Māpuna for Saturday 22 April 2023
Stolen Lands documentary
Stolen Lands is the story of one of Aotearoa's most compelling and misunderstood historical figures. In a five-episode series, it covers the accusations, injustice and conspiracy in Ōpōtiki in 1865, which led to the unjust execution of Te Whakatōhea Chief Mokomoko. Jake Mokomoko is a direct descendant and he, together with Claire Varley, have been key in bringing Stolen Lands to the screen.
Comedian Jamaine Ross on laughter and 'self loathing'
Comedian Jamaine Ross says growing up 'I kind of got this self loathing and laughter to stop from crying I just made jokes about it' as a way of dealing with it. He'll soon be appearing at the New Zealand Comedy Festival in Auckland next month.