Afternoons for Wednesday 1 August 2012
1:10 Best Song Ever Written
1:15 Link 3 - music game
2:10 Feature stories
2:30 Reading
2:45 Feature Album
3:12 Virtual World
3:33 Auckland story
One of the country’s first societies to create a secure sanctuary for native fauna is ten years old. Auckland’s Tawharanui Open Sanctuary Society first built a $600,000 predator-proof fence… now it's planting trees.
4:06 The Panel - the Mayor of Auckland, Len Brown with Bernard Hickey
The striking of Auckland's rates - how fair is the new rating system?; unruly downtown Auckland; storms in a teacup on Twitter; our first medals at the Games; and the importance of smiling for your mental health.
Text your questions for Len Brown to 2101, or email