Schedules for 18 - 24 August, 2012

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Without Music Through the Night

With Music Through the Night

Saturday 18 August 2012

12:00 AM. Music Through the Night

Disc 1

MIASKOVSKY: Symphony No 5 in D Op 18; Symphony No 9 in E minor Op 28 - BBC Phil/Edward Downes (Marco Polo 8.223499)

1:15 approx - Disc 2

M HAYDN: String Quintet in Bb; String Quintet in C; String Quintet in G - L'Archibudelli (Sony SK 53987)

2:30 approx - Disc 3

PURCELL: Ode for the birthday of Queen Mary; Welcome, welcome, glorious morn; Ode for the centenary of Trinity College, Dublin; Great parent, hail to thee; Welcome song for King Charles II; The summer's absence unconcerned we bear - Gillian Fisher, Evelyn Tubb (sops), James Bowman, Nigel Short (countertenors), Roger Covey-Crump, John Mark Ainsley (tens), Michael George, Charles Pott (basses), King's Consort/Robert King (Hyperion CDA 66476)

3:40 approx - Disc 4

MOSONYI: Twelve Genres for piano; Studies for piano - István Kassai (pno) (Marco Polo 8.223557)

4:55 approx - Disc 5

PUCCINI: Capriccio Sinfonico; First Minuet for strings; Prelude from Edgar; Second Minuet for strings; Edgar, Prelude to Act III; Third Minuet for strings; Preludio Sinfonico; I crisantemi for strings; Manon Lescaut, Intermezzo from Act III; E l'uccellino - Royal Phil/Jacek Kaspszyk (Collins 11652)

6:00 AM. Classic Morning

6:00 JC BACH: Symphony in Bb Op 18/2 - Hanover Band/Anthony Halstead (CPO 999 752)

LISZT: Illustrations du Prophète No 2, Les patineurs from Meyerbeer's Le Prophète - Leslie Howard (pno) (Hyperion CDA 66571)

TCHAIKOVSKY arr anon: Andante Cantabile, from String Quartet No 1 - Valentin Feigin (cello), Estonian State SO/Neeme Järvi (Melodiya 74321 40724)

VILLA-LOBOS: Prelude No 1 in E minor - Carlos Bonell (gtr) (Upbeat Classics URCD 140)

VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Concerto Grosso - strings of New Zealand SO/James Judd (Naxos 8.555867)

7:00 WAGNER: Lohengrin, Prelude to Act 1 - London SO/Antal Dorati (Mercury 434 342)

GERSHWIN arr Villard: An American in Paris, excerpt - Michel Lethiec (cl), Sinfonia Finlandia/Patrick Gallois (Naxos 8.570939)

ERNST: Carnival of Venice, Variations burlesques on the jingle Cara mamma mia - Sherban Lupu (vln), Ian Hobson (pno) (Toccata Classics TOCC 0118)

D SCARLATTI arr Françaix: Five Keyboard Sonatas - Ensemble Obligat (Ensemble Obligat 0867)

IVES trans Rhoads: Variations on America - United States Marine Band/Timothy Foley (dir) (Naxos 8.570559)

8:00 DELIBES: Waltz & Mazurka, from Coppélia - New Zealand SO/Varujan Kojian (Kiwi CD SLC 222)

F HERMANN: Burleske in G Op 9 - Friedemann Eichhorn, Alexia Eichhorn, Reto Kuppel (vlns) (Naxos 8.572066)

CHOPIN: Nocturne in F# minor Op 48/2 - Michael Houstoun (pno) (RNZ)

PURCELL: The Indian Queen, incidental music - Crispian Steele-Perkins (tpt), City of London Baroque Sinfonia/Richard Hickox (EMI CDC 7 47664)

RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: May Night, Overture - Moscow SO/Igor Golovschin (Naxos 8.553858)

9:00 AM. Best of Upbeat

A recap from the week's national and international music news, with Eva Radich (RNZ)

10:00 AM. Your Choice

BARTÓK: Divertimento Sz113 - Ensemble XXI Moscow/Lygia O'Riordan (Ensemblegram 231.553)

SCHUBERT: Piano Sonata No 3 in E D459 - Tessa Birnie (pno) (ABC Classics 476 6479)

K JENKINS: Paradisi Gloria, from Stabat Mater - Royal Liverpool Phil Chorus & Orch/Karl Jenkins (EMI 5 00283)

SMETANA: String Quartet No 1 in E minor, From my life - Smetana Quartet (Supraphon SU 4003)

FALLA: Homenaje, Le tombeau de Claude Debussy; Canción - Javier Perianes (pno) (Harmonia Mundi HMC 90 2099)

VANHAL: Symphony in G minor - London Mozart Players/Matthias Bamert (Chandos CHAN 9607)

(Box 123, Wellington or

Noon The RNZ Concert Classical Chart

This week's best-selling CDs

1:00 PM. Jazz Profiles

Nancy Wilson hosts the 8-part Peabody Award winning series chronicling the people, places and events in jazz, with a focus on legends and musical themes

(2) Paquito d'Rivera

Clarinet or saxophone/classical or jazz, whichever he writes or plays, with Paquito every note is a winner (NPR)

2:00 PM. Global Sounds

Indigenous music from around the world

Solomon Islands - Narasirato

The Narasirato panpipers are traditional musicians of the Are'are people from southern Malaita, one of the largest islands in the Solomons. The group performed at WOMAD Taranaki 2012, and recently released their second album, Warato'o, that, they say, loosely translates as 'the little bit of good in everything' (Smash 309249)

3:00 PM. Saturday Concert

The New York Philharmonic This Week

Actor Alec Baldwin, winner of Emmy & Tony awards and an Oscar nomination, hosts thirteen concerts from the New York Philharmonic

(7) Branford Marsalis (alto sax), New York Phil/Andrey Boreyko

HAYDN: Symphony No 60 in C, Il distratto; GLAZUNOV: Saxophone Concerto in Eb Op 109; SCHULHOFF orch Bennett: Jazz Concerto (Hot Sonate) for alto saxophone and chamber ensemble; STRAUSS: Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme (recorded in Avery Fisher Hall, New York by WFMT)

4:50 PM. Bach Keyboard

French Overture (Partita) in B minor BWV831 - Benjamin Alard (hpschd) (Alpha 180)

Keyboard Concerto No 1 in D minor BWV1052 - Simone Dinnerstein (pno), Berlin State CO (Sony 88697 72728)

Prelude & Fugue in C BWV545 - Kevin Bowyer (organ of St John's Church, Odense, Denmark) (Nimbus NI 5647/8)

6:00 PM. Made in New Zealand

NZ performers and composers

CARR: Gaudeamus Overture - New Zealand SO/Franz-Paul Decker (Corellia CRA 1005)

FARR: Concerto for percussion & orchestra - Strike, Wellington Orch/Kenneth Young (Vector Wgtn Orch VWO 001)

BECK: Sinfonia in G minor Op 1/1 - NZSO CO/Donald Armstrong (Naxos 8.554071)

7:00 PM. Vocalied

SCHUMANN: Dichterliebe Op 48 - Peter Schreier (ten), Wolfgang Sawallisch (pno) (Philips 426 237)

MENDELSSOHN: Wasserfahrt: Am fernen Horizonte Op 50/4; Sommerlied Op 50/3; Abendständchen Op 75; SILCHER: Loreley; Frisch gesungen; Entschuldigung; Der lustigen Doktoren Leibliedlein; Untreue - Liedertafel (Orfeo C 618 041 Z)

SCHUBERT: Litanei auf das Fest Allerseelen D343; Die Forelle D550; An die Musik D547 - Bryn Terfel (bar), Malcolm Martineau (pno) (DG 445 294)

8:00 PM. Music Alive

Malvina Major (sop), New Zealand SO/Tecwyn Evans

MOZART: Symphony No 41 in C K551, Jupiter; J STRAUSS II: Die Fledermaus, Overture; Czárdás, from Die Fledermaus; LEHÁR: Meine lippen, sie küssen so heiss, from Giuditta; Gold & Silver Waltz; Love, live forever, from Paganini; SIECZYNSKI: Vienna, City of my dreams; J STRAUSS II: Thunder & Lightning Polka; LEHÁR: Vilja's Song, from The Merry Widow (recorded in the Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington by RNZ)

9:20 PM. LSO Live

DVORÁK: Symphony No 8 in G Op 88 - London SO/Colin Davis (LSO Live LSO 0002)

10:00 PM. Day's End

BRAHMS: Variations on a theme by Paganini, Book 1 - Idil Biret (pno) (Naxos 8.550350)

DITTERSDORF: Double Bass Concerto No 1 in D - Chi-Chi Nwanoku (dbass), Swedish CO/Paul Goodwin (Hyperion CDA 67179)

LUIGINI: Ballet Egyptien - London SO/Richard Bonynge (Decca 433 864)

11:00 BOCCHERINI: String Quintet in Bb G337 - Ensemble 415 (Harmonia Mundi HMC 90 1334)

HUMMEL: Piano Septet No 1 in D minor Op 74 - Capricorn (Hyperion CDA 66396)

