Afternoons for Friday 21 April 2017
1:10 Leaving Kaikoura for good
Belinda Girl has lost her home and business after the November Kaikoura earthquake. She's nominated The Boy from New York City by Manhattan Transfer to cheer her up.
1.15 Making Underwater Robots
A team of three kids is taking on the USA in an underwater robot competition next month. Padraig, Harrison and Darroch are Hobsonville Point Schools Aquabot Team. They won the New Zealand competition and are now off to Atlanta, Georgia to compete in the USA Seaperch Nationals. There is a givealittle page to support the team to get to Atlanta. You can donate here.
1:25 World Masters Games 2017
The World Masters Games 2017 is underway with competitions in badminton, baseball, canoeing, softball and swimming starting this morning. It's the world's largest multi-sport event, with about 28,000 participants. Jennah Wootten is the chief executive of the World Masters Games 2017.
1:35 South Island Kōkako Sightings
The South Island Kōkako Trust reward for spotting the long-thought extinct bird, has resulted in about fifty reports of possible encounters. Back in January, the trust offered a five thousand dollar reward for sightings, and earlier this month doubled it to ten thousand dollars. Sightings have been reported from Marlborough to the outer reaches of Fiordland. Inger Perkins is the general manager of the South Island Kōkako Trust.
1:40 Favourite album: Sticky Fingers by The Rolling Stones
Sticky Fingers is the 9th British and 11th American studio album by the English rock band The Rolling Stones. It was released in April 1971
2:10 Film Review with Richard Swainson
Richard reviews Loving and Their Finest
2:20 New Zealand Live: Paul Gurney with The Desotos
Auckland based country-blues rockers The DeSotos are back in our studio to play backing musicians to their lead singer Paul Gurney. Paul's solo album "Shadow of Love" is released today. The DeSotos started working together almost a decade ago, but this new direction does not signal the end of the road for them. It's just another chapter in which Gurney gets to share some songs which otherwise may not have seen the light of day.
3:10 Julie Biuso: achieving a perfect roast chicken
Julie Biuso has tips for achieving a perfect roast chicken, and also shares a recipe for roast chicken with tarragon and roasted grapes
For more information on how to carve and spatchcock the chicken, see Julie's website here
3:20 Dan Gillett on natural wine
3:25 Critter of the Week: the Mecodema ground beetle
Nicola Toki, DoC's endangered Species Ambassador tells us all about the NZ ground beetle.
New Zealand has about 430 known species of Ground Beetle, all species of endemic NZ ground beetle are flightless. The genus Mecodema includes the largest ground beetles in New Zealand.
3:45 The Pre-Panel Story of the Day and One Quick Question
4:05 The Panel with David Farrar and Penny Ashton
Next week's story is Consent by Tracey Slaughter. We will be discussing this on the show on Thursday the 27th of April at 3.10pm. Email us your thoughts