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Saturday 8 June 2013 Rāhoroi 8 Pipiri 2013

  • 12:00 AM. Music Through the Night

    Murray Khouri reveals the special character of ten instruments in the orchestra

    (8) Cello & Double Bass (RNZ)

    12:35 approx - Disc 1

    VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Serenade to Music (preceded by the original Light Programme radio introduction to the Last Night of the 59th Season of Promenade Concerts, 19 September 1953) - BBC Chorus & SO/Basil Cameron

    Symphony No 3, Pastoral - Valerie Hill (sop), BBC SO/Adrian Boult (BBC Music BBC MM 320)

    1:25 approx - Disc 2

    The Tired Sounds of Stars of the Lid

    WILTZIE/MCBRIDE: Mulholland; The Lonely People (Are Getting Lonelier); Gasfarming; Piano Aquieu; Fac 21; Ballad of Distances; A Lovesong (For Cubs) - Adam Wiltzie, Brian McBride (instrumentalists), various instrumental ensembles (Kranky KRANK 050)

    2:30 approx - Disc 3

    GUERRERO: Missa Congratulamini mihi; CRECQUILLON: Congratulamini mihi; GUERRERO: Dum esset rex; Maria Magdalena et altera Maria; Post dies octo; Regina caeli; Ave Maria; Regina caeli - Cardinall's Musick/Andrew Carwood (Hyperion CDA 67836)

    3:35 approx - Disc 4

    MENDELSSOHN: Capriccio in E minor Op 81/3, String Quartet No 2 in A minor Op 13, Fugue in Eb Op 81/4, String Quartet No 5 in Eb Op 44/3 - New Zealand String Quartet (Naxos 8.570002)

    5:00 approx - Disc 5

    FAURÉ: Piano Trio in D minor Op 120 - François Petit (cl), Aurélien Sabouret (cello), Carole Carniel (pno)

    Eight Short Piano Pieces Op 84 - Carole Carniel (pno)

    DEBUSSY: Première rapsodie - François Petit (cl), Carole Carniel (pno)

    Rêverie, Arabesques Nos 1-2, Danse - Carole Carniel (pno) (Ligia LIDI 030 2216-10)


  • 6:00 AM. Classic Morning

    6:00 SCHMELZER: Balletto a cavallo - Armonico Tributo Austria/Lorenz Duftschmid (Arcana A 339)

    N RAWSTHORNE: Hornpipe Humoresque - Kemp English (organ of Dunedin Town Hall) (Manu CD MANU 5005)

    BACH: Keyboard Concerto No 5 in F minor BWV1056 - Maria João Pires (pno), Lisbon Gulbenkian Foundation CO/Michel Corboz (Erato 4509 96949)

    MOZART arr anon: Variations in C on Ah, vous dirai-je, maman K265 - Yur-Eum Woodwind Quintet (Korean Broadcasting Haedong 253)

    ELGAR: Spanish Lady Suite - Munich SO/Douglas Bostock (Classico CLASS CD 334)

    7:00 VERDI: Force of Destiny, Overture - Mexico SO/Enrique Bátiz (ASV CD DCA 856)

    VIVALDI: Oboe Concerto in D minor RV454 - Anthony Robson (ob), Orch of the Age of Enlightenment (Linn CKD 151)

    DEBUSSY: Pour le Piano - Sharon Joy Vogan (pno) (RNZ)

    BEETHOVEN: Variations on Bei Männern welche Liebe fühlen, from Mozart's The Magic Flute - Pierre Fournier (cello), Friedrich Gulda (pno) (DG 477 6266)

    J STRAUSS II arr Schönherr: Emperor Waltz - Johann Strauss Orch/Christopher Warren-Green (Black Box BBM 1059)

    8:00 GRIEG: Homage March, from Sigurd Jorsalfar - BBC Scottish SO/Jerzy Maksymiuk (Naxos 8.553596)

    KREISLER: Schön Rosmarin - Anne-Sophie Mutter (vln), Lambert Orkis (pno) (DG 471 500)

    LISZT: Illustrations du Prophète No 2, Les patineurs, from Meyerbeer's Le Prophète - Leslie Howard (pno) (Hyperion CDA 66571)

    SAINT-SAËNS: Tarantella in A minor Op 6 - Sharon Bezaly (fl), Harri Mäki (cl), Tapiola Sinfonietta/Jean-Jacques Kantorow (BIS CD 1359)

    ALFVÉN: Swedish Rhapsody No 1 Op 19, Midsummer Vigil - Helsingborg SO/Okko Kamu (Naxos 8.553115)

  • 9:00 AM. Best of Upbeat

    A recap from the week's national and international music news, with Eva Radich (RNZ)

  • 10:00 AM. Your Choice

    SUK: Fantastic Scherzo Op 25 - Czech Phil/Jirí Belohlávek (Chandos CHAN 8897)

    RACHMANINOV: Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini - Boris Berezovsky (pno), Ural Phil/Dmitri Liss (Mirare MIR 019)

    MESSIAEN: Les Anges, from La Nativité du Seigneur - Gillian Weir (organ of Aarhus Cathedral, Denmark) (Priory PRCD 921)

    TRAD: Missa luba, An African Mass - Muungano National Choir, Kenya/Boniface Mganga, Peter Kamau, Thomas Ogutu, Nancy Kamau, Paul Kanyanja, Peter Kiarie (percussion) (Philips 446 976)

    Lili Kraus

    Lili, emotion leaves me quite dismayed:

    If I'm on fire I call the fire-brigade.

