The Doors Concerto - Nigel Kennedy (vln), Tran Quang Hai (dan trahn), Prague SO/Peter Scholes (Decca 467 350)
PUCCINI: Musetta's Waltz song, from La Bohème - Renée Fleming (sop), London Phil/Charles Mackerras (Decca 467 049)
TRAD arr R Clarke: I'll bid my heart be still - Philip Dukes (vla), Sophia Rahman (pno) (Naxos 8.557934)
DVORÁK: Nocturne in B for strings Op 40 - London Phil/Vernon Handley (Chandos CHAN 8323)
ELGAR: Chanson de matin Op 15/2 - Amanda Hollins (fl), Richard Mapp (pno) (Atoll ACD 902)
BEETHOVEN: Mir ist so wunderbar, from Fidelio - Hildegard Behrens, Sonia Ghazarian (sops), David Kuebler (ten), Hans Sotin (bass), Chicago SO/Georg Solti (Decca 448 060)
TCHAIKOVSKY: Andante Cantabile, from String Quartet No 1 - Shauna Rolston (cello), Calgary Phil/Mario Bernardi (CBC SMCD 5153)
HARRIS: Music for Jonny - New Zealand SO/James Sedares (Universal 99072)
9:00 AM. Composer of the Week
An illustrated interview in which Matthew Crawford introduces Australian composer BRETT DEAN (b1961), marking the composer's 50th birthday (R Mon 7.00pm) (RNZ)
10:00 AM. Millennium of Music
The sources and mainstreams of European music from the thousand years before the birth of Bach
Spotlight on the Netherlands
Five programmes
(4) Wieland Kuijken Ensemble, Aurelian Delage (hpschd)
MARAIS: Suite No 2 in G for three viols, from Pieces for Viols, Book 4; M-A CHARPENTIER Suite in D for three viols; MARAIS: Suite in G for two viols, from Pieces for Viols, Book 1; JACQUET DE LA GUERRE: Suite in A (WFMT)
11:00 AM. The Works
GERMAN: Symphonic Suite in D minor, Leeds - BBC Concert Orch/John Wilson (Dutton CDLX 7202)
ARNOLD: Concerto for piano duet & strings Op 32 - Phillip Dyson, Kevin Sargent (pno duet), Ulster Orch/Esa Heikkilä (Naxos 8.570531)
Noon The Critic's Chair
Peter Mechen reviews recent releases of Liszt's music for the 200th anniversary of the composer's birth (R Fri 7.00pm) (RNZ)
1:00 PM. Vintage Years
Leopold Stokowski
BACH trans Stokowski: Toccata & Fugue in D minor BWV565 - Philadelphia Orch/Leopold Stokowski (rec 1927) (Naxos 8.111297)
POULENC: Concert champêtre - Wanda Landowska (hpschd), New York Phil/Leopold Stokowski (rec 1949) (Music & Arts CD 821 (2))
HAYDN: Symphony No 53 in D, Imperial - Leopold Stokowski and his orch (rec 1949) (Cala CACD 0532)
STOKOWSKI: Two ancient liturgical melodies - Bournemouth SO/José Serebrier (Naxos 8.557883)
2:00 PM. The Sunday Feature
Douglas, The Landscape of a New Zealand Composer
Ten-part series reflecting on Douglas Lilburn (1915-2001) through the eyes and ears of his friends, family and colleagues, marking the 10th anniversary of his death in June 2001
(10) Legacies (RNZ)
3:00 PM. Opera on Sunday
Opera in English
HUMPERDINCK: Hansel & Gretel, an opera in three acts
Hansel........................... Jennifer Larmore
Gretel............................ Rebecca Evans
Gertrude....................... Rosalind Plowright
Peter............................. Robert Hayward
The Witch..................... Jane Henschel
Dew Fairy..................... Sarah Tynan
Sandman....................... Diana Montague
New London Children's Choir, Philharmonia/Charles Mackerras (Chandos CHAN 3143)