Sunday 19 August 2012

12:00 AM. Music Through the Night

Disc 1

TCHAIKOVSKY: Andante cantabile Op 11; DVORÁK: Concerto in B minor for cello & orchestra Op 104; Rondo in G minor Op 94; ARENSKY: Chante Triste Op 56/3; DAVIDOV: Am Springbrunnen Op 20/2; DVORÁK: Waldesruhe Op 68/5 - Peter Wispelwey (cello), Paolo Giacometti (harmonium/pno), Netherlands Phil/Lawrence Renes (Channel Classics CCS 8695)

1:10 approx - Disc 2

BEETHOVEN: Piano Trio in D Op 70/1, Ghost; DVORÁK: Piano Trio in E minor Op 90, Dumky; FARR: Piano Trio, Ahi - Ogen Trio (Ogen OG 0010)

2:25 approx - Disc 3

MONTEVERDI: Vespri di S Giovanni Battista - Mieke van der Sluis, Evelyn Tubb (sops), Michael Chance (countertenor), John Elwes (ten), Harry van der Kamp (bass), Chorus Viennensis, Netherlands Chamber Choir, Monteverdi Ensemble Amsterdam/Gustav Leonhardt (Philips 422 074)

3:35 approx - Disc 4

ENESCO: Octet in C Op 7; STRAUSS: Sextet from Capriccio Op 85; SHOSTAKOVICH: Two Pieces for String Octet Op 11 - ASMF Chamber Ensemble (Chandos CHAN 9131)

4:40 approx - Disc 5

TELEMANN: Trio Sonata in Eb for two violins & continuo; Exercises for voice, instruments and basso-continuo; Suite No 5 in A minor for flute, violin & continuo; Moral Cantata, Modest happiness; Sonata in E minor for two violins; Songs from 24 Serious & Lighthearted Odes; Quartet in G for flute, two violins & continuo - Collegium Musicum 90/Simon Standage (Chandos CHAN 0525)

6:00 AM. Sanctuary

RHEINBERGER: Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen Op 35 - Choir of Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge/Geoffrey Webber, Helen Cole (harp) (ASV CD DCA 989)

TALLIS: Spem in alium - Tallis Scholars/Peter Phillips (dir) (Gimell 454 895)

KLENGEL: Hymn for twelve cellos Op 57 - Cellists of the Berlin Phil (Allegria 221085 205)

G JACKSON: Edinburgh Mass - Choir of St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Edinburgh/Matthew Owens (Delphian DCD 34027)

RAMEAU: Quam dilecta tabernacula tua - Sophie Daneman, Noémi Rime (sops), Paul Agnew, Nicolas Rivenq (tens), Nicolas Cavallier (bass), Les Arts Florissants/William Christie (Erato 4509 96967)

TRAD arr Idenstam: Inner peace - Johan Hedin (nyckelharpa), Gunnar Idenstam (org) (Caprice CAP 21807)

PANUFNIK compltd R Panufnik: Modlitwa - Isis Ensemble/Jacques Cohen (Meridian CDE 84561)

SAINT-SAËNS: Quam dilecta tabernacula tua Op 148 - Le Madrigal de Lyon, Paul Couëffé (org), Germaine Lorenzini (harp) (Arion ARN 68059)

IPPOLITOV-IVANOV: Liturgy of St John Chrysostom - Chamber Choir Lege Artis/Boris Abalyan (Sony SMK 64091)

HOWELLS: Behold, O God our defender - Collegiate Singers/Andrew Millinger, Richard Moorhouse (org) (Priory PRCD 759)

8:00 AM. Grace Notes

TCHAIKOVSKY: Third movement, Preghiera orchestral arrangement of Mozart Ave verum, from Suite No 4 in G Op 61, Mozartiana - Swiss Romande Orch/Ernest Ansermet (London 440 366)

SCHUMANN arr Auer: Bird as Prophet, from Forest Scenes Op 82 - Joshua Bell (vln), Samuel Sanders (pno) (Decca 417 891)

SIBELIUS: Valse triste, from Kuolema - New Zealand SO/Kenneth Young (RNZ)

GIORGINAKIS: Therismos, from Greek Memories - Arada Guitar Duo (Landor LAN 284)

LEHÁR: You are my heart's delight, from The Land of Smiles - José Carreras (ten), English CO/Roberto Benzi (Philips 462 892)

RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: Song of India, from Sadko - London SO/Yan Pascal Tortelier (Resonance CD RSN 3020)

PÄRT: Fratres for strings & percussion - I Fiamminghi/Rudolf Werthen (Telarc CD 80387)

CATALANI: Ebben?...Ne andrò lontana, from La Wally - Renée Fleming (sop), London Phil/Charles Mackerras (Decca 475 094)

9:00 AM. Composer of the Week

A look at the life and music of LILI BOULANGER (1893-1918) presented by Thomas Goss (R Mon 7.00pm) (RNZ)

10:00 AM. Chamber Music at Lincoln Center

Thirteen programmes hosted by Elliott Forrest, with commentary by the Chamber Music Society's Artistic Director, David Finckel, recorded in New York City

(9) Great Trios

DOHNÁNYI: Serenade in C Op 10 - Adele Anthony (vln), Paul Neubauer (vla), Nicolas Altstaedt (cello)

BEETHOVEN: Piano Trio No 6 in Eb Op 70/2 - Jeffrey Kahane (pno), Cho-Liang Lin (vln), David Finckel (cello) (WFMT)

11:00 AM. The Works

SCHMELZER: Balletti - Armonico Tributo Austria/Lorenz Duftschmid (Arcana A 339)

FINZI: Concerto for violin & small orchestra - Tasmin Little (vln), City of London Sinfonia/Richard Hickox (Chandos CHAN 9888)

BAX: Tintagel - BBC Phil/Vernon Handley (Chandos CHAN 10122)

Noon The Critic's Chair

Kenneth Young reviews recent releases (R Fri 7.00pm) (RNZ)

1:00 PM. Vintage Years

WAGNER: Siegfried Idyll - members of Vienna Phil/Georg Solti (rec 1965) (Decca 475 8502)

SCHNITTKE: Suite in the Old Style - Daniil Shafran (cello), Anton Ginzburg (pno) (rec 1982) (Brilliant Classics 93096)

SCHUBERT: Symphony No 8 in B minor D759, Unfinished - Royal Phil/Thomas Beecham (rec 1951) (Sony SMK 87876)

2:00 PM. The Sunday Feature

Frederick Delius's Magnificent Dance of Life and Death

Dr Emanuel Garcia and Simon Romanos present a fresh perspective on the effects of Delius's final illness and the devoted, heroic roles of his wife Jelka Rosen and his amanuensis Eric Fenby (RNZ)

3:00 PM. Opera on Sunday

Euroradio Opera Season

A selection of live operatic performances recorded by some of the world's major public broadcasters

WEINBERGER: Schwanda the Bagpiper, an opera in two acts and five scenes

Schwanda.................... Christoph Pohl

Dorotka........................ Marjorie Owens

Babinsky...................... Ladislav Elgr

The Queen................... Tichina Vaughn

The Magician............... Tilman Rönnebeck

The Devil..................... Michael Eder

The Judge.................... Simeon Esper

The Executioner........... Timothy Oliver

The Devil's Servant...... Timothy Oliver

Captain........................ Simeon Esper

First Lansquenet.......... Simeon Esper

Second Lansquenet..... Ilhun Jung

Dresden State Opera Chorus, Dresden State Orch/Constantin Trinks (recorded in the Semperoper, Dresden by German Radio, Halle)

5:25 PM. A House of Queens

HANDEL: Arrival of the Queen of Sheba, from Solomon - The Sixteen Orch/Harry Christophers (Coro COR 16066)

PURCELL: Symphony to Act 4, from The Fairy Queen - John Wallace (tpt), Wallace Collection, English String Orch/William Boughton (Nimbus NI 7067/8)

BERLIOZ: Queen Mab Scherzo, from Romeo & Juliet - London SO/Colin Davis (Philips 438 307)

DOWLAND: The most sacred Queen Elizabeth, her galliard, from Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610 - Jakob Lindberg (lute) (Brilliant Classics 93698)

J STRAUSS II arr anon: The Queen's Lace Handkerchief, Potpourri - Slovak State Phil/Christian Pollack (Marco Polo 8.225074)

6:00 PM. Made in New Zealand

NZ performers and composers

A RITCHIE: Double Concerto for bass clarinet & cello Op 93 - Andrew Uren (bass cl), Katherine Hebley (cello), Auckland CO/Peter Scholes (Atoll ACD 129)

HAYDN: Keyboard Sonata No 60 in C HobXVI/50 - Tessa Birnie (pno) (Chartreuse TB 6)

COPLAND: Two Pieces for string orchestra - London Festival Orch/Ross Pople (Arte Nova 74321 37854)

PRUDEN: Haast Highway - Woolston Brass/David Gallaher (Woolston Brass CDWB 3896340/01)

7:00 PM. Leonard Cohen, Old Ideas for New Friends Radio Special

The master singer-songwriter talks about his new album and songs that mine the heart, shake the body and break the boundaries as everybody knows only Leonard Cohen can do (Joyride Media)

8:00 PM. Young New Zealand

Albee Ai (bsn), Auckland Youth Orch/Antun Poljanich

VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis; MOZART: Bassoon Concerto in Bb K191; RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: Scheherazade (recorded in Auckland Town Hall by RNZ)