    Your music gave me much; I'll say no more,

    For like the kiwi I decline to soar.

    But in that given and forgiving hour

    I breathed the air where the sonatas flower (Denis Glover)

    Poets exalted, school children cheered and music-lovers hungrily devoured the post-war concerts given in NZ by Hungarian born pianist Lili Kraus. It's 110 years since the birth of the remarkable woman who survived hard labour in the Japanese camps in Indonesia, and afterwards resumed her musical career with renewed vision and passion. Charlotte Wilson presents a tribute to the life and work of Lili Kraus (RNZ)

    (Box 123, Wellington or

  • Noon The RNZ Concert Classical Chart

    This week's best-selling CDs

  • 1:00 PM. Jazz Profiles

    Nancy Wilson hosts the Peabody Award winning series chronicling the people, places and events in jazz, with a focus on legends and musical themes

    Twelve programmes

    (5) Toe tappin, saxophone player Jackie McLean (NPR)

  • 2:00 PM. Global Sounds

    Indigenous music from around the world

    The Village - Monoswezi

    'Their sound is as intriguing as their makeup', wrote one reviewer of African/Scandinavian band Monoswezi. The group was formed by Norwegian saxophonist Hallvard Godal after he spent a year in Mozambique in 2008. Godal and fellow Scandinavian musicians Putte Johander (dbass) and Erik Nylander (percussion) are joined by Zimbabwean mbira player Hope Masike and percussionist Calu Tsemane from Mozambique. Their album The Village is a collection of traditional songs, mostly from Zimbabwe, which are blended with Scandinavian jazz (World Music Network 300632)

  • 3:00 PM. Saturday Concert

    2011 Adam Chamber Music Festival

    Thirteen programmes

    (11) Fairytales

    SCHUMANN: Fairy-tale Scenes Op 132; BRAHMS: Intermezzi Op 117; BRUCH: Pieces for clarinet, viola & piano Op 83 Nos 5, 2, 6 & 7 - James Campbell (cl), Gillian Ansell (vla), Martin Roscoe (pno) (recorded in the Nelson School of Music, Nelson by RNZ)

  • 4:00 PM. Pappano on the Podium

    TCHAIKOVSKY: 1812 Overture - Italian State Police Band, St Cecilia National Academy Chorus & Orch, Rome/Antonio Pappano (EMI 3 70065)

    GLAZUNOV: Mélodie Op 20/1 - Han-Na Chang (cello), St Cecilia National Academy Orch, Rome/Antonio Pappano (EMI 3 82390)

    LEONCAVALLO: Vesti la giubba, from Pagliacci - Jonas Kaufmann (ten), St Cecilia National Academy Chorus & Orch, Rome/Antonio Pappano (Decca 478 2258)

    MAHLER: Symphony No 6 in A minor, Tragic - St Cecilia National Academy Orch, Rome/Antonio Pappano (EMI 0 84413)

  • 6:00 PM. Made in New Zealand

    NZ performers and composers

    LILBURN: Violin Sonata (1950) - Martin Riseley (vln), Jian Liu (pno) (Atoll ACD 142)

    RAUTAVAARA: Apotheosis - New Zealand SO/Pietari Inkinen (Naxos 8.570069)

    H STATHAM: Rhapsody on a Ground - Robert Costin (organ of the Wellington Town Hall) (Kiwi Pacific CD TRL 076)

    CARR: Symphony No 3 - Auckland Philharmonia/John Hopkins (Manu CD MANU 1415)

  • 7:00 PM. Vocalied

    Renée Fleming (sop)

    MARX: Nocturne; Nachtgebet; Selige Nacht; Pierrot Dandy - with Jean-Yves Thibaudet (pno) (Decca 467 697)

    RACHMANINOV arr Braden: Vocalise Op 34/14 - with English CO/Jeffrey Tate (Decca 475 094)

    SCHUBERT: Viola D786 - with Christoph Eschenbach (pno) (Decca 455 294)

    BULLOCK: When did you leave heaven?; WEBB: The Moon's a harsh mistress; FOSTER: Hard times come again no more - with Bill Frisell (gtr) (Decca 988 0602)

    HANDEL: O sleep, why dost thou leave me?, from Semele; To fleeting pleasures make your court, from Samson; Calm thou my soul, from Alexander Balus - with Orch of the Age of Enlightenment/Harry Bicket (Decca 475 547)

  • 8:00 PM. Music Alive

    From the Auckland Town Hall

    Michael Hill International Violin Competition Final

    The three finalists perform concertos with the Auckland Philharmonia conducted by Garry Walker

    They will each play a concerto selected from the following: BRAHMS: Violin Concerto in D Op 77; TCHAIKOVSKY: Violin Concerto in D Op 35; SIBELIUS: Violin Concerto in D minor Op 47; PROKOFIEV: Violin Concerto No 2 in G minor Op 63; BARTÓK: Violin Concerto No 2 Sz112; BRITTEN: Violin Concerto in D minor Op 15; SHOSTAKOVICH: Violin Concerto No 1 in A minor Op 77 (RNZ)

  • 11:00 PM. Day's End

    SOR: Twenty-four Progressive Pieces - Jason Vieaux (gtr) (Naxos 8.553986)

    FESCA: Flute Quartet in G Op 38 - Linos Ensemble (CPO 777 126)

Next day - Sun 09

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