Afternoons for Thursday 24 May 2018
Short Story Club
After 3 we discuss Pip Adam's short story The Woman, the Girl
Pip just won the Acorn Foundation Prize for Fiction at the Ockham NZ book awards, so we're giving away a copy of her winning book The New Animals to the writer of the best email about The Woman, the Girl.
So read it and email us before 3pm on Thursday!
1:10 Zulu Love sing live
Zulu Love from South Africa is made up of some of Soweto's best musicians. The group is touring New Zealand with the show, South African Harmonies and perform live for us in our Wellington studio.
Zulu Love at RNZ Wellington Photo: RNZ
1:15 Plastic in food production "a ticking time bomb"
Supermarkets are reducing their use of plastic shopping bags and people are starting to realise just how much damage plastic is causing our oceans - but what about the impact on our soils?
ESR Environmental Scientist, Dr Olga Pantos says many people think they are making good decisions by choosing compostable and biodegradable labelled products, they can be just as harmful to the environment as conventional plastic if they are not disposed of properly.
Plastic waste in compost Photo: Flickr
1:25 Landfall digitises its back catalogue
Landfall is New Zealand's longest running literary journal; established in 1947 it has featured new writing by many of this country's greatest literary figures.
But up until now there's been no way to read many of the stories published in Landfall unless you had an old copy of one of the issues.
But the publisher, Otago University Press has just digitised the first 20 years of Landfall - that;'s 80 issues and the work of 540 authors at
Early Landfall covers
1:35 Exercise and ageing: new research on its benefits
We know exercise is good for us, but new research has revealed just how important it is as we age.
Otago University researchers wanted to find out why ageing eats away at muscles so they could try and reduce that
They found both endurance and resistance training helps to preserve muscle and more importantly - it's never too late to start
Exercise helps prevent age related muscle loss Photo:
1:40 Great album
2:10 Theatre Critic John Smythe
2:20 Solving the world's problems
Simon Wilson from the NZ Herald joins us to talk about a damning report into road safety in Auckland and what needs to be done to improve things.
The Auckland Transport report reveals that from 2014 to 2017 there was a 77.8% increase in deaths and 72.9% in serious injuries on the roads in Auckland. In 2017, that was 64 deaths and 771 serious injuries.
Photo: RNZ
2:30 The history of the New Zealand aristocracy
The recent royal wedding was a showcase for Britain's aristocracy, albeit alongside Hollywood celebrities and more minor upper-class guests.
Many New Zealanders watched the wedding, but are aristocratic weddings really of any relevance to NZ?
We look back with historian Grant Morris of Victoria University
Longwood Homestead Photo: Te Ara / Public Domain
3:10 Short Story Club
Today we discuss Pip Adam's short story The Woman, the Girl
Pip just won the Acorn Foundation Prize for Fiction at the Ockham NZ book awards, so we're giving away a copy of her winning book The New Animals to the writer of the best email about The Woman, the Girl.
3:25 Tell me about your thesis
Alison Booth tells us about her thesis, Dunedin Performance networks: Indian cultural production in Aotearoa/New Zealand
3:30 BBC Witness
3:45 The Pre-Panel Story of the Day and One Quick Question
4:05 The Panel with Nadine Higgins and Andrew Clay