24 Apr 2018

Hawera Cinema's onesie ban goes viral

From Afternoons, 1:23 pm on 24 April 2018
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Photo: Pixabay

When a cinema in the Taranaki town of Hawera banned patrons from wearing pyjamas, dressing gowns, dirty gumboots and onesies to their screenings it likely didn't expect to become a global story.

"Please no pyjamas, onesies, dressing gowns or dirty gumboots - no matter how cute they are!"  It said in Facebook post in a bid to raise dress standards at the picture theatre.

The BBC, The Guardian and other many other international media organisations have picked up on this.   

Later Hawera Cinema posted:

"Wow! We are at a total loss for words! No way did we expect the reaction that we have received from our no pj/onesie/gumboots post on the weekend! It seems we have gone viral, both locally and internationally."

Hawera Cinema's manager Kirsty Bourke told Jim Mora the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive.

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