1:15 Celebrating the success of Whenua Hou for birdlife rejuvenation

Just off the west coast of Rakiura/Stewart Island; lies Whenua Hou or Codfish Island.

Matariki weekend will see the 25th anniversary of the island's predator free sanctuary.

It's been a remarkable success, pulling kākāpō from the jaws of extinction as well as helping other species.

On Rakiura, a big celebration is planned.  Shona Stangs has been hard at work for months on this. She speaks to Mark.

Whenua Hou / Codfish Island lies northwest of Stewart Island. It is a nature reserve that has been the centre of kākāpō conservation efforts since the late 1980s.

Whenua Hou / Codfish Island lies northwest of Stewart Island. It is a nature reserve that has been the centre of kākāpō conservation efforts since the late 1980s. Photo: RNZ / Alison Ballance

1:25 Mending and making do in the deep South

In these days of fast fashion, the mending of clothes is becoming something of a forgotten craft.

However in Southland, a repair shop style initiative is not only proving popular, but also helping fund community improvement projects.

It's hosted by local cooperative The Pantry, which in turn helps fund South Invercargill urban rejuvenation organisation South Alive.

Courtney Ellison is community development and operations manager at South Alive. She speaks to Mark.

Mend it Mondays are the latest community event at The Pantry in Invercargill

Mend it Mondays are the latest community event at The Pantry in Invercargill Photo: Supplied/The Pantry

1:35 Annual whale and dolphin count

If you want to get the family outside this Matariki weekend, maybe entice them with the promise of spotting a humpback whale.

The fifth annual whale and dolphin count takes place this weekend.

Whale and Dolphin Watch New Zealand are encouraging people to rack up the sightings and contribute to the knowledge around our marine mates.

Christine Rose, is one of the organisers and she speaks to Mark.

Two dolphins swimming on the ocean surface

Short-beaked common dolphins. Photo: Terry C. Greene / Department of Conservation (CC BY 4.0)

1:45 Tech Tuesday with Dan Watson

This week owner and managing director of Vertech IT Services Dan Watson talks to Mark about the tech that's been in the news.

2:10 Book Critic: Claire Mabey

Today Claire talks to Mark about At the Grand Glacier Hotel by Laurence Fearnley, The Garden Against Time by Olivia Laing and Tarot by Jake Arthur.

2:20 Update on Oz with Brad Foster

Brad Foster reports Australia could become the world's first country to ban the purchase of vapes outside pharmacies from July 1.

He also reports on a world first research study on how festivals and events can reunite a community after a devastating event, and explains why the world's most popular YouTuber is in Sydney this week.

2:30 Music feature: Boy bands

Although the term "boy band" wasn't coined until the 1980s, their history stretches back much further.

For as long as modern pop music has existed, boy bands have been making audiences swoon with smooth vocal harmonies, loving lyrics, and slick choreography.

So, what is it about the boy band that it continbues to permeate pop culture after all these years?

And what defines a boy band? Is it simply a band of boys, or is it something a little more specific?

To break it down for us Yadana Saw, former RNZ music journalist and current Greater Wellington regional councillor joins us.

Westlife with their Best Band award the 2000 TV Hits Awards

Westlife with their Best Band award the 2000 TV Hits Awards Photo: Beacon Radio

3:10 Our food could be making us ill, Dr Casey Means' new book

Over our lifetimes, we will eat 70 metric tons of food. 

So many of our health problems, from type 2 diabetes to dementia, can be traced to problems  converting food into energy says Dr Casey Means.

She says metabolism is one of the most important and least understood  factors in our overall health. Her new book explains the connection between health and cells that aren't creating and using energy properly. 

The book is called Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health.

Good Energy book cover

v Photo: supplied

3:30 Spoken Feature: Thrift

As the cost of everything rises - how do we start to put some savings aside ?

Katy Gosset meets a first time saver and  mother of four who shares the tips that helped her.

illustration of a stack of coins and a plant in front of the word thrift

Photo: Zhenya Nagornaya

3:45 The pre-Panel