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Morning Report for Wednesday 19 April 2017
Top Stories for Wednesday 19 April 2017
6:00 AM.Workers celebrate historic $2 billion pay equity settlement, Resthome companies welcome pay equity settlement, Theresa May announces snap election for UK, Alleged killer in Cleveland takes his life… Read more Audio
Icebreaker defends its commitment to ethical manufacturing
6:16 AM.The New Zealand clothing maker Icebreaker is defending its commitment to ethical manufacturing after being ranked one of the worst in an industry survey. Icebreaker's chief executive, Rob Fyfe, says… Read more Audio
Early Business News for 19 April 2017
6:20 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Morning Rural News for 19 April 2017
6:22 AM.News from the rural and farming sector. Audio
Care and support workers celebrate $2-billion win
6:41 AM.Yesterday dozens of workers crowded into a Wellington church hall to celebrate the announcement that health care and support workers will receive a substantial pay rise. Among them was Kristine… Read more Audio
Mental Health Foundation warns of harmful Netflix series
6:45 AM."I think it's a very irresponsible programme... and really unsafe for young people watching it". The Mental Health Foundation's chief executive, Shaun Robinson, says the Netflix series "13 Reasons… Read more Audio
Business News for 19 April 2017
6:49 AM.News from the business sector, including a market report. Audio
Workers celebrate historic $2 billion pay equity settlement
7:09 AM.Jenny Stuart, a home support worker in South Canterbury and Marianne Bishop an aged care worker in Wellington react to the historic $2 billion pay equity settlement. The say the deal is very exciting… Read more Audio
Resthome companies welcome pay equity settlement
7:14 AM.Terry Bell, the executive director of TerraNova, says the deal is a "game-changer. I'm delighted for future generations of age-care clients. I think it will be very significant for their services in… Read more Audio
Theresa May announces snap election for UK
7:21 AM.Britain will be going to the polls on June the 8th - three years aheaed of schedule. Prime Minister Theresa May has called for the snap election, saying the country needs certainty and stability as it… Read more Audio
Alleged killer in Cleveland takes his life after police chase
7:26 AM.Steve Stephens was spotted ordering lunch at a Pennsylvania McDonalds, leading to a police chase before he shot himself. Tia Ewing from Clevenand 19's News team has the latest on the man who posted a… Read more Audio
New Netflix show called 'Irresponsible, unsafe, and unethical'
7:30 AM.The Mental Health Foundation say Netflix new series, '13 Reasons Why' - a story about a teenager who commits suicide - is putting vulnerable people who are struggling with suicidal thoughts at risk. Audio
Labour: Effective system for pay equity claims well overdue
7:41 AM.The Labour Party leader Andrew Little says the Government's pay equity settlement is "a very good deal and I've never known the National Party to be so cock-a-hoop about centralised wage bargaining."… Read more Audio
Pharmac rejects application to subsidise sanitary items
7:46 AM.According to Pharmac, menstruation isn't a health need, so they will not be subsidising tampons and sanitary pads for all women. Audio
Trumps approval ratings improve amid tensions with North Korea
7:51 AM.It's now been revealed US officials were lying when they said an aircraft carrier was being sent to deter North Korea. Our correspondent in Washington Simon Marks has the latest manuevering. Audio
Fashion industry graded for first time on ethics
7:55 AM.For the first time New Zealand's fashion industry has been been graded on how transparent they are about who is making their clothes. The guide, compiled by aid agency Tearfund, can be downloaded from… Read more Audio
It's a historic move for pay equity- Jonathan Coleman
8:10 AM.The Health Minister Jonathan Coleman has lauded the historic pay equity settlement with aged care workers saying the great shape of the economy allowed it to happen. Dr Coleman says to help pay for it… Read more Audio
Ex-EEO commissioner celebrates resthome workers pay rise
8:15 AM.Former Equal Opportunities Commissioner Judy McGregor calls the pay rise for resthome workers "fantastic, magnificent". She went undercoveran worked in a home for a week to find out what working… Read more Audio
Jailed fraudster appears to have tricked another agency
8:22 AM.RNZ News has learned the jailed Ministry of Transport fraudster Joanne Harrison recommended her husband for a job at another government agency, without telling anyone they were married. Political… Read more Audio
Millions being spent on cleaning up waterways
8:25 AM."You just have to sit back and go: 'What the hell!'." Locals say spending tax and rate-payer money on cleaning up pollution, which is being made worse by a government-funded project, is ridiculous… Read more Audio
Markets Update for 19 April 2017
8:29 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
A call for volunteers to clean up flood-hit Edgecumbe
8:35 AM.The Auckland Chamber of Commerce's Michael Barnett volunteered in Edgecumbe over the Easter break. "I felt that people getting off their bums and going down and actually helping would be the best… Read more Audio
Suicide a real issue: "There are things we need to be talking about"
8:42 AM.Paul Stevens, a teacher at Albany Senior High School watched the Netflix series '13 Reasons Why' and doesn't think it is a "series without hope". He says suicide and consent are real issues in New… Read more Audio
UK to go to the polls early
8:47 AM.Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May has called an early election. Tim Bale, a Professor of Politics at the Queen Mary University of London says a snap election is a sensible move. "She is way ahead… Read more Audio
World Masters Games kick off in Auckland on Friday
8:55 AM.28,000 people are expected to flood into Auckland over the next few days ahead of the World Masters Games - 82-year-old swimmer Penny Slack and para-athlete Cameron Leslie are among the participants.
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Kaikoura quake's unexpected benefit - erosion protection
8:56 AM.The massive Kaikoura earthquake may have saved the town from having to spend millions of dollars protecting itself from coastal erosion. Audio
Street Chant's Hauora wins this year's Taite Music Prize
8:57 AM.Street Chant's album Hauora has won the the eighth annual Taite Music Prize. Music 101 presenter Alex Behan says it's a very prestigious award - but a little disappointing as the band has now broken… Read more Audio