Afternoons for Monday 29 April 2019
1:10 First song: Navvy live in studio
We are pleased to introduce young up and coming singer songwriter, Navvy - aka Phoebe Lee Jasper. She performs her first single Subliminal, live in our Auckland studio
Photo: supplied/
1:15 Stop blaming the boomers
Baby Boomers are described as those people born between 1946 and 1964. They're typically thought of as the wealthiest generation and, for that reason, have become somewhat of a punching bag for those in the generations that followed.
That was particularly evident after it was announced the Capital Gains Tax wouldn't go ahead. Some who supported the tax blamed boomers for its demise. But is that fair?
Journalist Branko Marcetic has written a piece on The Spinoff arguing we need to stop dividing ourselves among lines, even generational ones. He tells us why.
Photo: 123rf
1:25 Measuring who does well, and who does not, from our economy
The Government will soon deliver its much-publicised "wellbeing budget".
Since it was announced this budget would look outside traditional markers, a team of researchers at Massey University have developed their own measure of social progress, dubbed the Shared Prosperity Index.
The project leader Professor Christoph Schumacher, the School of Economics and Finance, will be sharing what they've discovered about how well people are doing in this economy at a series of talks later this week. He explains some of the findings.
Photo: reb
1:35 'Active transport' report
The Associate Transport Minister Julie Anne Genter has just launched a report by the University of Otago about active transport - outlining why our use of cars in harming us and the environment.
The report couples together the issues of transport, emissions, and health, and calls for urgent action from the Government.
One of the lead authors consultant Andrew Jackson is at the launch and shares the details.
1:40 Great album
2:10 Television Critic Nicholas Pointon
Nicholas talks about the new series of Game of Thrones (Soho, Neon) and Lunatics (Netflix), the new series from Australian comedian Chris Lilley.
2:20 Posture Expert on changing how we hold our bodies for the better
Are you a slumper, a sloucher, maybe a leaner? We all have ways of holding our bodies. Most of us, not perfectly.
Auckland physiotherapist Stacey Law talks sitting, standing, stretching and the best ways of staying physically healthy for as long as you can.
Good posture now being questioned Photo: creative commons - flickr - Charles Hutchins
3:10 Death of the Calorie
Eat fewer calories than you burn. This is the standard advice given to anyone who wants to lose weight. But calories may not be the most accurate way to calibrate what we should eat to stay healthy or lose weight. For more than 100 years the calorie has been the centerpiece of nutrition and diet advice. But it's a woefully inaccurate and misleading measurement says freelance journalist Peter Wilson. He makes the case for getting rid of the calorie in an article for The Economist's ideas, culture and lifestyle magazine 1843, titled Death of the Calorie.
Photo: Pixabay
3:35 Voices
3:45 The Pre-Panel Story of the Day and One Quick Question
4:05 The Panel with Jarrod Gilbert and Penny Ashton