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Wednesday 3 December 2014 Rāapa 3 Hakihea 2014

  • 12:00 AM. Music Through the Night

    Disc 1

    A SCARLATTI: Agar et Ismaele esiliati, Sinfonia; Concerto No 3; San Filippo Neri, Introduttione; Concerto No 6; Il primo omicidio, Sinfonia; Concerto No 5; L'Assunzione della Beata Vergine, Sinfonia; Concerto No 4; Il trionfo della Vergine assunta in Cielo, Sinfonia; Concerto No 1; Il giardino di rose, Sinfonia; Concerto No 2 - Accademia Bizantina/Ottavio Dantone (dir/harpsichord) (Decca 470 650)

    1:15 approx - Disc 2

    GENISHTA: Nocturne; TCHAIKOVSKY: Pezzo Capriccioso Op 62; Solo from Sleeping Beauty; RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: Serenade; GLAZUNOV: Elegy in memorial of Franz Liszt Op 17; Spanish Serenade Op 20/2; RACHMANINOV: Prelude Op 2/1; Oriental Dance Op 2/2; ROSLAVETS: Dance of the white girls; MOSLOV: Legende Op 5; PROKOFIEV: Adagio from Cinderella Op 97; SHOSTAKOVICH: Moderato - Alexander Ivashkin (cello), Ingrid Wahlberg (pno) (Manu CD 1426)

    2:20 approx - Disc 3

    M-A CHARPENTIER: Te Deum; MOZART: Te Deum; VERDI: Te Deum; PÄRT: Te Deum - Elisabetta Scano, Cinzia Forte (sops), Cristina Sogmaister (mezzo), Declan Kelly (ten), Riccardo Novaro (bass), St Cecilia Academy Choir & Orch/Myung-Whun Chung (DG 469 076)

    3:45 approx - Disc 4

    MOZART: Piano Sonatas, in C KV330; in A KV331; in F KV332 - Maria João Pires (pno) (DG 431 760)

    5:05 approx - Disc 5

    CHABRIER: Fête Polonaise from Le Roi malgré lui; GLINKA: Kamarinskaya; SIBELIUS: Andante festivo; GLINKA: Valse fantaisie; BOLZONI: Minuetto; DVOŘÁK: Humoresque Op 101/7; DARZINS: Valse melancolique; ELLINGTON: Solitude; SHOSTAKOVICH: Romance from The Gadfly; MUSSORGSKY: Gopak; DEBUSSY: Clair de lune; SCHUMANN: Abendlied Op 107/6; MEDINS: Aria; GERSHWIN: Promenade, Walking the Dog; SOUSA: The Stars and Stripes Forever - Detroit SO/Neeme Järvi (Chandos CHAN 9227)

  • 6:00 AM. Classic Morning

    6:00 BORODIN arr Rimsky-Korsakov/Glazunov: Prince Igor, Overture - London SO/Georg Solti (Decca 444 389)

    BRIDGE arr Britten: There is a Willow Grows aslant a Brook - Matthew Jones (vla), Annabel Thwaite (pno) (Naxos 8.573136)

    SUK: Meditation on an old Czech hymn - Delmé String Quartet (Helios CDH 88038)

    GERSHWIN arr Stoltzman: Porgy & Bess, Suite - Richard Stoltzman (cl), Slovak Phil/Arthur Fagen (RCA 09026 68817)

    DUKAS: The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Mexico City Phil/Enrique Bátiz (Sanctuary CD RSN 3046)

    7:00 G HAHN: The earth is waiting - Sofia Vocal Ensemble/Bengt Ollén (Footprint Records FRCD 060)

    ARBAN: Variations on a theme from Bellini's Norma - Håkan Hardenberger (cornet), Roland Pöntinen (pno) (BIS CD 287)

    GRAINGER: Molly on the Shore; Irish tune from County Derry (Danny Boy); Shepherd's Hey - London Wind Orch/Denis Wick (ASV White Line CD WHL 2067)

    BOCCHERINI: Cello Concerto in A - Bruno Cocset (cello), Les Basses Réunies (Alpha 084)

    SUPPÉ: Poet & Peasant, Overture - ASMF/Neville Marriner (Philips 456 576)

    8:00 Beauty Spot: FOERSTER: Erinnerung - Jana Bousková (harp), Stamic Quartet (Supraphon SU 4050)

