Navigation for Afternoons
The various doctors: Dr Who
The various doctors: Dr Who
The eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith (BBC)
The eighth Doctor, Paul McGann (BBC)
The lost episode 'The Lion' that Paul Scoones discovered in Auckland
The fifth doctor, Peter Davison (BBC)
The ninth Doctor, Christopher Eccleston (BBC)
The fourth Doctor, Tom Baker (BBC)
The sixth Doctor, Colin Baker (BBC)
The second Doctor, Patrick Troughton (BBC)
The tenth Doctor, David Tennant (BBC)
The seventh Doctor, Sylvester McCoy (BBC)
The war Doctor, John Hurt (BBC)
The third Doctor, Jon Pertwee (BBC)
The first Doctor, William Hartnell (BBC)
The twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi (BBC)
Daleks (BBC)
The TARDIS time traveling machine (BBC)
Gallifrey, the original home of the Time Lords (BBC)
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