9:25 PM. A Pianist of Cult Status

BARTÓK: Night music; The chase, from Out of Doors Sz81; WEBER: Piano Sonata No 3 in D minor Op 49 - Dino Ciani (pno) (Brilliant Classics 94069)

10:00 PM. Day's End

TANEYEV: Overture to Oresteia - Novosibirsk Academic SO/Thomas Sanderling (Naxos 8.570584)

NIELSEN: Clarinet Concerto Op 57 - Olle Schill (cl), Gothenburg SO/Myung-Whun Chung (BIS CD 616)

BUTTERWORTH: Two English Idylls - Royal Liverpool Phil/John Wilson (Avie AV 2194)

11:00 ALBÉNIZ: Spanish Suite Op 47 - Alicia de Larrocha (pno) (Decca 417 887)

DEVIENNE: Bassoon Quartet in G minor Op 73/3 - Klaus Thunemann (bsn), Thomas Zehetmair (vln), Tabea Zimmermann (vla), Christoph Henkel (cello) (Claves CD 50-8714)

Monday 20 August 2012

12:00 AM. Music Through the Night

Disc 1

ELGAR: Cockaigne Overture; DELIUS: Summer Evening; BUTTERWORTH: A Shropshire Lad; The Banks of Green Willow; FINZI: Suite from Love's Labours Lost - English SO/William Boughton (Nimbus NI 5210)

1:05 approx - Disc 2

NIELSEN: String Quartet in G minor Op 13; String Quartet in F Op 44; String Quintet in G - Philipp Naegele (vla), Kontra Quartet (BIS CD 504)

2:25 approx - Disc 3

BUSNOIS: Missa L'home armé; Anima mea liquefacta est; Domarto: Missa Spiritus almus; Busnois: Gaude celestis domina; PULLOIS: Flos de spina - Binchois Consort/Andrew Kirkman (Hyperion CDA 67319)

3:45 approx - Disc 4

STRAVINSKY arr Crabb/Draugsvoll: Petrushka, 1947 version; Tango; MUSSORGSKY arr Crabb/Draugsvoll: Pictures at an Exhibition - James Crabb, Geir Draugsvoll (accordions) (EMI CDZ 5 69705)

4:50 approx - Disc 5

Enchanting melodies from Victorian and Edwardian times

Piano Works - Alan Etherden (pno) (HMP CD 0589)

6:00 AM. Classic Morning

6:00 SCHUBERT trans anon: Auf dem Wasser zu singen D774 - Anne Gastinel (cello), Claire Désert (pno) (Naïve V 5021)

CPE BACH: Symphony in D Wq183/1 - English Concert/Andrew Manze (dir) (Harmonia Mundi HMU 90 7403)

KUFFNER: Introduction, Theme & Variations - Kálmán Berkes (cl), Auer Quartet (Naxos 8.553122)

HASSELMANS: La Source - Susan Drake (harp) (Hyperion CDA 66038)

FIELD: Divertissement No 2 in A - Míceál O'Rourke (pno), London Mozart Players/Matthias Bamert (Chandos CHAN 10468)

HANDEL: Water Music Suite No 2 in D - Consort of London/Robert Haydon Clark (Brilliant Classics 93779)

7:00 ROSSINI orch Respighi: Galop, from La Boutique fantasque - Montreal SO/Charles Dutoit (Decca 455 983)

F MENDELSSOHN: Allegro molto in C minor; Notturno in G minor - Heather Schmidt (pno) (Naxos 8.570825)

ELGAR: Romance Op 62 - Graham Sheen (bsn), BBC SO/Andrew Davis (Teldec 4509 98436)

OFFENBACH: Ballet of the Snowflakes, from Voyage to the Moon - Les Musiciens du Louvre/Marc Minkowski (Archiv 477 6403)

KREBS: Chorale Prelude, O Gott, du frommer Gott - Neil Black (ob), Peter Hurford (organ of Gloucester Cathedral) (Argo 430 208)

LILBURN: Processional Fanfare - New Zealand SO/James Judd (Naxos 8.557697)

8:00 Beauty Spot: PONCE arr Heifetz: Estrellita - Itzhak Perlman (vln), Samuel Sanders (pno) (EMI CDC 7 49604)

MENDELSSOHN: The Fair Melusina, Overture Op 32 - BBC Scottish SO/Ilan Volkov (BBC Music BBC MM 225)

PETIT: Tarentelle - Arada Guitar Duo (Landor LAN 284)

TELEMANN: Flute Concerto in D TWV51/D2 - Karl Kaiser (fl), Frankfurt La Stagione/Michael Schneider (CPO 777 400)

KUMMER: Cello Duet Op 103/1 - Phoebe Carrai, Tanya Tomkins (cellos) (Avie AV 2060)

KHACHATURIAN: Waltz, from Masquerade - Hamburg State Phil/Ingo Metzmacher (EMI 5 56970)

9:00 AM. Composer of the Week

LILI BOULANGER (1893-1918)

Les Sirènes; Renouveau - Christine Friedek (sop), Regine Böhm (mezzo), Bernhard Gärtner (ten), Heidelberg Madrigal Choir/Gerald Kegelmann, Sabine Eberspächer (pno) (Bayer BR 100 041 CD)

D'un vieux jardin; D'un jardin clair - Emile Naoumoff (pno) (Marco Polo 8.223636)

Faust et Hélène - Lynne Dawson (sop), Bonaventura Bottone (ten), Jason Howard (bass), BBC Phil/Yan Pascal Tortelier (Chandos CHAN 9745)

10:00 AM. BBC Proms 2012

40 programmes from the world's greatest classical music festival

(1) Rob Farrer (marimba), Tenebrae, Rose Consort/Nigel Short

The acclaimed vocal ensemble Tenebrae makes its Proms debut in a programme showcasing the hustle and bustle of London in the early 17th century. Orlando Gibbons adds viols to the voices depicting the cries of street-vendors and beggars, while Steve Martland's present-day setting opts for the marimba. Julian Philips also bridges London ancient and modern with a new work setting an excerpt from the first anthology of English poetry, Tottel's Miscellany, published in London in 1557

GIBBONS: First Set of Madrigals and Motets of Five Parts (1612); The Cryes of London; PHILIPS: Sorrowful Songs (BBC commission, world première); MARTLAND: Oranges & Lemons; Jenny Jones; Poor Roger, from Street Songs (recorded in Cadogan Hall, London by BBC) (Programme 2 tomorrow 10.00am)

11:05 AM. The Works

MOZART: Oboe Concerto in C K314 - François Leleux (ob), Bavarian Radio SO/Colin Davis (BR Media 900 710)

HAYDN: Symphony No 86 in D - CBSO/Simon Rattle (EMI CDC 5 55509)

Noon Upbeat

Music news & current affairs with Eva Radich (RNZ)

1:30 PM. A Blast of Snow

TCHAIKOVSKY: Jester's Dance, from The Snow Maiden - Detroit SO/Neeme Järvi (Chandos CHAN 9324)

ELGAR: The Snow Op 26/1 - Jeremy Ballard, Robin Thurlby (vlns), Keith Swallow (pno), Worcester Cathedral Choir/Donald Hunt (Hyperion CDA 66271/2)

GAO PING: Sonatine, Dialogue between wind and snow - Adrianna Lis (fl), Sarah Watkins (pno) (Atoll ACD 742)

POULENC: Un soir de neige - RIAS Chamber Choir/Daniel Reuss (Harmonia Mundi HMC 90 1872)

OSWALD: Il Neige - Maria Inês Guimaraes (pno) (Marco Polo)

2:00 PM. Afternoon Requests

BRUCH: Concert Piece Op 84 - Salvatore Accardo (vln), Leipzig Gewandhaus Orch/Kurt Masur (Philips 432 282)

MARTIN Y SOLER arr anon: Arias, Consola le pene mia vita; Dolce mi parve un di, from Una cosa rara - Teresa Berganza (mezzo), José Miguel Moreno (gtr) (Philips 411 030)

FERRABOSCO THE YOUNGER: Fantasie 5; Pavan 6 - Nigel North (lute) (Linn CKD 097)

TRAD arr Schwartz/Poltavtsev: Already the fog has descended: TRAD arr Yegorov: Ah, shady spot; TRAD arr Rubtsov/Poltavtsev: Birch-broom; TRAD arr Smirnov: I set off alone down the road - Dmitri Hvorostovsky (bar), St Petersburg Chamber Choir/Nikolai Korniev (Philips 456 399)

SZYMANOWSKI: Variations in Bb minor Op 3 - Witold Malcuzynski (pno) (rec 1947) (Pearl GEM 0095)

(Box 123, Wellington or

3:00 PM. CD Masters

Classic performances from the back catalogue

BEETHOVEN: String Quartet in C Op 59/3, Razumovsky - Takács Quartet (rec 2001) (Decca 470 847)

RAVEL: Piano Concerto for the Left Hand - Jean-Efflam Bavouzet (pno), BBC SO/Yan Pascal Tortelier (rec 2010) (Chandos CHSA 5084)

4:00 PM. Made in New Zealand

NZ performers and composers

MENDELSSOHN: Hebrides Overture - Auckland Philharmonia/Miguel Harth-Bedoya (Universal 99172)

GOFFIN: Rhapsody in Brass - Woolston Brass/David Gallaher (Woolston Brass CDWB 3896340/01)

