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Afternoons for Wednesday 16 July 2008
Jim's Essay
1:06 PM.How brains remember things. Audio
Best Song Ever Written
1:10 PM.For Shane Harvey of Dunedin it's 'Army Dreamers' by Kate Bush. Audio
Link 3
1:15 PM.Our quiz where 3 or more famous songs have something in common. Audio
Peanut Butter off the Menu
2:10 PM.New research suggests that babies whose mothers eat nut products while pregnant are at more than 50% risk of developing asthma. Audio
Restaurants are Flat
2:20 PM.Winter's traditionally a quiet time in hospitality, but regional restaurants say they're facing their toughest season in years. Audio
He Rourou for 16 July 2008
2:45 PM.Ana Tapiata talks to Te Huinga Reo Selby-Rickit, who played for the Southern Steel netball team in the ANZ championship. Audio
Feature Album - Centerfield
2:50 PM.By John Fogerty, released in 1985. Audio
Virtual World
3:10 PM.Hamish MacEwan delves into Gmail, Oyster card cracks and iPhone apps. Audio
Auckland Story - Tea Culture
3:33 PM.Sapna Samant continues her series exploring the tea culture of Auckland. In this episode she makes masala chai in her kitchen. Audio
Science Story - Survival Strategies in Antarctica
3:47 PM.Melianie Raymond studies Antarctic nematodes, and chairs the NZ Youth Steering Committee for the International Polar Year. Audio
The Panel (Part 1)
4:06 PM.With Reg Boorman and Bomber Bradbury. Audio
The Panel (Part 2)
4:33 PM.With Reg Boorman and Bomber Bradbury. Audio