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The work of Len Lye
The work of Len Lye
Len Lye A Colour Box 1935. Courtesy of the Len Lye Foundation and the British Postal Museum and Archive. From material preserved by the BFI National Archive and made available by Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision
Len Lye A Colour Box 1935. Courtesy of the Len Lye Foundation and the British Postal Museum and Archive. From material preserved by the BFI National Archive and made available by Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision
Len Lye A Colour Box 1935. Courtesy of the Len Lye Foundation and the British Postal Museum and Archive. From material preserved by the BFI National Archive and made available by Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision
Len Lye A Colour Box 1935. Courtesy of the Len Lye Foundation and the British Postal Museum and Archive. From material preserved by the BFI National Archive and made available by Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision
Len Lye A Colour Box 1935. Courtesy of the Len Lye Foundation and the British Postal Museum and Archive. From material preserved by the BFI National Archive and made available by Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision
4095 Len Lye in studio 1958 unknown photographer Courtesy Len Lye Foundation Collection Govett-Brewster Art Gallery
Len Lye at University of California Berkeley 1966. Courtesy Len Lye Foundation
Len Lye Fire Bush 1961 (2007 reconstruction. Courtesy the Len Lye Foundation Collection, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery
Len Lye making film 2 - sent by Roger Horrocks - May 2014
Len Lye Bell Wand 1965 (2011 reconstruction). Courtesy the Len Lye Foundation Collection, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery
Len Lye A Colour Box 1935 4min 35mm Dufaycolour 10.JPG
Len Lye Bell Wand 2011 Photo Bryan James.JPG
Len Lye Waterwhirler-TimGruchy-A459-0149
Len Lye Rotating Harmonic 1959 (2010 reconstruction). Courtesy the Len Lye Foundation Collection, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery
The Birth of a Robot 1936 still Courtesy LLF and Shell Global 2
Len Lye Water Whirler 1961 (2006 reconstruction). Courtesy the Len Lye Foundation. Photo Tim Gruchy
Len Lye Fountain III 1977. Govett-Brewster Collection. Photo Bryan James
The Birth of a Robot 1936 still Courtesy LLF and Shell Global 3
The Birth of a Robot 1936 still Courtesy LLF and Shell Global
The Birth of a Robot 1936 still Courtesy LLF and Shell Global 4
The images in this gallery are used with permission and are subject to copyright conditions.