MUFFAT: Toccata Duodecima - Gillian Weir (organ of Symphony Hall, Birmingham) (Priory PRCD 867)

DEBUSSY: String Quartet in G minor Op 10 - New Zealand String Quartet (Atoll ACD 399)

5:00 PM. Cadenza

VAUGHAN WILLIAMS arr Greaves: Fantasia on Greensleeves - Tasmanian SO/David Stanhope (ABC Classics 472 984)

TURINA: Three Andalusian Dances Op 8 - Jordi Masó (pno) (Naxos 8.557150)

HANDEL: Love sounds th'alarm, from Acis & Galatea - Ian Bostridge (ten), Orch of the Age of Enlightenment/Harry Bicket (EMI 3 82243)

GROKHOVSKY: Gypsy Rhapsody - Vladimir Ivanov (vln), Moscow Radio SO/Vyacheslav Grokhovsky (Campion CAMEO 2016)

FEBLAND: Three Miniatures - Deborah de Graaff (cl), Len Vorster (pno) (Walsingham Classics WAL 8017)

G GABRIELI arr Frackenpohl: Canzon V - Charles Schlueter, Philip Smith, Ronald Romm, Mark Gould, William Vacchiano, Frederic Mills, Neil Balm (tpts) (Sony MLK 66702)

OFFENBACH: La Belle Hélène, Overture - Detroit SO/Paul Paray (Mercury 434 332)

THOMAS: Fantasia on David of the White Rock - Susan Drake (harp) (Hyperion CDA 66340)

COPLAND: Letter from Home - Buffalo Phil/JoAnn Falletta (Naxos 8.559240)

GALEAZZI arr Pluhar: Voglio una casa - Lucilla Galeazzi (sop), Gianluigi Trovesi (cl), L'Arpeggiata/Christina Pluhar (Alpha 512)

GOTTSCHALK: Home Sweet Home - Alan Feinberg (pno) (Argo 436 121)

DVORÁK arr Hazell: Goin' home after the Symphony No 9, From the New World - Bryn Terfel (bbar), London SO/Barry Wordsworth (DG 474 438)

VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Household Music, Three Preludes on Welsh Hymn Tunes for String Quartet (Crug-y-bar; St Denio; Aberystwyth) - Nash Ensemble (Hyperion CDA 67381/2)

HEATH: Home from the storm - William Bennett (fl), English CO/Dave Heath (Black Box BBM 1083)

GILMORE arr Lemare: When Johnny comes marching home - Christopher Herrick (organ of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre) (Hyperion CDA 66978)

7:00 PM. Composer of the Week

A look at the life and music of LILI BOULANGER (1893-1918) presented by Thomas Goss (RNZ)

8:00 PM. Music Alive

From Wellington Town Hall

Madeleine Pierard (sop), Terence Dennis (pno)

CANTELOUBE: Songs of the Auvergne, excerpts; MESSIAEN: Three Songs, Pourquoi?; Le sourire; La fiancée perdue; BERG: Seven early songs, Night; Song amid the reeds; The nightingale; Crowned in dreams; In the chamber; Ode to love; Summer days; MOZART: Non mi dir, bell'idol mio, from Don Giovanni; BELLINI: Tre Ariette; ROSSINI: La regata veneziana (RNZ)

10:00 PM. Day's End

J STAMITZ: Sinfonia pastorale in D Op 4/2 - Czech Chamber Phil/Vojtech Spurny (dir) (Alto ALC 1001)

KALLIWODA: Oboe Concertino in F Op 110 - Ingo Goritzki (ob), Polish Chamber Phil/Wojciech Rajski (Claves CD 50-9018)

11:00 BENJAMIN: Pastoral Fantasy - members of the Locrian Ensemble (Dutton CDLX 7110)

HAMELIN: Con intimissimo sentimento; Ländler I; Album Leaf; Music Box; After Pergolesi; Berceuse - Marc-André Hamelin (pno) (Hyperion CDA 67789)

HOVHANESS: The garden of Adonis - Anthony Ferner (fl), Helen Webby (harp) (Manu CD MANU 2050)

SILVESTROV: 25.X.1893 ... PI Tchaikovsky No 2, Lullaby - Ioana Petcu-Colan (vln), Michael McHale (pno) (Louth CMS LCMS 901)

Tuesday 21 August 2012

12:00 AM. Music Through the Night

Disc 1

GOTTSCHALK arr Kay: Cakewalk Ballet; PISTON: The Incredible Flutist - Louisville Orch/Akira Endo, Jorge Mester (Albany TROY 016)

1:05 approx - Disc 2

BEETHOVEN: Rasumovsky Quartets Op 59/2 & 3 - New Zealand String Quartet (Atoll ACD 402)

2:20 approx - Disc 3

RODRIGO: Christmas carols and songs; Hymns of the Neophytes of Qumran; Music for the Salamancan Codex; Canticle of St Francis of Assisi - Raquel Lojendio, María Jesús Prieto, Victoria Marchante, Ada Allende (sops), David Rubiera (bar), Orch and Chorus of the Comunidad de Madrid/José Ramón Encinar (Naxos 8.557223)

3:30 approx - Disc 4

DEBUSSY: La boite à joujoux; Etudes Vol 1 & 2 - Jörg Demus (pno) (Amadeo 423 277)

4:45 approx - Disc 5

VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis; Fantasia on Greensleeves; HOLST: St Paul's Suite Op 29/2; WARLOCK: Capriol Suite; BRITTEN: Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge Op 10 - Margaret Campbell, Collin Lilley (fls), Audrey Douglas (harp), English String Orch/William Broughton (Nimbus NI 5213)

6:00 AM. Classic Morning

6:00 MYSLIVECEK: Sinfonia Concertante in A Op 2/4 - Ural Phil/Gary Brain (Toccata Classics TOCC 0023)

KHACHATURIAN: Gayaneh, excerpts - Peter-Lukas Graf (fl), Konrad Ragossnig (gtr) (Claves CD 50-2013)

DVORÁK: Romance in F minor Op 11 - Hrachya Avanesyan (vln), Sinfonia Varsovia/Augustin Dumay (Fuga Libera FUG 588)

HOROWITZ: Variations on a theme from Bizet's Carmen - Arcadi Volodos (pno) (Sony SK 62691)

J STRAUSS II: Voices of Spring - Berlin Phil/Nikolaus Harnoncourt (Teldec 3984 24489)

7:00 QUILTER: A Children's Overture - Light Music Society Orch/Vivian Dunn (EMI CDM 7 64131)

DELIUS arr Fenby: Serenade, from Hassan - Julian Lloyd Webber (cello), National Phil/Charles Gerhardt (RCA 74321 84112)

JK PAINE: Concert Variations on the Austrian Hymn - Christopher Herrick (organ of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre) (Hyperion CDA 66978)

J WILLIAMS: Schindler's List theme - Janine Jansen (vln), Royal Phil/Barry Wordsworth (Decca 475 011)

UTTING: Spirals - New Zealand SO/David Atherton (RNZ)

8:00 Beauty Spot: HAMILTON: The Moon is Silently Singing - Nicola Averill, Erica Challis (horns), 1996 New Zealand National Youth Choir/Karen Grylls (Trust MMT 2016)

VERDI ed Spada: Aida, Sinfonia - Giuseppe Verdi SO, Milan/Riccardo Chailly (Decca 473 767)

GRIEG arr Baadsvik: Anitra's Dance, from Peer Gynt - Oystein Baadsvik (tuba), Musica Vitae/Bjørn Sagstad (BIS CD 1285)

KREISLER trans Rachmaninov: Liebesleid; Liebesfreud - Alessio Bax (pno) (Signum SIGCD 264)

GOUNOD arr Grafe: Ah! Je veux vivre, from Romeo & Juliet - Sol Gabetta (cello), Prague Phil/Charles Olivieri-Munroe (RCA Red Seal 88697 35962)

CHABRIER: Danse Slave, from Le Roi malgré lui - Detroit SO/Paul Paray (Mercury 434 303)

9:00 AM. Composer of the Week

LILI BOULANGER (1893-1918)

Clairières dans le ciel - Martyn Hill (ten), Andrew Ball (pno) (Hyperion CDA 66726)

Nocturne; Cortège - Olivier Charlier (vln), Emile Naoumoff (pno) (Marco Polo 8.223636)

Old Buddhist prayer - Julian Podger (ten), Monteverdi Choir, London SO/John Eliot Gardiner (DG 463 789)

10:00 AM. BBC Proms 2012

40 programmes from the world's greatest classical music festival

(2) Hassan Moataz El Molla (cello), West-Eastern Divan Orch/Daniel Barenboim

Two familiar iconic masterpieces that embrace and extend the musical possibilites of their day frame two exploratory 20th-century miniatures from Pierre Boulez. Mémoriale was written in the memory of a young flautist colleague, while Messagesquisse spotlights the virtuosity of the orchestra's cellos

In his 'Pastoral' Symphony Beethoven leads us through an evocation of the Austrian countryside to symphonic euphoria. During the Second World War the Fifth's opening rhythmic figure became synonymous with 'V for victory' (Morse code's three dots and a dash), the call sign used by the BBC to occupied Europe

BEETHOVEN: Symphony No 6 in F Op 68, Pastoral; BOULEZ: Mémoriale; Messagesquisse; BEETHOVEN: Symphony No 5 in C minor Op 67 (recorded in the Royal Albert Hall, London by BBC) (Programme 3 at 9.00pm tonight)

