1:10 Best Song Ever Written

1:25 Eight Months to Mars - Simon Woolf is set to go to Mars, he's a longtime professional photographer and a Wellington City councillor .. his recent snap of Prince George was named by The Duchess of Cambridge as her favourite from the Royal family's Australasian tour. Simon's snapped every Royal tour since 1981. 

 2:10 The Kayaker - Tara Mulvaney - Twenty-five year old, Tara has adventuring in her blood, growing up in Invercargill, she would often head to the hills as a youngster - and along with her dad, climbed Mount Aspiring at the grand old age of eleven. In her late teens she swapped the mountains for the sea.. and began working as a guide on kayaking trips through Fiordland.
And it was after one such trip,  that the idea of circumnavigating New Zealand by kayak came to her.... and so she began with the South Island, followed by Stewart Island and has just recently completed the last.. and possibly hardest leg... the North Island.
2:20  The Wasp War - Ronnie Groentemen - If you've spent anytime outdoors over the past few weeks.. or even months.. you will have probably noticed a growing 'buzz' as more and more wasps infiltrate our parks, gardens and bush walks. Not only do wasps pose a danger to humans.. they also have a major inpact on our native insect and bird life.. as well as a big impact on our economic wellbeing.
And while winter inevitably means a reduction in wasp populations.. Autumn is actually when they are at their peak..
But Doctor Ronnie Groentemen is waging war on the wasp. New funding will now allow Lincoln University's Landcare Research unit, to begin the long process of finding an effective biological control that will help eradicate the plague-like wasps.

2:30  NZ Reading - Brian Turner, award winning poet, relates tales of fishing, friendship and foolhardy trips into the wilderness of the South Island . . . all seasoned with disarmingly honest commentary on his fellow man and the way we treat one another and our world.
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CD - UBM 1178, Improvisationalen fur Klavier, Tracks 5 and 7, Sebeliusiana, Comp and perf by Maximilian Kock

2:45  Feature Album -  Sunshine on Leith - The Proclaimers (1988)
3:10  Feature Interview - Susan Dworkin - The remarkable story of how a Jewish woman survived the War by hiding in plain sight. Edith Hahn, lived the life of a German housewife while keeping her true identity secret.

3:30  The Easter Tournament - Lynda Chanwai-Earle - Easter sports tournaments have been part of the Chinese community in New Zealand since the second world war. Lynda visits the fittest (old and young) bunnies around to find out why these tournaments have been so popular and still going strong.
Music details for Gavin and Music:
Live performances recorded in the field, permission granted by tournament organisers: Lion and Dragon dancing music and singing recorded live in the field.

3:45  Panel Pre-Show - Zara Potts

4:06  Sir Bruce Slane and Tino Pereira are on The Panel today - The latest Judith Collins controversy, the National party embraces the world, should Boris the giant German schnauzer be put down for nipping somebody? The question, once again, of violent men breaching protection orders and what we can do about it. Blood transfusions to make you young again, the stalking of Lorde, the accuracy of weather forecasts.