Palau's President says it would make Micronesia a "joke" if the region's nations remained in the Pacific Island Forum and their nominee for Secretary-General was not given the role.
Plenary session of the 2016 Pacific Islands Forum Summit in the Federated States of Micronesia. Photo: French Polyenia's Presidency
Tommy Remengesau Jr is one of five Micronesian presidents to have issued a joint ultimatum that their nominee be given the role otherwise they will withdraw from the regional group.
They are adamant there was a so-called "gentlemen's agreement" that it was Micronesia's turn to have a representative at the top of the organisation.
Mr Remengesau told the Island Times there would be no longer any value in being a part of the Forum if their wishes were not heard.
Papua New Guinea's Dame Meg Taylor, who has led the forum since 2014, is set to end her term this year, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic, leaders are yet to meet to choose her replacement.