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Stolen Lands documentary 

Stolen Lands is the story of one of Aotearoa's most compelling and misunderstood historical figures. In a five-episode series, it covers the accusations, injustice and conspiracy in Ōpōtiki in 1865, which led to the unjust execution of Te Whakatōhea Chief Mokomoko. Jake Mokomoko is a direct descendant and he, together with Claire Varley, have been key in bringing Stolen Lands to the screen.

Claire Varley & Jake Mokomoko

Photo: Claire Varley & Jake Mokomoko


Comedian Jamaine Ross on laughter and 'self loathing'

Comedian Jamaine Ross says growing up 'I kind of got this self loathing and laughter to stop from crying I just made jokes about it' as a way of dealing with it. He'll soon be appearing at the New Zealand Comedy Festival in Auckland next month. 

Comedian Jamaine Ross

Photo: Comedian Jamaine Ross