    ARIOSTI: Lesson No 1 in Eb - Thomas Georgi (vla d'amore), Lucas Harris (archlute), Joëlle Morton (vla da gamba) (BIS CD 1535)

    PÄRT: Fratres - Tapiola Sinfonietta/Jean-Jacques Kantorow, Juho Vartiainen (perc) (BIS CD 834)

    J STRAUSS II arr Schoenberg: Emperor Waltz - Wolfgang Schultz (fl), Norbert Täubl (cl), Leonore Aumaier (pno), members of the Vienna String Quintet (CPO 999 588)

    OFFENBACH: Ballet of the Snowflakes, from Voyage to the Moon - Les Musiciens du Louvre/Marc Minkowski (Archiv 477 6403)

  • 9:00 AM. Composer of the Week

    MARTIN LODGE (b1954)

    Violin Sonata - Sam Konise (vln), Catherine MacKay (pno) (RNZ)

    Symphony No 1, Flowers of the Sea - Donald Armstrong (vln), New Zealand SO/Kenneth Young (RNZ)

  • 10:00 AM. William Shakespeare 450

    The 154 Sonnets

    Sonnet No 126: O thou, my lovely boy, who in thy power

    Read by Paul Barrett (RNZ)

  • 10:02 AM. The Works

    GLAZUNOV: Saxophone Quartet in Bb - Habanera Saxophone Quartet (Alpha 041)

    NIELSEN: Symphony No 1 in G minor Op 7 - London SO/Colin Davis (LSO Live LSO 0715)

    ONSLOW: Piano Trio in A Op 3/1 - Trio Cascades (CPO 777 232)

    MENDELSSOHN: A Midsummer Night's Dream, incidental music - Swiss Romande Orch/Armin Jordan (Erato 4509 91734)

  • Noon Upbeat

    Music news & current affairs with Eva Radich (RNZ)

  • 1:30 PM. Recent Releases

    SCRIABIN: Eight Etudes Op 42 - Andrei Korobeinikov (pno) (Mirare MIR 218)

    JANÁCEK: Dumka; Romance - Jennifer Pike (vln), Tom Poster (pno) (Chandos CHAN 10827)

  • 2:00 PM. Afternoon Requests

    MOZART: Dove sono, from The Marriage of Figaro - Lucia Popp (sop), ASMF/Neville Marriner (Philips 416 870)

    BUSH: Africa - Peter Donohoe (pno), Royal Scottish National Orch/Martin Yates (Dutton Epoch CDLX 7306)

    TRAD arr Sharples: The flowers of the forest - Kenneth McKellar (ten), orchestral accompaniment/Robert Sharples (Decca 985 9272)

    SIBELIUS: Symphony No 7 in C Op 105 - Royal Stockholm Phil/Vladimir Ashkenazy (Octavia OVCL 00293)

    (Box 123, Wellington or

  • 3:00 PM. CD Masters

    Classic performances from the back catalogue

    HAYDN: String Quartet in G Op 64/4 - Angeles String Quartet (rec 1994-1999) (Philips 464 650)

    The Seasons (Summer) - Marlis Petersen (sop), Werner Güra (ten), Dietrich Henschel (bar), RIAS Chamber Choir, Freiburg Baroque Orch/René Jacobs (rec 2003) (Harmonia Mundi HMC 90 1829.30)

  • 4:00 PM. Made in New Zealand

    NZ performers and composers

    ASIA: At the Far Edge - New Zealand SO/James Sedares (Summit DCD 256)

    CARR: Two Mansfield Poems, Sanary; Sleeping Together - Jennifer Paull (ob d'amore), Read Gainsford (pno) (Amoris AR 1003)

    HUE: Gigue and Nocturne - Edward Beckett (fl), London Festival Orchestra/Ross Pople (Black Box BBM 1049)

    BROUWER: Variations on a theme of Django Reinhardt - Bruce Paine (gtr) (Private)

    CORELLI: Concerto Grosso in F Op 6/12 - London Festival Orch/Ross Pople (Arte Nova ANO 373 250)

  • 5:00 PM. Cadenza

    SULLIVAN: Mikado, Overture - Philharmonia/Charles Mackerras (EMI CDM 5 66538)

