Afternoons for Wednesday 17 July 2019
1:10 First song
1:15 Is screen time for kids more about quality than quantity?
It's a problem just about every parent has to deal with these days: how much screen time is too much for your kids?
But Brittany Huber, who's a postdoctoral researcher at Melbourne's Swinburne University of Technology writes in The Conversation that we should be more concerned about the types of programmes children are watching, and who they're watching them with.
She joins us on the line from New Jersey to explain a bit more about her work.
Photo: Google images
1:25 Learning about cricket in 24 hours
Cricket, it's fair to say, isn't everyone's cup of tea. That was certainly the case for RNZ Te Manu Korihi reporter Te Aniwa Hurihanganui.
But when New Zealand made the final of the World Cup, Te Aniwa decided she wanted to be part of the conversation - so she learned all she could about the sport in 24 hours.
We catch up with her to chat about the experience, and what she thinks now of the sport that mad dogs and the Englishmen play in the midday sun
A dejected New Zealand captain Kane Williamson after losing the final. Photo: Photosport
1:34 Ngā Taonga Sound Archives:
When we first set foot on the moon, 50 years ago this Sunday, there was no live TV coverage of the momentous event in New Zealand. There was no Facebook live feed, and we weren't Tweeting our reactions to the world either. Instead, Kiwis were glued to their transistor radios. Today, Sarah Johnston from the Sound Archives of Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision looks back at how we heard the Moon landing.
1:40 Great album
2:10 Theatre Review - John Smythe
It's school holidays and John Smythe, Managing Editor of theatreview has a couple of great shows from Rollicking Entertainment to review - one to keep the littlies happy and one for the big kids - The Dunstan Creek Haunting and Bathtime Bubbles. They're both playing at CIRCA in Wellington until Saturday.
2:20 Visiting a photo exhibition when you've been raised on Instagram
Photo exhibitions are wonderful places, if you're into that sort of stuff.
But lots of adults these days exist on a visual diet of smartphones and instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and ironic memes.
And so rises an interesting existential question: has the digital world dulled the primal joy of beautiful photographs seen in person?
Metro Magazine's digital editor Tess Nichol's written a fantastic piece exploring that very question and joins us to chat about it
American photographer Steve McCurry's iconic photo 'Afghan Girl', taken of Sharbat Gula in 1985, is displayed at an exhibition in Turkey in 2015. Photo: AFP
2:30 Bookmarks: Sonya Renee Taylor
Activist, author, poet and spoken word artist. Sonja Renee Taylor talks about her latest book The Body Is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love. We'll find out what she means by radical self-love, as well being introduced to Sonya's favourite music, books and other things. Sonya is also a keynote speaker at the Festival For the Future, which is on in Wellington, 26-28 July 2019.
Sonya Renee Taylor Photo: Supplied
3:10 Andrew Blum: The Weather Machine How we See into the Future
An accurate weather forecast can change history. The ability to get the weather right is getting better all the time with advances in computer simulations, satellites and global cooperation. But the outlook for access to that vital information is not so sunny. Journalist, author and weather geek Andrew Blum explains how weather prediction works and why it's under threat in his new book, The Weather Machine How we See into the Future
The Weather Machine Photo: Supplied \Penguin Random House New Zealand
3:35 Science and environment stories
Stories from Our Changing World. New way to stop unwanted biofouling
Bioengineer Chris Walker, from Electroclear and the University of Auckland, is developing a novel, non-toxic way of preventing marine organisms growing on boats and marinas. He tells Alison Ballance that initial testing shows that using electric fields to prevent biofouling is looking very positive
3:45 The Pre-Panel Story of the Day and One Quick Question
4:05 The Panel with Julia Whaipooti and Ben Thomas