Noon Upbeat

Music news & current affairs with Eva Radich (RNZ)

1:30 PM. A Canine Collection

GERSHWIN: Promenade: Walking the dog, from Shall We Dance? - BBC SO/Leonard Slatkin (BBC Music BBC MM 234)

JANÁCEK: The wolf's trail - Thomas Walker (ten), Philip Mayers (pno), Cappella Amsterdam/Daniel Reuss (Harmonia Mundi HMC 90 2097)

PRYOR: The Whistler and his Dog - New London Orch/Ronald Corp (Hyperion CDA 67067)

G LLOYD: The Loaded Dog - Kew Band/Graham Lloyd (ABC Classics 465 173)

2:00 PM. Afternoon Requests

The Importance of Being Hoffnung

The cartoonist, broadcaster and eccentric raconteur Gerard Hoffnung in twelve interviews with Canadian Charles Richardson

Interview 9, Working Day (Westminster WBBC 8002)

JACOB: Variations on Annie Laurie for two piccolos, a hecklephone, two contrabass clarinets, two contrabassoons, serpent, contrabass serpent, seven foot high tuba, harmonium and hurdy-gurdy - Hoffnung Festival Ensemble/Gordon Jacob (EMI 7 63302)

BOR: McMozart's Eine Kleine Bright Moonlight Nicht Music - Gidon Kremer (vln/dir), Kremerata Baltica (Nonesuch 7559 79657)

BELLINI: Prendi: l'anel ti dono, from La sonnambula - Juan Diego Flórez (ten), Cecilia Bartoli (mezzo), Chorus of the Opernhaus Zurich, Orchestra La Scintilla/Alessandro de Marchi (Decca 478 1084)

SAINT-SAËNS: Symphony No 3 in C minor Op 78, Organ - Gillian Weir (org), Ulster Orch/Yan Pascal Tortelier (Chandos CHAN 8822)

(Box 123, Wellington or

3:00 PM. CD Masters

Classic performances from the back catalogue

Cellist, Pierre Fournier

BRAHMS: Cello Sonata No 1 in E minor Op 38; MENDELSSOHN: Variations concertantes in D Op 17; SCHUBERT: Arpeggione Sonata in A minor D821 - with Rudolf Firkusny, Jean Fonda (pnos) (rec 1965/67) (DG 477 5939)

4:00 PM. Made in New Zealand

NZ performers and composers

L MOZART: Sinfonia pastorale in G - Edward Allen (horn), NZSO CO/Donald Armstrong (Naxos 8.553347)

PUCCINI: Tua madre! Tua madre! from La Rondine - Kiri Te Kanawa (sop), Plácido Domingo (ten), London SO/Lorin Maazel (CBS CD 39030)

HAMILTON: Rakiura - Elise Bradley (contralto), Auckland Dorian Choir/Karen Grylls (Manu CD MANU 1509)

HILL: String Quartet No 11 in D minor - Dominion Quartet (Naxos 8.572844)

5:00 PM. Cadenza

ROSSINI: William Tell, Overture - Mexican State SO/Enrique Bátiz (Brilliant Classics 93994)

SARASATE: Gypsy Airs Op 20 - Itzhak Perlman (vln), Abbey Road Ensemble/Lawrence Foster (EMI CDC 5 55475)

CHOPIN: Nocturnes Op 15 - Pascal Amoyel (pno) (Calliope CAL 9351.2)

DEL STEIGERS: Variations on The Carnival of Venice - Clyde Dixon (cornet), National Band of New Zealand/Kevin Jarrett (Kiwi Pacific CD SLC 226)

VERDI: La Traviata, Prelude to Act III - Royal Phil/Tullio Serafin (Medici Arts MM 008)

TRAD arr Kennedy/Lenehan/Messiter: Scarborough Fair - Nigel Kennedy (vln/dir), London Voices, English CO (EMI 5 56923)

MAHLER: Piano Quartet movement - Vlastimil Holek (vln), Josef Kluson (vla), Michal Kanka (cello), Sachiko Kayahara (pno) (Praga PRD 250 168)

COPLAND: Ceremonial Fanfare - London Phil/Jorge Mester (Koch International 3-7012)

HOWELLS: Siciliano for a High Ceremony - Christopher Herrick (organ of Ripon Cathedral) (Hyperion CDA 67146)

BRITTEN: Interlude, from A Ceremony of Carols - Carolyn Mills (harp) (Atoll ACD 602)

LULLY: Ceremony of the Turks, from Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme - Gilles Ragon, Michel Laplénie (tens), Michel Verschaeve (bar), Bernard Delétré, Philippe Cantor (basses), Les Musiciens du Louvre/Marc Minkowski (Erato ECD 75361)

SUMSION: Ceremonial March - Robert Costin (organ of the Wellington Town Hall) (Kiwi Pacific CD TRL 076)

LANGFORD: Fanfare & Ceremonial Prelude - BBC Concert Orch/Rumon Gamba (Chandos CHAN 10115)

7:00 PM. Sound Lounge

Kate Mead hosts a weekly forum for contemporary music

8:00 The Karlheinz Company's Autumn Festival

McMILLAN: Rutu P'au; DE CASTRO-ROBINSON: Ring True; STOCKHAUSEN: Klavierstück IX; A TAYLOR: Ghosts; MANDENO: Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror (recorded in the Auckland Town Hall by RNZ)

9:00 BBC Proms 2012

40 programmes from the world's greatest classical music festival

(3) Kronos Quartet

For almost 40 years, the Kronos Quartet has been reinventing the string quartet, regularly turning it into a multimedia experience. The group's first Proms appearance begins with high-octane Syrian folk-pop and ends with a Kronos commission blending classical strings with ethnic Balkan instruments, shouts, foot-stomping, bells and electronic overdubs

In between, varied fare from the group's eclectic repertoire plus a BBC commission inspired by the work of Delia Derbyshire of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop (responsible for the realisation of Ron Grainer's Doctor Who theme). Listen out, too, for the otherworldly Kronos arrangement of a Scandinavian folk lament

SOULEYMAN arr Garchik: I'll Prevent the Hunters from Hunting You (UK première); GUBAIDULINA: String Quartet No 4; JOHNSTON: String Quartet No 4, Amazing Grace; LIZÉE: The Golden Age of Radiophonic Workshop [Fibre-Optic Flowers] (world première of the BBC commission inspired by the work of Delia Derbyshire); TRAD Swedish trans Ljova/Kronos Quartet: Tusen tankar; VREBALOV: … hold me, neighbour, in this storm (recorded in the Royal Albert Hall, London by BBC) (Programme 4 tomorrow at 10.00am)

11:00 New Music Dreams

Wednesday 22 August 2012

12:00 AM. Eve of Expo Belle Epoque

TCHAIKOVSKY: Manfred Symphony Op 58 - Royal Liverpool Phil/Vasily Petrenko (Naxos 8.570568)

BUSONI: Violin Concerto in D Op 35a - Frank Peter Zimmermann (vln), RAI National SO/John Storgårds

BRAHMS: Clarinet Trio in A minor Op 114 - Nash Ensemble (Sony SK 94497)

MAHLER: Symphony No 8 in Eb, Symphony of a Thousand - Julia Varady, Jane Eaglen, Susan Bullock (sops), Trudeliese Schmidt, Jadwiga Rappé (contraltos), Kenneth Riegel (ten), Eike Wilm Schulte (bar), Hans Sotin (bass), London Philharmonic Choir, London Symphony Chorus, Eton College Boys' Choir, London Phil/Klaus Tennstedt (LPO 0052)

DEBUSSY: Preludes, Book 1 - Krystian Zimerman (pno) (DG 435 773)

PUCCINI: Tosca, highlights

Tosca............................ Galina Gorchakova

Mario........................... Neil Shicoff

Sacristan...................... Alessandro Calamai

Shepherd...................... Carlo Andrea Masciadri

Jailer............................. Pawel Janowski

Florence May Festival Orch/Seiji Ozawa (Philips 456 586)

SCHARWENKA: Piano Concerto No 4 in F minor Op 82 - François Xavier Poizat (pno), Poznan Phil/Lukasz Borowicz (Naxos 8.572637)

JANÁCEK arr Breiner: Jenufa, Suite - Vesa-Matti Leppänen (vln), New Zealand SO/Peter Breiner (Naxos 8.570555)

6:00 AM. Le matin classique de l'Expo Belle Epoque

BORODIN: In the Steppes of Central Asia - Minnesota Orch/Eiji Oue (Reference Recordings-80 CD)

SATIE: Gymnopédies - Claire Chevallier (pno) (Zig Zag ZZT 080 901)

SIBELIUS: Pohjola's Daughter - Scottish National Orch/Alexander Gibson (Chandos CHAN 8395/96)

FALLA: Seven Popular Spanish Songs - Keith Lewis (ten), Michael Houstoun (pno) (Trust MMT 2006)

ALFVÉN: Swedish Rhapsody No 1 Op 19, Midsummer Vigil - Stockholm Phil/Neeme Järvi (BIS CD 385)

VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: The Lark Ascending - Richard Friedman (vln), London Festival Orch/Ross Pople (ASV CD DCA 779)

GRANADOS: The maiden & the nightingale, from Goyescas - Alicia de Larrocha (pno) (Decca 411 958)

STRAUSS: Der Rosenkavalier, Trio & Finale from Act 3 - Renée Fleming, Barbara Bonney (sops), Susan Graham (mezzo), Walter Berry (bbar), Vienna Phil/Christoph Eschenbach (Decca 466 314)

KREISLER: Variations on a theme of Corelli in the style of Tartini - James Ehnes (vln), Eduard Laurel (pno) (Fleurs de Lys FL 2 3159)

RACHMANINOV: Third movement, Allegro scherzando, from Piano Concerto No 2 in C minor Op 18 - Sviatoslav Richter (pno), Warsaw National Phil/Stanislav Wislocki (DG 423 772)

ELGAR: Triumphal March, from Caractacus - New Zealand SO/James Judd (Naxos 8.557273)

8:00 AM. Expo Belle Epoque

In memory of Claude Debussy and Frederick Delius, both born 150 years ago, and in recognition of a time of phenomenal development, in the arts, sciences and social history we are turning today over to the era 1880-1914. Both composers would have been at their prime during this period, witnessing the wealthy upper classes of the western world revelling in lives of sophistication and pleasure while other segments of society struggled for equality, fair working conditions and respectful treatment by their contemporaries.