4:55 PM. Brothers & Sisters
SCHUBERT: Die Zwillingsbrüder, Overture - Prague Sinfonia/Christian Benda (Naxos 8.570329)
DADSON: Sisters Dance - Dan Poynton (pno) (Rattle RAT D006)
PÄRT: Fratres for strings & percussion - I Fiamminghi/Rudolf Werthen (Telarc CD 80387)
BACH: Capriccio on the departure of a beloved brother BWV992 - James Tibbles (hpschd) (Atoll ACD 509)
MONTE: Fratres ego enim accepi - Cinquecento (Hyperion CDA 67658)
WALTON ed Palmer: The Three Sisters - ASMF/Neville Marriner (Chandos CHAN 8870)
6:00 PM. Made in New Zealand
NZ musicians and composers
CHOPIN: Etudes, in E Op 10/3, Tristesse; in C# minor Op 10/4; in Gb Op 10/5, Black key; in Ab Op 10/10; in A minor Op 25/11, Winter wind - Richard Farrell (pno) (Atoll ACD 909)
K WILSON: Wind Quintet - Concertante Ensemble (Kiwi SLD 61)
CANNABICH: Symphony No 47 in G - Nicolaus Esterházy Sinfonia/Uwe Grodd (Naxos 8.554340)
J RITCHIE: Concertino in A for clarinet & strings - Marina Sturm (cl), NZSO CO/Donald Armstrong (vln/dir) (Trust MMT 2040)
7:00 PM. New Horizons
Ten programmes
(5) William Dart reviews two new discs that could be put in the ‘crossover’ bin: Nigel Kennedy’s The Four Elements and Tori Amos’s Night of Hunters (RNZ)
8:00 PM. Young New Zealand
The Big Sing 2011
Nine programmes
(1) Highlights from the National Finale featuring Euphony (Kristin School), Barock (Otago Boys' and Otago Girls' High Schools), Saint Cecilia Singers (Diocesan School for Girls), Voicemale (Westlake Boys' High School), Bel Canto (Burnside High School)
MCLEOD: Vulcan; BACH: Wir eilen mit schwachen doch emsigen Schritten, from Cantata No 78; WEBB: Drop, drop slow tears; MOZART/SUSSMAYER: Confutatis; Lacrymosa, from Requiem; SCHUMANN: Ländliches Lied; BUSTO: Zai itxoiten; BACH: Der Herr segne euch, from Cantata No 196; NANCE: When I was one and twenty; NANCE: Loveliest of trees, from Songs of a Young Man; HOVLAND: Laudate Dominum; EVANS: The lamb (recorded in the Wellington Town Hall by RNZ)
8:45 PM. John Eliot conducts Wolfgang Amadeus
MOZART: Symphony No 41 in C K551, Jupiter - English Baroque Soloists/John Eliot Gardiner (Soli Deo Gloria SDG 711)
Concerto in Eb for two pianos K365 - Malcolm Bilson, Robert Levin (fpno duo), English Baroque Soloists/John Eliot Gardiner (Archiv 427 317)
Quello di Tito è il volto! from La Clemenza di Tito - Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo), Anthony Rolfe Johnson (ten), Cornelius Hauptmann (bass), English Baroque Soloists/John Eliot Gardiner (DG 457 688)
Idomeneo, Overture - English Baroque Soloists/John Eliot Gardiner (Archiv 449 9383)
10:00 PM. Day's End
HAYDN: String Quartet in D Op 64/5, Lark - Quatuor Mosaïques (Naïve E 8875)
KREISLER trans Rachmaninov: Liebesleid; Liebesfreud - Yevgeny Sudbin (pno) (BIS SACD 1518)
VIVALDI arr Behrend: Lute Concerto in D RV93 - Slava Grigoryan (gtr), Tasmanian SO/Benjamin Northey (ABC 476 5948)
ROSSINI: String Sonata No 1 in G - Budapest Festival Orch/Iván Fischer (Channel Classics CCS SA 27708)
11:00 SOR: Morceau de concert in D Op 54 - William Carter (gtr) (Linn CKD 380)
SPOHR: Grand Nonetto in F Op 31 - Vienna-Berlin Ensemble (DG 427 640)
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