8 Jun 2018

Constitution amendment will be on American Samoa ballot

9:51 am on 8 June 2018

The Election Office in American Samoa has confirmed an option to amend to the constitution will be on the ballot in this year's general election.

An election office team leader at the Ili’ili polling station opens ballot boxes for the 2016 general election in American Samoa.

An election office team leader at the Ili’ili polling station opens ballot boxes for the 2016 general election in American Samoa. Photo: Fili Sagapolutele

Two months ago, the Fono endorsed the proposed amendment which gives the Legislature the authority to override a veto by the governor, instead of the US Interior Secretary.

The measure also required the governor to direct the Chief Election Officer to place the matter on the ballot.

Last month, the governor, Lolo Matalasi Moliga, directed the Chief Election Officer to place the option on ballot papers for the election scheduled for 6 November.

The Office of Samoan Affairs is spearheading a public awareness campaign to educate the community on the veto override amendment.

The governor told a cabinet meeting in April that he believed the lack of understanding about the amendment was the reason it was not approved in previous elections.

Lawmakers in both the Senate and House are also supportive of public awareness programmes regarding the importance of the vote override issue.