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Photo: RNZ

10:17 Explaining the blood moon and eclipse while it's happening  

A total lunar eclipse is visible throughout New Zealand tonight and the partial phase - that's when the Earth's shadow starts to creep across the Moon - will begin at about 9.45PM. Stargazers could be in for a double treat tonight, with the potential for an aurora along with the first super blood moon over New Zealand in nearly 40 years. Karyn speaks with space sicentist Duncan Steel about what's happening in tonight's sky.

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Photo: supplied

10.27 Scriptwriter stands against bullying

Each year, workplaces, schools, organisations and individuals join the international movement to make a stand against bullying. Kapiti-based scriptwriter for TV and film, Nick Ward, has written about his own experience of bullying within the screen industry.

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Photo: supplied

10.37 Midweek Mediawatch: Hayden Donnell

In a weekly update of the latest from the news media, Hayden Donnell speaks with Karyn Hay about developments in broadcaster Martin Devlin's workplace saga that includes criticism of other radio stations' workplace cultures. Hayden will also cover the changes at The Spinoff as well as media coverage of the election results in Samoa.

Fiame Naomi Mataafa

Fiame Naomi Mataafa Photo: Ame Tanielu