Today we discuss Still Here by Anna Taylor

Email us your thoughts, to be in to win a book,

1:10 Mitch James in session

The 2017 Vodafone New Zealand Music Awards are around the corner, they'll be held next Thursday at Spark Arena.

One of the nominees is 21-year-old Mitch James, he's up for Best Pop Artist. You're probably know his hugely popular song 'Move On'.

He performs live for us in our Auckland studio

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Photo: Supplied

1:15 Conservation mine ban  Kevin Hague

Forest and Bird are welcoming the news that Government has put a ban on future mining on conservation land.

The organisation's chief executive, Kevin Hague, says it's a major victory for nature and means their battle to stop areas such as the Denniston plateau being mined are now safe.

He says it also removes the risk for the Coromandel peninsula where there has been ongoing prospecting for gold.

Kevin Hague talks to Jesse about the impact the ban will have.

1:20 Dr Know Gwendoline Smith

Gwendoline Smith AKA Doctor Know

Gwendoline Smith AKA Doctor Know Photo: Supplied

Social Anxiety is now the third largest mental health problem affecting people around the world.

Psychologist Gwendoline Smith specialises in the disorder and she found it rampant amongst young people.

Hoping to reach out to this base she created an alter ego named Doctor Know and set up a blog so she could provide help to teens on  a platform they relate to: tumblr.

She's know written a book called "knowing" for young adults to guiding them to manage their feelings and get their anxiety under control.

Knowing by Gwendoline Smith

Knowing by Gwendoline Smith Photo: Supplied

1:30  Rhodes Scholar Jean Balchin

Jean Balchin

Jean Balchin Photo: Sharron Bennett

From being home schooled to a Rhodes Scholar. Jean Balchin is not your average student or scholar.

Her childhood was spent all over New Zealand with her father's job meaning they moved around a fair bit, sometimes to remote places.

Now Jean's off on a scholarship to study at Oxford University to do her doctorate  in English literature, looking at the manifestation of Social Darwinism in NZ's colonialist literature.

She talks to Jesse about her work which secured the scholarship and how her unconventional upbringing helped.

1:40 Great album

2:10 Theatre Critic

Genevieve McClean reviews  Auckland Theatre Company's production, Red Speedo

2:20 Social economics with Dr Jess Berentson Shaw

Social researcher, Dr Jess Berentson Shaw discusses paid parental leave and its impacts on society.

2:30 Matawhero and the New Zealand Wars

On October 28 we held the first official commemoration for the New Zealand Wars. This time next year will be the 150th anniversary of the Matawhero Massacre (10 November).

Our regular historian, Grant Morris believes this will l be a more difficult national discussion than the ones around Rangiaowhia and Parihaka and explains why.

Matawhero NZ Wars Memorial

Matawhero NZ Wars Memorial Photo: NZ History

3:10 Short Story Club

Today we discuss Still Here by Anna Taylor

Email us your thoughts, to be in to win a book.

3:25 Tell me about your thesis

Sarah Vidler tells us about her thesis on the aggressive and violent tendencies of Ancient Egyptian goddesses

Detail from the Greenfield Papyrus depicting the air god Shu, assisted by the ram-headed Heh deities, supporting the sky goddess Nut as the earth god Geb reclines beneath.

Detail from the Greenfield Papyrus depicting the air god Shu, assisted by the ram-headed Heh deities, supporting the sky goddess Nut as the earth god Geb reclines beneath. Photo: Wikipedia commons

3:30 This Way Up

3:45 The Pre-Panel Story of the Day and One Quick Question

4:05 The Panel with Josie Pagani and Peter Elliott