COTW t-shirt 2022

COTW t-shirt 2022 Photo: supplied

Hey COTW fans - critter t-shirts are back with a new design and a tote bag.

The money raised from the sale of the products goes directly to community environmental groups.

You can pre-order your t-shirts, tote bags and tea towels via the link below. You have two weeks to place your orders so they arrive in time for Christmas.



1:15 Why taxes are deterring companies from encouraging bike use for their staff

An e-bike subscription company is urging the Government to remove barriers for companies who want to encourage other forms of transport among staff.

Businesses today are being taxed at 64 percent on any bikes they provide to staff.

CEO and founder of Shutl in Christchurch, Connor Read talks to Jesse about why the fringe benefit tax for bikes hasn't been removed and how it makes a difference offshore.

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Photo: 123RF

1:25 Nocturnal critters helping pollination - new research

New research has found that nocturnal critters are doing just as much good in terms of pollination as their day time equivalents.

Moths and bats are being credited with visiting a large range of crops and plants.

Lead researcher Max Buxton talks to Jesse about their findings watching creatures of the night at work.

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Photo: Pixabay

1:35 30 years since Map of the Human Heart debuted at Cannes

Next Thursday The Hollywood Avondale is celebrating legendary kiwi film maker, Vincent Ward.

It's been 30 years since his breakout film Map of the Human Heart debuted at the Cannes Film Festival.

It's an exotic romance adventure film set in the Arctic. Vincent talks to Jesse about the challenges making the movie in extreme conditions and the anniversary.

Vincent Ward with actors on set of Map of the Human Heart

Photo: Vincent Ward

2.12 Podcast Critic: Paul Bushnell

What’s good in long/short form podcasts and what’s bad in podcast advertising.

Today Paul Bushnell is stepping back from recommending specific podcasts to talk about whether short or long-form podcast series are better, and what kind of podcast advertising is a real turn-off.

But in doing so he’ll discuss Empire and Don’t Mind Cruxmont - which he has talked about in recent months.

Don't Mind Cruxmont poster

Don't Mind Cruxmont poster Photo:

2:25 Bookmarks with Pax Assadi

Today's Bookmarks guest is renown comedian, presenter and author Pax Assadi.

He's about to hit the road touring his latest show, Handsome Boy. He'll travelling around Aotearoa for an 11-date tour, hot off the heels of his acclaimed sitcom, Raised by Refugees.

He's also currently working on his debut novel.

Pax talks to Jesse about what he likes to read, watch and listen to in his down time.

Pax Assadi

Pax Assadi Photo: supplied

3:10 The science behind a midlife crisis

The midlife crisis is real and it's  hitting middle aged people in wealthy countries who have so much going for them but don't always feel that way. This is the conclusion not of a group of psychologists, but a group of economists who compiled data from hundreds of studies for the National Bureau of Economic Research.  Men and women in their early 50's  with no history of mental health issues feel overwhelmed, clinically depressed and even consider suicide at alarming rates. We'll talk to one of the authors of that report, economics professor Nick Powdthavee from Singapore. He shares concerns about this under-recognized phenomenon and why our affluence may be one of the causes.

Nick Powdthavee

Nick Powdthavee Photo:

3:35 Stories from Our Changing World

This week on Our Changing World, we revisit Alison Ballance's Voices from Antarctica series. In this episode, she’s at Cape Crozier on Ross Island, where she meets a colony of Emperor penguins and the NIWA team that is studying them.

RNZ producer Alison Ballance meets some curious Emperor penguins at Cape Crozier, on Ross Island in Antarctica.

RNZ producer Alison Ballance meets some curious Emperor penguins at Cape Crozier, on Ross Island in Antarctica. Photo: RNZ / Alison Ballance

3:45 The Panel with Lynda Hallinan and Martin Bosley