One of the regular events that drew attendance by people from all areas of society in the nineteenth century was the phenomenon of the Great Exposition, beginning at the Crystal Palace in 1851.

For your delight and entertainment, we have invented our own Expo Belle Epoque and during the day you will be led around the pavilions, in which countries are displaying their most distinguished work in various fields.

(Times are approximate)

8:00 Introduction

8:14 France

10:11 Russia

10:41 Spain (Catalonia)

11:38 North America

1:42pm Italy

2:36 New Zealand

3:48 Scandinavia

4:24 Great Britain

5:25 Austro-Hungarian and German empires

7:27 Global Technology Report

7:56 East Asia

8:25 New Zealand School of Music concert
During the evening we'll cross to the Wellington Town Hall, to hear the NZSM Orchestra under Kenneth Young give a live performance of Debussy's Prelude à l'après-midi d'un faune and Phantasie for piano & orchestra, with pianist Jian Liu.

9:10 We’ll end the Expo by joining one of our promenading companions who has led us through the day, at a cultural salon hosted by the Princesse de Polignac.

10:00 PM. Day's End

DVORÁK: Cello Concerto in B minor Op 104 - Raphael Wallfisch (cello), London SO/Charles Mackerras (Chandos CHAN 10715)

BIZET: Carmen Suite No 2 - Cincinnati Pops Orch/Erich Kunzel (Telarc CD 80703)

11:00 PIAZZOLLA: Histoire du Tango, Bordel 1900; Café 1930; Night-Club 1960; Concert d'aujourd'hui - Per Arne Glorvigen (bandoneón), Sveinung Lillebjerka (vln) (Simax PSC 1277)

MATIEGKA: Notturno in G Op 21 - Sérénade à trois (CPO 777 190)

Thursday 23 August 2012

12:00 AM. Music Through the Night

Disc 1

Night Music 15: Classical Favourites for Relaxing and Dreaming - Various artists (Naxos 8.551135)

1:15 approx - Disc 2

SCHUMANN: Piano Quintet in Eb Op 44; DVORÁK: Piano Quintet in A Op 81- Artur Schnabel (pno), Pro Arte Quartet (Arabesque Z 6613)

2:20 approx - Disc 3

CICONIA: Doctorum principem; Per quella strada; PADOVA: Imperial sedendo; CICONIA: O felix templum jubila; ANON: O Maria, virgo davitica; CICONIA: O Padua, sidus preclarum; PADOVA: La douce cere; CICONIA: Con lagreme bagnandome; Gloria, Spiritus et alme; Una panthera; DA CASERTA: Del gloriosa titolo; DA TERAMO: Un fior gentil; CICONIA: Sus une fontayne; Le ray au soleyl; DA TERAMO: Sumite, karissimi; Dime, Fortuna; Gloria: Ad ogni vento - Orlando Consort (Archiv 459 620)

3:35 approx - Disc 4

DVORÁK adapted Talmi: Sonatina in G Op 100; SCHUBERT: Theme and Variations for flute and piano Op 160; REINECKE: Flute Sonata in E minor Op 167, Undine - Yossi Arnheim (fl), Daniel Gortler (pno) (Meridian CDE 84320)

4:40 approx - Disc 5

Greatest Hits: Marches

Marches from Clarke, Bach, Handel, Beethoven, Berlioz, Elgar, Verdi, Sousa, Bagley, Alford, Arne, J Wagner, Holst, Herbert, Williams & Prokofiev - Various ensembles (Sony MLK 66710)



6:00 AM. Classic Morning

6:00 GEMINIANI: Concerto Grosso in F Op 5/10 - Maurice Steger (recorder), English Concert/Laurence Cummings (Harmonia Mundi HMU 90 7523)

DURAND: Waltz No 1 in Eb - Georgina Zellan-Smith (pno) (Ode CD MANU 5101)

SIBELIUS: Molto moderato, Scherzo - Tempera Quartet (BIS CD 1376)

ELGAR: Minuet Op 21 - New Zealand SO/James Judd (Naxos 8.557577)

DAMASE: Sicilienne variée - Alison Nicholls (harp) (Alison Nicholls ARN 001)

GRIEG: Nordic Melodies Op 63, In folk style; Cow-call; Peasant dance - Malmö SO/Bjarte Engeset (Naxos 8.572403)

7:00 MARTINU: Idyll, from Bouquet of Flowers - Czech Phil/Václav Neumann (Supraphon 110624)

PAISIELLO: Flute Quartet in G Op 23/5 - Musica Petropolitana (Opus 111 OPS 30-231)

WARLOCK arr Lane: Folksong Preludes - Royal Ballet Sinfonia/Gavin Sutherland (ASV White Line CD WHL 2139)

BERLIOZ: Le Spectre de la Rose, from Les Nuits d'été - Bernarda Fink (mezzo), Berlin Deutsches SO/Kent Nagano (Harmonia Mundi HMC 90 1932)

MOSZKOWSKI: Ballade in G minor Op 16/1 - Tasmin Little (vln), BBC Scottish SO/Martyn Brabbins (Hyperion CDA 67389)

8:00 Beauty Spot: HANDEL: What passion cannot music raise to quell, from Ode for St Cecilia's Day - Lucy Crowe (sop), Nils Wieboldt (cello), Les Musiciens du Louvre/Marc Minkowski (Naïve V 5183)

HAMELIN: Theme and Variations (Cathy's Variations) - Marc-André Hamelin (pno) (Hyperion CDA 67789)

HALVORSEN: Veslemöy's Song - Marianne Thorsen (vln), Bergen Phil/Neeme Järvi (Chandos CHAN 10614)

G GABRIELI arr Brown: Sonata - BonaNZa Trombone Quartet (Rata RT 011)

ORTIZ: Romanesca - Hespèrion XXI (Alia Vox AV 9820)

ENESCU: Romanian Rhapsody No 1 in A - BBC Phil/Gennady Rozhdestvensky (Chandos CHAN 9633)

9:00 AM. Composer of the Week

LILI BOULANGER (1893-1918)

Soir sur la Plaine; Hymne au Soleil - Christine Friedek (sop), Regine Böhm (mezzo), Bernhard Gärtner (ten), Heidelberg Madrigal Choir/Gerald Kegelmann, Sabine Eberspächer (pno) (Bayer BR 100 041 CD)

Theme & Variations - Emile Naoumoff (pno) (Marco Polo 8.223636)

Psalm 130, Du fond de l'abîme - Bernadette Greevy (contralto), Ian Partridge (ten), BBC Chorus & SO/Nadia Boulanger (BBC Legends BBCL 4026)

10:00 AM. BBC Proms 2012

40 programmes from the world's greatest classical music festival

(4) Michael Barenboim (vln), IRCAM (live electronics), West-Eastern Divan Orch/Daniel Barenboim

Daniel Barenboim continues his survey of Beethoven, whose music, he believes, 'speaks to all people'. Today, two Beethoven symphonies of dancing athleticism and universal appeal frame one of Pierre Boulez's mesmerising extensions of earlier works: Anthèmes 2 is scored for violin and live electronics and its serenely beautiful expressivity may come as a surprise. Beethoven's ebullient Seventh, famously dubbed 'the apotheosis of dance', was the last piece conducted by Proms founder-conductor Henry Wood

BEETHOVEN: Symphony No 8 in F Op 93; BOULEZ: Anthèmes II; BEETHOVEN: Symphony No 7 in A Op 92 (recorded in the Royal Albert Hall, London by BBC) (Programme 5 tomorrow 10.00am)

Noon Upbeat

Music news & current affairs with Eva Radich (RNZ)

1:30 PM. Putting Baby Down

WHITEHEAD: Lullaby for Matthew - Dan Poynton (pno) (Rattle RAT D006)

WHITACRE: Sleep, my child, from Paradise Lost: Shadow and Wings - Grace Davidson, Laura Oldfield (sops), Eric Whitacre Singers/Eric Whitacre (Decca 279 6323)

SCHUMANN arr Hand: Child falling asleep, from Kinderszenen Op 15 - Pro Arte Guitar Trio (ASV White Line CD WHL 2129)

