18 Jun 2020

Pilots respond to question of wearing masks on flights

From Checkpoint, 6:06 pm on 18 June 2020

There is some confusion about whether or not masks will be compulsory on inbound flights from Australia.

It comes as two New Zealand sisters from the UK tested positive for Covid-19 after transiting through Brisbane and a 60-year-old man from Pakistan tested positive after transiting through Melbourne.

Air New Zealand has told Checkpoint while masks will be available for passengers on flights from Australia, they won't be compulsory.

That's despite the Ministry of Health telling us passengers should be strongly encouraged to use them.

The Airline Pilots Association has been calling for the compulsory use of masks for months.

Its President Andrew Ridling tells Lisa Owen he welcomes the recommendation from the Ministry of Health, but also says the filtered air on aeroplanes is probably cleaner than that of an operating theatre.