Afternoons for Tuesday 24 August 2021
1.00 COVID update LIVE
During level four lockdown we're expecting each day the Prime Minister together the director general of health to provide an update on the cases in the community. When these briefings are happening we will take them live to air to provide as much new information as the pair have.
Photo: Nick Munro
1:25 3D printed homes: The way to solve the housing crisis?
Could 3D printed homes be the way of the future?
Countries around the world are embracing this technology to provide more housing that is faster and cheaper to build.
That raises the question - could this help address New Zealand's housing shortage?
Rush Digital Founder Danu Abeysuriya joins Jesse to discuss the potential of this technology.
The world's first 3D printed home Photo: Youtube
1.30 Unlikely friendships in lockdown
Wildlife photographer and self-described "bird nerd" Holly Neill joins Jesse to talk about making friends with pīwakawaka!
Check out some other images here on Holly's Twitter.
Holly's piwakawaka friend. Photo: Holly Neill Photography
A pīwakawaka captured by wildlife photographer Holly Neill. Photo: Holly Neill photography / Twitter
1:35 Celebrating the handcrafted with Sacha McNeil
Broadcast journalist Sacha McNeil is on a mission to celebrate homemade crafts and their makers.
She has just launched her new project Of Small Matters and joins Jesse for a chat and to share a few ideas for projects at home in lockdown.
A horizontal stitch sampler. Photo: Sacha McNeil
1:50 How to Write a trail guide
A trail guide is important for keen outdoors walkers, trampers and hikers, as often there is no ability to rely on google to find out where you're going and point out the wonders around area.
Dennis Viehland has written trail guides and joins Jesse to talk about how to write one and why the actual trail isn't as important in the detail as you might think.
Photo: 123RF
2:10 Book Critic: Rob Kelly
2.20 Lockdown scrolls go viral
A Kiwi lockdown recipe is going viral!
Kitty Williams runs Kitty's Kitchen on Instagram and people are losing it over her sweet chilli, ham & cream cheese scrolls !
Kitty joins Jesse to share her amazing recipe and explain what the difference is between a scone and a scroll!
You can find the recipe here.
2:30 The death of Don Everly - what made voices and harmony of the Everly Brothers incredible
Today's music feature is to pay tribute to Don Everly who died yesterday. He was one half of the duo, The Everly Brothers. His brother Phil passed away in 2014.
Auckland University's school of music lecturer Dr Gregory Camp joins Jesse to reflect on the Everly Brothers musical influence and what was so incredible about their voices and harmony.
The Everly Brothers (Phil, left, and Don) perform on ABC's "American Bandstand" on July 9, 1960 Photo: Getty Images
3:10 Crime writer Ian Rankin on finishing his literary hero's book
When the widow of famed Scottish Crime writer William McIlvanney needed someone to finish the book her husband started before his death, there was only one person to call; famed Scottish crime writer, Ian Rankin. Rankin set aside his beloved Detective Inspector John Rebus to write about Detective Inspector Jack Laidlaw. We'll talk to Ian Rankin about his work using manuscripts left by his literary hero to finish, The Dark Remains.
Ian Rankin Photo: supplied
3:30 Spoken Feature: BBC witness history
The economist John Maynard Keynes transformed 20th century economic policy. Considered one of the great minds of his age, his seminal work The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, sought to diagnose and find solutions to the misery and mass unemployment of the Great Depression. For decades his ideas were central to economic policy adopted across the western world and have made a comeback after the financial crash of 2008. Alex Last presents rare recordings of Keynes from the BBC archive and speaks to Lord Skidelsky, Emeritus Professor of Political Economy at Warwick University and biographer of Keynes.
3:45 The Panel with Victoria Stewart and Chris Wikaira