BRAHMS: Wiegenlied Op 49/4 - Peter Schreier (ten), Wolfgang Sawallisch (pno) (Philips 426 237)

CARRENO: Le sommeil de l'enfant, Berceuse Op 35 - Clara Rodriguez (pno) (Nimbus NI 6103)

REICHARDT: Sleep my child - Montserrat Figueras (sop), Hespèrion XXI (Alia Vox AV 9826)

AGNEW: Sleeping child - Tamara Anna Cislowska (pno) (Artworks AW 005)

2:00 PM. Afternoon Requests

HAYDN: Symphony No 98 in Bb - Philharmonia/Otto Klemperer (EMI 2 15300)

HOFMANN attr Haydn: Flute Concerto in D - Emmanuel Pahud (fl), Haydn Ensemble, Berlin/Hansjörg Schellenberger (dir) (EMI CDC 5 56577)

PAINE: Alberton Waltz, from Alberton - Bruce Paine (gtr) (Bruce Paine BNP DVD 001)

DVORÁK: Song to the Moon, from Rusalka - Pilar Lorengar (sop), St Cecilia Academy Orch, Rome/Giuseppe Patané (Decca 444 614)

(Box 123, Wellington or

3:00 PM. CD Masters

Classic performances from the back catalogue

VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Symphony No 2, A London Symphony - Hallé Orch/John Barbirolli (rec 1957) (PRT PVCD 8375)

DELIUS: A song before sunrise - Hallé Orch/John Barbirolli (rec 1968) (EMI CDZ 7 62529)

4:00 PM. Made in New Zealand

NZ performers and composers

BLISS: Triptych - Stephen de Pledge (pno) (ASV CD DCA 1128)

SPEAK: String Quartet - New Zealand String Quartet (RNZ)

THOMPSON: Symphony No 2 in E minor - New Zealand SO/Andrew Schenck (Koch International 3-7074)

5:00 PM. Cadenza

SUPPÉ: Poet & Peasant, Overture - London SO/Barry Wordsworth (Resonance CD RSN 3023)

CHOPIN: Rondo in C Op 73 - New Zealand Piano Duo, Judith McDonald, Shirley Power (Kiwi LD 6)

FAURÉ orch Büsser: Romance in A Op 69 - Henri Demarquette (cello), Brittany Orch/Moshe Atzmon (Timpani 1C 1172)

KRAUS: Azire, Ballet Music VB18 - New Zealand SO/Uwe Grodd (Naxos 8.570334)

KORNGOLD: Garden Scene, from Much Ado About Nothing Op 11 - Joel Quarrington (dbass), Andrew Burashko (pno) (Analekta AN 2 9931)

COPLAND: The promise of living, from The Tender Land - Tanglewood Festival Chorus, Boston Pops Orch/John Williams (Sony MLK 64059)

ELGAR: Chanson de matin Op 15/2 - Hallé Orch/Mark Elder (Hallé CD HLL 7501)

ROSSINI: Mon prélude hygienique du matin, from Péchés de Vieillesse - Paolo Giacometti (pno) (Channel Classics CCS 13898)

G JACKSON: To morning - Polyphony/Stephen Layton (Hyperion CDA 67708)

TOURNIER: Concert Study, Morning - Lily Laskine (harp) (Erato 4509 92131)

BONNET: Matin provençal, from Poèmes d'automne Op 3 - Christopher Herrick (organ of the Concert Hall of the Francis Winspear Centre, Edmonton, Canada) (Hyperion CDA 67458)

GRIEG: Morning, from Peer Gynt Suite No 1 - New Zealand SO/James Sedares (Universal 99072)

MOZART: Flute Quartet No 1 in D K285 - Imme-Jeanne Klett (fl), Stefan Latzko (vln), Roswitha Killian-Priebe (vla), Andreas Hamborg (cello) (Ensemble Obligat 0867)

STENHAMMAR: Two Sentimental Romances Op 28 - Ulf Wallin (vln), Malmö SO/Neemi Järvi (Brilliant Classics 94238)

GRAINGER: Mock Morris - City of London Sinfonia/Richard Hickox (Chandos CHAN 9653)

7:00 PM. Appointment


When it comes to discussing the origins of Impressionism in French music, the work of composer Ernest Fanelli is surrounded by controversy. Presented by Roger Wilson (RNZ)

8:00 PM. Music Alive

Kate Spence (mezzo), David Hamilton (ten), Paul Whelan (bar), City of Dunedin Choir, Orpheus Choir of Wellington, ChristChurch Cathedral Choir, Christchurch City Choir, Christchurch Symphony/Brian Law

ELGAR: The Dream of Gerontius (recorded in the Christchurch Town Hall by RNZ)

9:35 PM. Suzuki Evergreens

CORELLI arr Suzuki: Violin Sonata in D minor Op 5/12, La follia; BACH arr Suzuki: Violin Concerto in A minor BWV1041 - Takako Nishizaki (vln), Terence Dennis (pno) (Naxos 8.572382)

10:00 PM. Day's End

TCHAIKOVSKY: Suite No 4 in G Op 61, Mozartiana - Stuttgart Radio SO/Neville Marriner (Phoenix Edition 412)

F SCHMIDT: Concertante Variations on a theme of Beethoven for piano (left hand) & orchestra - Markus Becker (pno), North German Radio Phil/Eiji Oue (CPO 777 338)

11:00 MORTENSEN: Wind Quintet - Wind Quintet of the Danish National Radio SO (Dacapo 8.224151)

RHEINBERGER: Suite for organ, violin & cello Op 149 - Christopher Herrick (org), Paul Barritt (vln), Richard Lester (cello) (Hyperion CDA 66883)

Friday 24 August 2012

12:00 AM. Music Through the Night

Disc 1

MAHLER ed Cooke: Symphony No 10 - Berlin Phil/Simon Rattle (EMI CDC 5 56972)

1:10 approx - Disc 2

MARAIS: Suites, in E minor; in G minor; in C - Quadro Hotteterre, Walter Möller (cellos), Bob van Asperen (hpschd) (Teldec 9031 77617)

2:20 approx - Disc 3

ANON: Rejoice in the Lord; PURCELL: Remember not, Lord, our offences; AMNER: Come, let's rejoice; TOMKINS: When David heard; BAIRSTOW: I sat down under his shadow; GOSS: These are they that follow the Lamb; TAVERNER: Christe Jesu, pastor bone; PHILIPS: O beatum et sacrosanctum dicum; HOWELLS: Nunc dimittis; VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: O vos omnes; DERING: Factum est silentium; STANFORD: Justorum animae; WOOD: Hail gladdening light; TAVENER: A Hymn to the Mother of God; Hymn for the Dormition of the Mother of God; ELGAR: They are at rest; WALTON: A litany; MORLEY: Nolo mortem peccatoris; TALLIS: O nata lux; RUTTER: Loving shepherd of thy sheep; STONE: The Lord's Prayer; SHEPPARD: In manus tuas; HARRIS: Bring us, O Lord God - Cambridge Singers/John Rutter (Collegium COLCD 113)

3:30 approx - Disc 4

ROSSINI: String Sonatas, No 1 in G; No 2 in A; No 3 in C; No 4 in Bb; No 5 in Eb; No 6 in D - Orch of the Age of Enlightenment (Hyperion CDA 66595)

4:50 approx - Disc 5

Nigel Kennedy's Greatest Hits

Works for violin by Vivaldi, Massenet, Satie, Vaughan Williams, Debussy, Bach, Kreisler, Bach, Trad, Kennedy, Monti, Vivaldi - Nigel Kennedy (vln), Various artists and orchestras (EMI 5 573302)

6:00 AM. Classic Morning

6:00 ABEL: Symphony in Eb Op 7/6 - Cantilena/Adrian Shepherd (dir) (Chandos CHAN 8648)

WAGNER trans Liszt: Entry of the Guests, from Tannhäuser - Steven Mayer (pno) (Naxos 8.570562)

PURCELL: Trumpet Sonata in D - John Wallace (tpt), Philharmonia/Christopher Warren-Green (Nimbus NI 1757)

OLDFIELD arr Baker: Tubular Bells, from The Exorcist - Aquarelle Guitar Quartet (Chandos CHAN 10723)

MARQUEZ: Dance No 2 - Philharmonic Orch of the Americas/Alondra de la Parra (Sony 88697 70441)

7:00 ROSSINI: The Italian Girl in Algiers, Overture - National Phil/Riccardo Chailly (Decca 400 049)

CASTELNUOVO-TEDESCO arr Fung: Figaro after Rossini's The Barber of Seville - Yuli Turovsky (cello/dir), I Musici de Montréal (Chandos CHAN 9973)

PARISH ALVARS: Grand Fantasy Op 57 - Ieuan Jones (harp) (Claudio CR 4939)

TRIEBENSEE: Variations on a theme of Haydn, from Symphony No 94, Surprise - Marilyn Zupnik, Kathryn Greenbank (obs), Elizabeth Starr Masoudnia (cor anglais) (Resonance CD RSN 3102)

SVENDSEN: Norwegian Rhapsody No 2 Op 19 - South Jutland SO/Bjarte Engeset (Naxos 8.570322)

8:00 Beauty Spot: TCHAIKOVSKY: Sérénade mélancolique in B minor - Leila Josefowicz (vln), Montreal SO/Charles Dutoit (Philips 462 592)

