Afternoons for Thursday 21 December 2023
12:30 NZ Sporting history replay: Wayne Smith
Each day this week we're replaying one our NZ Sporting history interviews from 2023.
Earlier this year we spoke to someone who's won three Rugby World Cups in 2011, 2015, and 2021, Wayne Smith.
Just before we spoke to him he had another honour bestowed on him: Coach of the year at the 2023 Halberg Awards.
Wayne Smith making mild criticisms of modern rugby which caused a brief flurry in sports sections this week. Photo: screenshot / YouTube - All Blacks podcast
1:15 Keeping berries fresh for the festive season
New Zealand grown berries will be on the Christmas menu for many of us, and enjoyed through the summer months.
So what's behind the apparent jump in berry prices in recent days, how is the season going - and how can we best keep berries fresh over the festive season.
To answer these questions and more, someone you could say has berry growing in his blood, Jay Malloy from Kaipaki Berries talks to Jesse.
Jay Molloy and Linda Chim of Kaipaki berries Photo: © MG Marketing
1:25 Caring for the coastline while enjoying the summer weather
With many Kiwis heading for the beach this summer, a new survey shows there is a growing appreciation of sustainable conservation efforts along our coastline.
The survey was carried out by Coast Care Bay of Plenty, a coastal restoration restoration programme that has been operating since 1994.
Russell Knutson is Coast Care Regional Coordinator, he speaks to Jesse.
Photo: 123rf
1:35 Special vintage train excursion for cruise ship passengers
Cruise ship passengers to Aotearoa are being offered a unique vintage rail excursion from Gisborne to Muriwai this weekend.
To tell us more, Jesse speaks to Shaw from Gisborne City Vintage Railway group.
WA165 Steam train Photo: Liam Clayton/Gisborne Herald.
1:45 Link 3 album
2:10 Music Critic: Dianne Swann
Today Dianne talks to Jesse about music from Felice Brothers new album Asylum on the the Hill album ,
2:25 NZ Sporting History with Paige Hareb
For NZ Sporting history today we speak to surfing sensation Paige Hareb ,the first woman to qualify for the ASP Women's World Tour.
She's been surfing the international surfing circuit since she was 17. She joins Jesse to talk about her passion for the sport and her quest to qualify for the 2024 Olympics.
3:10 Link 3
3:15 Your Money with Mary Holm
Today Mary Holm wraps up the big financial issues that have been around in 2023.
Photo: 123rf
3:35 Nau Mai Town: Raumati
We've all got our favourite places to spend our summer. Maybe it's at home or in a far-flung part of the country. How about Raumati? A town lucky enough to be called 'summer' well that's what the te reo Māori name, Raumati means.
But how did the name come about? Justine Murray presents this bonus episode of the podcast series, Nau Mai Town.
Photo: RNZ / Krista Barnaby
3:45 The Panel with Sue Bradford and Conor English