1:12 First song

1:17 Lake Onslow's potential to store energy for the future!

Central Otago may be one stop closer to harnessing new power storage for New Zealanders.

It's been described as having the potential to be at the centrepiece of The NZ Battery Project.

Hydrologist, and Waikato University Associate Professor, Earl Bardsley was the first to flag the idea of using Lake Onslow for energy storage.

He talks to Jesse about the lake's potential.

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Photo: Shellie Evans 2014/Wikipedia

1:30 When online ordering estimates go wrong

Like many Aucklanders during the current lockdown, analyst Emma Vitz did her supermarket shopping online.

She's shared on twitter about her shock over how many onions arrived at her door, which has started a whole conversation about online ordering faux pas!

Emma talk to Jesse about the 'ordering estimation issues' she's uncovered.


Onions Photo: RNZ/Carol Stiles

1:40 Teen fundraising for children with arthritis causes

Five years ago India Heron's world turned upside down when she was diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. 

She talks to Jesse about how her arthritis has impacted her whole family and why she's now fundraising for the organisations which have supported her and her family throughout her illness.

You can help her out here.

India and Alicia Heron

India and Alicia Heron Photo: supplied

India and Alicia Heron.

India and Alicia Heron. Photo: Supplied.

1:50 Weeds you can eat!

There's a bit of talk about foraging recently.

We have spotted a lot of onion weed around so wanted to find out what we can cook up at home with it.

So we've invited expert forager Johanna Knox on the show to share some tips!

Johanna Knox foraging

Johanna Knox foraging Photo: supplied

2:10 Film Review with Graeme Tuckett

Today Graeme talks to Jesse about No Time To Die (the latest James Bond), Ema - on Academy and Aro platforms.
and The Velvet Underground doco on Apple TV.

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Photo: bbc.co.uk

2:20 Tim Batt's Vax Lotto

You may know Tim more for his comedy routines, but he's turned into a fundraiser to support people getting their first or second jab in October. You can donate to his lotto stash too.

Tim talks to Jesse about getting people on board to get vaccinated and how he's hoping to reward one lucky vaccinated person!

Tim Batt

Tim Batt Photo: supplied

2:30 NZ Live REPLAY

This week we're going back to 2019 when Stan Walker stopped by for an NZ Live session. 

Stan Walker

Stan Walker Photo: RNZ

3:08 Spanish meatball bake with Smoked Paprika and Parmesan

Today food stylist Gretchen Lowe shares her most popular recipe for a meatball bake. It's a simple yet delicious meal that's made more tender by soaking breadcrumbs in milk. You can find the recipe here.

Spanish meatballs

Spanish meatballs Photo: Gretchen Lowe

3:16 Music 101: Charlotte Ryan

Charlotte Ryan, host of Music 101 here on RNZ each Saturday afternoon from midday talks about what's happening on the music scene over the weekend, what's coming up on her show tomorrow and because Friday is new music day - she'll pick us a track to play.

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Photo: RNZ / Claire-Eastham Farrelly

3:25 Gardening with Lynda Hallinan

With Halloween on the horizon in October, Lynda Hallinan is talking all about pumpkins today and how to grow them.

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Photo: Supplied

3:35 Critter of the Week The Muehlenbeckia Aphid

They might be a pest in the vege garden, but aphids are fascinating critters. They poop sugar, give birth like Matryoshka dolls, and fight off their enemies like powerful kickboxers.

The Muehlenbeckia Aphid, Aphus cottieri, is a rare native aphid that only lives on Muehlenbeckia in parts of the South Island.

The Muehlenbeckia Aphid

The Muehlenbeckia Aphid Photo: Simon Bulman, used with permission

3:45 The Panel with Ziena Jalil and Alan McElroy