GOODWIN: Where Eagles Dare, Main Theme - BBC Phil/Rumon Gamba (Chandos CHAN 10262)

LEMARE: Andantino in Db Op 83/2 - Thomas Trotter (organ of Birmingham Town Hall) (Regent REGCD 265)

FROLOV: Fantasy on Themes from Porgy & Bess - Haik Kazazyan (vln), Andrey Shibko (pno) (Delos DE 3384)

GOTTSCHALK arr Kay: Grande Tarentelle Op 67 - Reid Nibley (pno), Utah SO/Maurice Abravanel (Vanguard Classics 08 4051 71)

SAINT-SAËNS: Air & Dance Bacchanale, from Samson & Delilah - Paris Opera Orch/Georges Prêtre (EMI 3 82233)

9:00 AM. Composer of the Week

LILI BOULANGER (1893-1918)

Pie Jesu - Bernadette Greevy (contralto), members of BBC SO/Nadia Boulanger (BBC Legends BBCL 4026)

D'un Soir Triste - Luxembourg Phil/Mark Stringer (Timpani 1 C 1046)

D'un Matin de Printemps - Olivier Charlier (vln), Emile Naoumoff (pno) (Marco Polo 8.223636)

Four songs, Dans l'immense Tristesse; Attente; Reflets; Le Retour - Mitsuko Shirai (mezzo), Hartmut Höll (pno) (Bayer BR 100 041 CD)

N BOULANGER: Lux Aeterna; Vers la vie nouvelle - Isabelle Sabrié (sop), Francis Pierre (harp), Olivier Charlier (vln), Raphaëlle Semezis (cello)/Emile Naoumoff (dir/pno) (Marco Polo 8.223636)

10:00 AM. BBC Proms 2012

40 programmes from the world's greatest classical music festival

(5) Vadim Gluzman (vln), BBC SO/Jirí Belohlávek

After last year's sensational complete Má Vlast comes Smetana's autobiographical E minor quartet, in George Szell's orchestration, another first for the Proms. Its finale is suddenly interrupted by a graphic illustration of the onset of deafness, a sustained high E, here on piccolo as well as violin, imitating the tinnitus that afflicted the composer. By contrast Prokofiev's concerto is one of his magical fairy-tale pieces, championed today by Proms debut artist, Vadim Gluzman

Dvořák's dark, passionate Seventh Symphony was commissioned by the Philharmonic Society of London, the composer himself crossing the Channel to direct the première

SMETANA orch Szell: String Quartet No 1 in E minor, From my life; PROKOFIEV: Violin Concerto No 1 in D Op 19; DVORÁK: Symphony No 7 in D minor Op 70 (recorded in the Royal Albert Hall, London by BBC) (Programme 6 tomorrow night at 8.00pm)

Noon Upbeat

Music news & current affairs with Eva Radich (RNZ)

1:30 PM. Double Negatives are a No-No

BALANESCU: No time before time - Balanescu Quartet (Mute 9 61421)

MOZART: Non più andrai, from The Marriage of Figaro - Anton Scharinger (bar), Royal Concertgebouw Orch/Nikolaus Harnoncourt (Teldec 4509 97507)

BESSER/PROSSER: No Tango Today - Jonathan Besser (pno), Christopher Prosser (vln/perc) (Kiwi CD SLD 114)

BORODIN: No rest, no slumber, from Prince Igor - John Tomlinson (bass), Philharmonia/David Parry (Chandos CHAN 3044)

2:00 PM. Afternoon Requests

NEVIN: Will o' the Wisp - Martin Setchell (organ of Christchurch Town Hall) (Manu CD MANU 1539)

RUTTER: Shepherd's Pipe Carol - Cambridge Singers, City of London Sinfonia/John Rutter (Collegium CSCD 500)

The Fog and the Island

In this 'prequel' to his award-winning programme A Letter to Sibelius, Marshall Walker tells the story of how the music of Sibelius helped him overcome his childhood ordeals in Glasgow (RNZ)

MENDELSSOHN: Mitten wir im Leben sind Op 23/3 - New Zealand Secondary Students' Choir 2011-12/Andrew Withington (NZSSC)

(Box 123, Wellington or

3:00 PM. CD Masters

Classic performances from the back catalogue

BARTÓK: Concerto for Orchestra - Chicago SO/Pierre Boulez (rec 1992) (DG 437 826)

LISZT: Petrarch Sonnets, No 47; No 104; No 123, from Years of Pilgrimage, Year 2, Italy - Ivana Gavric (pno) (rec 2009) (Champs Hill CHRCD 009)

4:05 PM. Made in New Zealand

NZ performers and composers

HOGAN: In the Caves - Conservatorium Guitar Ensemble/Matthew Marshall (Massey University)

ELGAR: Dream Children Op 43 - New Zealand SO/James Judd (Naxos 8.557166)

BODY: Five Lullabies - Tudor Consort/Simon Ravens (Waiteata WTA 006)

STATHAM: Suite for Flute & String Quartet - Adrianna Lis (fl), Puertas Quartet (Atoll ACD 881)

5:00 PM. Cadenza

SULLIVAN: Mikado, Overture - Philharmonia/Charles Mackerras (EMI CDM 5 66538)

RODRIGO: Second movement, Adagio, from Concierto de Aranjuez - Julian Bream (gtr), Michael Winfield (cor anglais), Monteverdi Orch/John Eliot Gardiner (RCA GD 86525)

ALBÉNIZ: El Corpus en Sevilla, from Iberia Book 1 - Artur Pizarro (pno) (Linn CKD 355)

SATIE: Gnossienne No 1 - John Anderson (ob), Simon Wynberg (gtr) (Chandos CHAN 6581)

BIZET: The Fair Maid of Perth, Suite - Melbourne SO/John Lanchbery (ABC Classics 456 669)

DELIBES: Flower Duet, from Lakmé - Joan Sutherland (sop), Jane Berbié (mezzo), Monte Carlo Opera Orch/Richard Bonynge (Decca 421 322)

BEETHOVEN: Second movement, Adagio cantabile, from Piano Sonata No 8 in C minor Op 13, Pathétique - Georgina Zellan-Smith (pno) (Ode CD MANU 5101)

J STRAUSS I: Radetzky March - Danish National SO/Sergiu Celibidache (IMG Artists 5 62872)

BAX: I heard a piper piping - Patricia Wright (sop), Rosemary Barnes (pno) (Continuum CCD 1046)

JANÁCEK: The Fiddler's Child - Elizabeth Layton (vln), BBC Scottish SO/Ilan Volkov (Hyperion CDA 67517)

SCHMELZER: Polish bagpipers (sonata a tre) - Armonico Tributo Austria/Lorenz Duftschmid (CPO 999 919)

ALWYN: Prelude, from The Fairy Fiddler - Royal Scottish National Orch/Martin Yates (Dutton Epoch CDLX 7270)

DOWLAND: Piper's Pavan - Jakob Lindberg (lute) (Brilliant Classics 93698)

RIETI: The Fiddler of Dooney - Ann Murray (mezzo), Graham Johnson (pno) (Forlane 16784)

MOURANT: The pied piper - George Macdonald (cl), Northern Sinfonia/Steuart Bedford (Sanctuary CD RSN 3046)

TRAD Norwegian arr Madsen: Per the Fiddler - Scandinavian Brass Ensemble/Jorma Panula (BIS CD 265)

WEINBERGER: Polka, from Schwanda the Bagpiper - Philharmonia/Herbert von Karajan (IMG Artists 5 62869)

7:00 PM. Appointment

The Critic's Chair

Kenneth Young reviews recent releases (RNZ)

8:00 PM. Music Alive

Mike Nock: 50 Years in Music

New Zealand pianist and composer Mike Nock celebrates his 70th birthday with a selection of standards for jazz trio followed by a performance of Transformations for jazz quartet and string quartet

GRYCE: House of blue lights; HAMILTON: Cry me a River; RODGERS/HART: My romance; MAGIDSON/WRUBEL: Gone with the Wind; HEYMAN/SOUR/EYTON/GREEN: Body and Soul; JONES/SYMES: There is no greater love

(Interval interview: Mike Nock talks with Upbeat's Eva Radich)

NOCK: Transformations I, II and III (recorded in the Ilott Theatre, Wellington by RNZ)

10:00 PM. Day's End

VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: English Folk Song Suite - Cleveland Symphonic Winds/Frederick Fennell (Telarc CD 80099)

KHACHATURIAN: Violin Concerto in D minor - David Oistrakh (vln), Moscow Radio SO/Aram Khachaturian (Melodiya MEL CD 10 01805)

LIADOV: The Enchanted Lake - Eastman Philharmonia/Howard Hanson (Mercury 434 390)

11:00 RUBINSTEIN: Three Pieces for cello & piano Op 11/2 - Alexander Ivashkin (cello), Tamás Vesmás (pno) (RNZ)

RHEINBERGER: Sextet in F Op 191b - Consortium Classicum (Dabringhaus & Grimm MDG 301 1453)

Weekly Listings

Music listings for RNZ Concert are prepared in advance and may differ from what is broadcast.

PDFs are available on each weekly page.

28 Sep - 04 Oct, 2024

5 - 11 October, 2024

12 - 18 October, 2024

19 - 25 October, 2024


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