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Checkpoint for Monday 31 July 2017
Does Christchurch need a covered stadium?
6:23 PM.The debate over whether Christchurch needs a covered stadium has reignited after consecutive low turnouts for two of the Crusaders' biggest games of the year. Video, Audio
Day care teacher sentenced for smacking & force-feeding kids
6:21 PM.A parent whose child was assaulted by former day-care supervisor Lynn Euphemia Abraham says her sentence of five months home detention isn't tough enough. Audio
Govt scraps controversial decile rating system for schools
6:19 PM.The Government is scrapping the controversial decile rating system for schools, replacing it with a confidential funding system. Video, Audio
Labour: 'It's the best of a bad bunch'
6:16 PM.In Checkpoint's latest 'pass the phone around poll', John Campbell asks Blackball locals what they think about the current situation. Video, Audio
Andrew Little: 'I ain't giving up now'
6:08 PM.An internal UMR poll has put support for the Labour party at 23 percent lower than a shock One News Colmar Brunton poll. Andrew Little talks to John Campbell. Video, Audio
Plaque unveiled in Wellington for Victoria Cross recipient
5:56 PM.A railway worker whose First World War heroism won him the Victoria Cross has been honoured with a plaque at Wellington's main train station. Video, Audio
Government told to fund driving lessons in schools
5:54 PM.The government is being urged to pay for driving lessons for high school students to boost their employment prospects. Video, Audio
60,000 cars using Waterview Tunnel every day
5:49 PM.The Waterview Tunnel has reduced some commutes by 25 minutes, and traffic on some streets by up to 12,000 vehicles per day. Video, Audio
'Something needs to be done'
5:44 PM.Three young females are alleged to have been involved in the fatal stabbing of a Hamilton man at the weekend. Norman Kingi's death has sparked renewed calls for community policing to be strengthened.
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Man waits five months for urgent cancer surgery
5:35 PM.A Palmerston man says he is still waiting for urgent prostate cancer surgery at Dunedin Hospital after a confirmed diagnosis in February. And he says he's been told seven other patients are in the… Read more Video, Audio
Evening Business for 31 July 2017
5:32 PM.News from the business sector, including a market report. Video, Audio
Police didn't act on complaint about Whangarei killer, business owner says
5:22 PM.A Whangarei business owner says gunman Quinn Patterson, who killed two women last week, was manipulative, stole thousands from her business, and had anger issues, but police did nothing. Video, Audio
NZ First up to 16% in election poll
5:17 PM.The UMR poll result which emerged today had National taking a hit dropping 5 points to 42 and New Zealand First up five points to 16 per cent. Winston Peters joins Checkpoint live. Video, Audio
Blackball locals on Labour's leadership, polling and hopes
5:13 PM.Patrons at 'Formerly the Blackball Hilton' pub in Blackball, the birthplace of the Labour party, pass the phone around to talk to John Campbell to share their thoughts on the party's position in the… Read more Video, Audio
Andrew Little committed to staying on as Labour leader
5:08 PM.Labour recorded its lowest ever result in the One News Colmar Brunton poll at 24 percent, but the party's own internal polling is worse at 23 percent. Jane Patterson reports. Video, Audio
Checkpoint with John Campbell, Monday 31st July 2017
5:00 PM.Watch Monday's full programme here. Video