Afternoons for Tuesday 9 September 2014
1:10 Best Song Ever Written: 'Drifting' by Jimi Hendrix off the 'Cry of Love' album, chosen by
Richard Foulkes Jnr.
1:20 The Critics
TV review - Phil Wallington - 'My Kitchen Rules' and also, 'The Block'.
Books - Graham Beattie - 'New York Is' By The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Music - Nick Atkinson
SLUG: Dave Ward
ARTIST: Dave Ward
TITLE: Untitled
COMP: Dave Ward
ALBUM: Unreleased
LABEL: RNZ Recording
SLUG: Sunrise
ARTIST: Peter Daubé, Dave Ward, Dave Kahn
TITLE: Sunrise
COMP: Peter Daubé
ALBUM: The Wheel of Experience
LABEL: Private
Web - Ele Ludemann
Depression's no laughing matter but these cartoons express how those suffering feel:
The Economist's glass ceiling index finds the best and worst places to be a working woman:
2:10 Canterbury University scientists are studying the impact that a recent 'Supermoon' has on flooding in earthquake-damaged Christchurch. Simon talks with Dr. Deirdra Hart.
2:20 Military Historian Dr Robert Lyman has just released a book about the daring WWII raid at Amiens in France. He talks about the role that New Zealand pilots played in the bombing as well as laying some old conspiracy theories to rest.
2:30 NZ Reading: 'Sensible Sinning' by Bernard Brown.
Interspersed with entertaining character sketches of known criminals as well as much more respectable associates like David Lange, are touching accounts of death and love , cutting observation and hilariously chaotic accounts of weddings and funerals gone wrong.
Sensible Sinning by Bernard Brown Pub : Cape Catley Ltd (Nov.2008) SBN: 978-1-877340-20-8
2:45 Feature Album - Robert Plant and the Sensational Space Shifters - Lullaby and … the Ceaseless Roar.
3:10 Feature interview - Azzan Yadin Isreal: For devoted fans of of Rock legend Bruce Springsteen, a concert can be a divine experience, the Promised Land. His songs about women, sports, the struggles of the working class and boys coming of age have earned "The Boss" fans around the world. Now fans in his beloved homestate of New Jersey can earn something in return .. a University credit for a class that explores Springsteen's influence not as a Rock legend, but as a writer. The course looks at the biblical foundations of Springsteen lyrics and it's taught by a professor of Jewish studies and classics at Rutgers University in New Brunswick New Jersey, about 50 kilometers from where Bruce Springsteen grew up.
3:30 Ruapehu Eruption Detection System - Alison Ballance: Mount Ruapehu is one of the most active volcanoes in New Zealand, and dangerous lahars, or mud avalanches triggered by a volcanic eruption, have swept down through the Whakapapa ski area on four occasions. Alison Ballance heads to the mountain to find out about the eruption detection system operated by the Department of Conservation, GNS Science and Ruapehu Alpine Lifts.
3:45 Panel Pre-Show: Zara Potts today with what the world's talking about: What if Russia closes its airspace? The most alarming air travel experience in Europe. What happens actually in your workplace when someone shows up with a cold or the flu... how do the viruses vector? A research suggestion about what to sleep your infant on to prevent the onset of allergies and asthma; and how to calculate how all your bad habits impact on life expectancy. You look at these graphs and you wonder how any of us are still alive.