    BRAHMS arr Bailey: Lerchengesang Op 70/2; Feldeinsamkeit Op 86/2; Wie Melodien Op 105/1 - Zuill Bailey (cello), Awadagin Pratt (pno) (Telarc TEL 32664)

    BIZET arr Salzedo: Carmen, Pas de deux - City of Prague Phil/Julian Bigg (Dutton CDLX 7151)

    PRAETORIUS arr Williams: Dances from Terpsichore, excerpts - Craig Ogden (gtr) (Chandos CHAN 9674)

    LISZT: Hungarian Rhapsody No 1 in F minor S359/1 - Leipzig Gewandhaus Orch/Kurt Masur (Philips 412 724)

    6:00 DELIUS: On hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring, from Two Pieces for Small Orchestra - Bournemouth Sinfonietta/Norman Del Mar (Chandos CHAN 6502)

    GLINKA trans Balakirev: The Lark - Alexander Paley (pno) (Koch Schwann 3-1746)

    SARASATE: Song of the Nightingale Op 29 - Adele Anthony (vln), Akira Eguchi (pno) (Canary Classics CC 07)

    A RITCHIE: Tui - Bridget Douglas (fl) (Trust MMT 2063-64)

    TCHAIKOVSKY: Waltz, from Swan Lake Act 1 Scene 2 - New Zealand SO/John Hopkins (Tartar TRL 020)

    STATHAM: Black Swan - Camille White (ob), Puertas Quartet (Atoll ACD 881)

    LAKATOS arr Lakatos/Cséki: Symphony, The Bird in the Dust - Roby Lakatos (vln/dir), László Bóni (vln), Oszkár Németh (dbass), Ernest Bangó (gtr/cymbalon), Kálmán Cséki (pno) (DG 459 642)

  • 7:00 PM. Appointment

    Philosophy Talk

    Presented by Ken Taylor and John Perry of Stanford University

    Six programmes

    (4) Machiavelli

    Niccolò Machiavelli is best known for arguing that people in power should use deception, force, and manipulation if those tactics are necessary to achieve their ends. In an age of unscrupulous politics and ruthless business practice, shouldn't we be encouraging a move away from Machiavellian thinking? Then again, are we even sure that those "Machiavellian" views were really Machiavelli's? If not, what did he really think, and what might we learn from him? John and Ken plot and scheme with Maurizio Viroli from Princeton University, author of Redeeming the Prince: The Meaning of Machiavelli's Masterpiece (Ben Manilla Productions)

  • 8:00 PM. Music Alive

    A Shropshire Lad

    Canadian baritone David John Pike performs a recital on the theme of soldiers lost to war at the 2014 Music and Beyond Festival from St. Andrew's Church in Ottawa, Canada.

    David John Pike (bar), Matthew Larkin (pno)

    BUTTERWORTH: Six Songs from A Shropshire Lad; AGER: Two songs from The Unknown Soldier; VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Songs of Travel; JOHN: Your song (recorded in St Andrew's Church, Ottawa, Canada at the Music & Beyond Festival)

  • 9:00 PM. Working with Sound

    ARNOLD: The Sound Barrier, Rhapsody for Orchestra Op 38, film music - Royal Phil/Kenneth Alwyn (ASV White Line CD WHL 2058)

    MERTZ: Bardic Sounds, Book 4 - Graziano Salvoni (gtr) (Brilliant Classics 94473)

    SPOHR: Symphony No 4 in F Op 86, The Consecration of Sounds - Hanover Radio Phil/Howard Griffiths (CPO 777 745)

  • 10:00 PM. Day's End

    BACH: Orchestral Suite No 4 in D BWV1069 - Le Concert Français/Pierre Hantaï (dir) (Mirare MIR 017)

    PIAZZOLLA: Adíos Nonino - Trio Tangophoria (BIS SACD 2108)

    HINDEMITH: Cello Concerto - Christian Poltéra (cello), Sao Paolo SO/Frank Shipway (BIS SACD 2077)

    11:00 SCHUMANN: Andante & Variations in Bb Op 46 - L William Kuyper (horn), Alan Stepansky, Gerald Appleman (cellos), Hecht & Shapiro (pno duo) (Eri-Elysium Recordings GRK 709)

    DVORÁK: String Quartet No 10 in Eb Op 51 - New Zealand String Quartet (Atoll ACD 703)

Next day - Thu 04

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