Lately for Thursday 11 February 2021
Photo: RNZ Andrew Robertson
10:20 Wellington residents respond to a proposed 17-percent rates increase
The Wellington City Council could increase rates by 17-percent in the next year to pay for infrastructure and resilience. Wellington's Mayor Andy Foster has revealed his budget for the city over the next 10 years which focusses on upgrading the city's ageing and failing water pipes as well as earthquake strengthening key public buildings including the main Wellington Library. The President of the Newtown Residents Association, Rhona Carson, speaks with Karyn about the proposal.
A water main has burst in central Wellington's Aro Valley. Photo: RNZ / Dom Thomas
10:30 Community blood testing for lead continues in Waikouaiti
A community clinic has been providing lead testing for residents of Waikouaiti, Karitane and Hawkesbury Village in East Otago since Tuesday, as the Dunedin City Council continues to look for the source of lead contamination in the communities' drinking water. Karyn speaks with Waikouaiti Community Board Chair, Alisdair Morrison, about daily life nine days after residents were first told not to drink or cook with their tap water.
Photo: RNZ / Dom Thomas
10:45 The Rest is History: Chinese New Year's Eve
Tonight is Chinese New Year's Eve and for our weekly The Rest Is History segment we find out about the history of Chinese New Year. Karyn speaks with Linda Lim, one of the organisers of Wellington's Chinese New Year festival that's also celebrating it's 20th year.
Organisers of Wellington's Chinese New Year are celebrating 20 years of their festival (left to right) Rita Tom, Stephanie Tims, and Linda Lim. Photo: supplied