Afternoons for Thursday 22 November 2018
Short Story Club
We're doing something a bit different today - instead of a short story its a comic by Barry Linton who recently passed away. Check out My Ten Guitars and we will discuss it on after 3pm with Dylan Horrocks.
Email us your thoughts - - to be in to win Sport 46, which the cartoon is published in.
1:10 First song
1:15 Professor Peter Lineham: the future of religion in New Zealand
Professor Peter Lineham has been writing and teaching about New Zealand's religious history for several decades.
He's retiring from Massey University at the end of this year, but not before he gives one final lecture about the state of religion in the country - its decline, evolution, and future here.
The lecture titled In Search of church - does religion have a future in Godzone? is the tenth and last in this year's Our Changing World Series and will be delivered tonight.
Professor Lineham joins us now to tell us about the topic, and leaving teaching behind.
Photo: Supplied
1:25 Reducing food waste and composting on a big scale
Photo: Supplied
Food waste is a massive contributor to our landfills. In our biggest city, it makes up 45% of the total waste.
While composting at home is a good step, the real culprits are restaurants and businesses.
Skycity is one of those businesses. It decided to change it's practices. Over the past year they've diverted 500 tonnes of food waste to compost, the equivalent weight of more than 140 buses.
To explain how it works we're joined by Environmental Manager Courtney Simpson.
1:35 Sharing Kiwi biodiversity online
Citizen science is all about the general public helping professionals gather data about the natural world.
Stay-at-home mum Siobhan Leachman contributes to by collating and then uploading information about Kiwi flora and fauna to the internet.
Her current obsession is on New Zealand's plethora of endemic moths. She tells us how editing Wikipedia pages has become a useful resource.
1:40 Great album
2:10 Tech talk with Peter Griffin
Peter Griffin takes a look at the kinds of new or old technology that people might be looking to buy for Christmas or in the new year sales and asks if i-pads and tablets are now a thing of the past.
ipad Photo: supplied
2:20 Solving the world's problems
Rebecca Stevenson is Stuff's business editor and today she's tacking the issue of affordable housing - and kiwibuild and whether it might help the Auckland housing market
2:30 Language and History: A 'trivial' matter?
In the recent NCEA history exam, some students did not know the meaning of 'trivial' and struggled to answer the set question. What does this case tells us about the state of history and language?
Victoria University Historian, Grant Morris looks at the role language plays in the study of history.
Photo: Wiki commons
3:10 Link 3
3:15 Short Story Club
Dylan Horrocks joins us to talk about the comic, My Ten Guitars by Barry Linton.
Dylan actually did his own cartoon dedication to Barry - check it out here
Email us your thoughts on My Ten Guitars to - to be in to win Sport 46, which the cartoon is published in.
Barry Linton cartoon by Dylan Horrocks Photo: The Spinoff / Dylan Horrocks
3:25 Tell me about your thesis
Caleb Harris grew up on a farm near Dannevirke, and did his masters thesis at the National University of Colombia, in Bogotá.
He tells us about what insprired the topic; Sharing and becoming aware, as a society, of grief, mourning, pain and death through the contemporary Colombian novel. A reading of two cases: The Armies [by Evelio Rosero] and Rancour [by Óscar Collazos].
Below are some photos he took in Colombia that inspired his masters research.
3:30 Are We There Yet?
3:45 The Pre-Panel Story of the Day and One Quick Question
4:05 The Panel with Ruth Money and Gary McCormick