Afternoons for Tuesday 27 April 2021
Karyn Hay hosts Afternoons this week
1:12 First Song
1:17 School speed zone proposal full of inconsistencies
It's been welcome news that speeds outside schools are going to be dropped all over the country, but there's concern there's going to be different speeds for different schools.
Under the current proposals there would be two different limits for urban schools and another limit for rural schools.
Lucinda Rees from the lobby group, NZ School Speeds talks to Karyn about their concerns with the current proposal.
Photo: RNZ / Amy Williams
1:27 How to eliminate carbon dioxide emissions from industrial materials
A New Zealand scientist who is part of a team working on how to eliminate carbon dioxide emissions from industrial materials including steel.
Steel is used in everything from roads and railways, to earthquake resilient buildings and electric vehicles, and it comes at a significant environmental cost.
Dr Chris Bumby is the MacDiarmid Institute Principal Investigator and a Senior Scientist at the Robinson Research Institute of Victoria University of Wellington and talks to Karyn about their work.
File photo. Photo: 123RF
1:35 More dialogue needed around India flight ban
Flights from India have been suspended for the past two weeks as part of a temporary ban, as the country experiences a devastating second wave of Covid-19 cases.
The ban means that only citizens, their parents, partners and children are allowed into New Zealand.
Mohan Dutta and Dr Sapna Samant have expressed their disappointment about the Government's handling of the travel restrictions in a comment piece for E Tangata magazine. Mohan talks to Karyn about their article.
Photo: RNZ / Liu Chen
1:50 How to Write a movie review
For many years Dominic Corry was an entertainment writer and movie critic living in LA.
He shares his tips on how to write a movie review, especially if a film is rubbish, and you're moving in the same circles as those you've critiqued!
Photo: 123rf
2:10 Book Critic: Pip Adam
Today Pip looks at how writing intersects with art. She talks about Dwelling in the Margins,edited by Katie Kerr Gloria, 'Hooked Up to Monadic Device' from the 15 April 2021 Pantograph Punch written by Sinead Overbye.
2:20 Producing NZ hits in 2021
Greg Haver is an award-winning Welsh producer who's worked with the likes of Manic Street Preaches, Catatonia, and, since he made New Zealand his home, the Chills and Opshop. Greg joins Jesse to talk about the often mis-understood art of producing.
Guy Massey, Greg Haver and Dave Eringa at the Producers master class in Auckland. Photo: supplied
3:10 How to "adult" a guide from Julie Lythcott-Haims
Adulting is a new verb with a new list of challenges. It used to be, get an education, a job, get married have children. It’s more complicated now says former dean of undergraduate advising at Stanford University, Julie Lythcott-Haims. After years of working with young people she’s come up with a guide that urges them to stop pleasing people, find a purpose and grow up. It’s called Your Turn: How to Be an Adult.
Julie Lythcott-Haims Photo: supplied
3:30 Spoken Feature: BBC Witness History
Using recordings from NASA and the BBC, Alex Last looks back to April 1981, to tell the story of a defining moment in space exploration - when NASA launched the first space shuttle into orbit.
Colombia: the first space shuttle Photo: supplied
3:45 The Panel with Victoria MacLennan and Peter Fa'afiu