Tahiti's Temaru wants French Senate seat

1:22 pm on 26 August 2020

French Polynesia's pro-independence leader Oscar Temaru has announced his intention to run for a seat in the French Senate.

Oscar Temaru

Oscar Temaru Photo: supplied

Temaru, who has been the mayor of Faaa for 37 years, said he would stand with his advisor Michel Villar in the election on 27 September.

He said one of the reasons to stand was linked to his struggle with the French judiciary, which he claimed was being used to punish him for his political stance.

Temaru is appealing a conviction for undue influence over funding arrangements for Radio Tefana, and he is challenging the seizure of his savings as part of a new investigation.

French Polynesia has two seats in the 348-member body.

A 700-strong electoral college chooses the two, with the candidates of the ruling Tapura Huiraatira, Teva Rohfritsch and Lana Tetuanui, seen as favourites.

Should Temaru be elected he would have to relinquish his post as Faaa mayor.

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