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Checkpoint for Wednesday 29 November 2017
Cherry crops take a hit in Central Otago deluge
6:25 PM.A Central Otago orchadist says he's lost a third of his early crop of cherries, but it's not all bad news. Video, Audio
Principals want review of truancy services
6:22 PM.Only 67 percent of children regularly attended school in term two last year, down from 70 percent in 2015. Principals want a review of attendance services charged with getting the worst offenders back… Read more Audio
Green Party assess bios after Golriz Ghahraman's omission
6:19 PM.New Greens MP Golriz Ghahraman has come under criticism for not including her work defending war criminals on her official MP bio. Video, Audio
Bob Simcock's resignation was 'right decision' - Sue Moroney
6:08 PM.Former Labour MP Sue Moroney warned then-Waikato DHB chairman Bob Simcock about hiring disgraced former CEO Nigel Murray. Mr Simcock resigned yesterday, which Ms Moroney says was the right decision. Video, Audio
Govt accuses Nats of leaving it with a $20b bill
5:54 PM.Finance Minister Grant Robertson says his predecessor failed to put aside the money for National's promised big ticket Defence Force revamp. Audio
Auckland sprawl forces nurseries to close
5:49 PM.As Auckland sprawls, large swathes of arable land are transformed from paddocks, orchards, and plant nurseries into lifestyle blocks and subdivisions. There's also a risk of 'dumbing down' plant… Read more Video, Audio
Proposal to sell half of New Plymouth golf course angers locals
5:44 PM.New Plymouth Mayor Neil Holdom says selling half of his city's public golf course to develop upmarket housing could earn up to $50m, which could offset rates bills and pay for vital infrastructure. Video, Audio
Sports clubs say new development will be their end
5:41 PM.Sports clubs which use a popular community park are furious that they stand to lose their grounds if a development goes ahead. Read more Video, Audio
Civil Defence Minister visits Roxburgh
5:38 PM.Kris Fa'afoi says life in Roxburgh is gaining some sense of normalcy after a massive deluge flooded several homes, but there's still a lot more to do to clean up the Central Otago town. Video, Audio
Evening business for 29 November 2017
5:35 PM.News from the business sector, including a market report. Video, Audio
Reserve Bank will ease lending restrictions
5:24 PM.Banks will be allowed to have up to 15 percent of their lending to buyers with a deposit of less than 20 percent, while investors will need a 35 percent instead of 40 percent currently. Audio
Indians bearing brunt of immigration crackdown, advisors say
5:20 PM.An Indian migrant who's been denied a work visa twice, despite already having a job here, believes he's being unfairly targeted because of his nationality. Read more Video, Audio
Govt tightens rules around offshore buyers eyeing farmland
5:15 PM.The government has moved to make it harder for wealthy offshore buyers who aren't also New Zealanders to purchase New Zealand farmland. RNZ Political Editor Jane Patterson reports. Video, Audio
Wendy's illegally refused staff public holiday entitlements
5:08 PM.Businesses across New Zealand may have to re-think how they treat public holidays after the ERA found Wendy's was acting unlawfully when deciding who got a day in lieu, and who didn't. Read more Video, Audio
RNZ Checkpoint with John Campbell, Tuesday 28th November 2017
5:00 PM.Watch Wednesday's full programme here. Video