Navigation for Māpuna

Stories from Te Tai Tokerau

From peacemakers and strategists to explorers and entrepreneurs, writers Melinda Webber and Te Kapua O'Connor introduce a new generation to 24 tupuna of Te Tai Tokerau including Nukutawhiti, Hineāmaru, Hongi Hika and Te Ruki Kawiti, and many more. In A Fire in the Belly of Hineāmaru  through whakapapa and kōrero, waiata and pepeha, we learn about their actions, their places, their values, and their aspirations. 

Melinda Webber & Te Kapua O'Connor

Photo: Melinda Webber & Te Kapua O'Connor

Artist Piri Cowie

Take a walk around Christchurch City now and you will see a city still being rebuilt, but with a growing bustle and vibrancy.  You will also notice the growing influence of Maori design, narrative, art, and identity not just in the central city, but also throughout the Ngai Tahu takiwa.  One artist whose work features prominently is Piri Cowie who seeks to honour, and elevate mahinga kai through her artwork. 

Mauri tuna

Photo: Mauri tuna