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Morning Report for Thursday 20 April 2017
Top Stories for Thursday 20 April 2017
6:00 AM.Miraculous rescue of 8-year-old after dinghy flips in Manukau, Fraudster tricked agency to pay $100,000 salary to husband, Gatland names three New Zealanders in Lions squad, and Censor calls for law… Read more Audio
Crowdsourced mental health report highlights delays
6:10 AM.Long waits to access mental health services - or not being able to get help at all - are the main concerns highlighted by a new report on the mental health system. Psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald was… Read more Audio
Early Business News for 20 April 2017
6:20 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Morning Rural News for 20 April 2017
6:22 AM.News from the rural and farming sector. Audio
Dramatic rescue of 8-year-old plucked from Manukau Harbou
6:39 AM.An eight-year-old girl has been pulled alive from Manukau Harbour after treading water for more than two hours after the dinghy she was in flipped over. Last night the Coastguard's Georgie Smith… Read more Audio
Temp work visa changes worry Fed Farmers
6:41 AM.The Government wants to introduce a three year cap for migrant workers who earn less than 49-thousand dollars annually. The Government says it's impossible to predict exactly how many lower-skilled… Read more Audio
Fraudster tricked agency to pay $100,000 salary to husband
6:44 AM.Convicted government fraudster Joanne Harrison tricked officials into hiring her husband for a role at the Transport Accident Investigation Commission, and organised his $100,000 salary. The… Read more Audio
Business News for 20 April 2017
6:49 AM.News from the business sector, including a market report. Audio
Miraculous rescue of 8-year-old after dinghy flips in Manukau
7:13 AM.The eight-year-old girl pulled alive from Manukau Harbour after treading water for more than two hours has been discharged from Middlemore Hospital. The girls was out fishing with her 52-year-old… Read more Audio
Fraudster tricked agency to pay $100,000 salary to husband
7:17 AM.The Transport Ministry fraudster Joanne Harrison successfully recommended her husband Patrick Sharp for a role at the Transport Accident Investigation Commission - without ever disclosing they were… Read more Audio
Gatland names three New Zealanders in Lions squad
7:20 AM.Warren Gatland has named his 41-player squad for the Lions tour of New Zealand in June and July. Alex Spink, the Rugby Correspondent for the Daily Mirror, says it's a good squad but the All Blacks… Read more Audio
Government announces new immigration rules
7:23 AM.Employers who hire immigrants for jobs they struggle to fill with New Zealand workers say the government's changes to the immigration rules are going to make life more difficult for them. The Minister… Read more Audio
Censor calls for law change over Netflix's 13 Reasons Why
7:35 AM.The censor's office says it wants a law change so shows like Netflix's 13 Reasons, about a suicidal teenager, can't be streamed here without a classification. Audio
Top Family Court judge rejects women's group's criticisms
7:41 AM.The top Family Court judge, Judge Laurence Ryan, has issued a three-page statement, disputing allegations by The Backbone Collective that the Family Court is closed and secret; that it's… Read more Audio
Mental health patients describe the diffculty of getting help
7:45 AM.Long wait times, an over reliance on medication, and not getting help early enough is the grim picture that's been painted of mental health services in New Zealand. Audio
Patients with little-known cancer want care here
7:52 AM.One New Zealander a day is diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer, and it can signal a tough road ahead. A new treatment available in Australia may save lives, but it is not funded in New Zealand. Audio
Auckland gears up for World Masters Games
7:55 AM.The World Masters Games kick off tomorrow and 28,000 people will descend on Auckland for the event. Steve Armitage, a general manager for Auckland's tourism agency, says "in terms of participation… Read more Audio
Police hunt for two gunmen in Canterbury
8:10 AM.The hunt is on for two gunmen in Canterbury. our reporter Jacob McSweeny has the latest details on the incidents. Audio
Fox News dumps Bill O'Reilly after advertiser walkout
8:13 AM.Fox News star presenter Bill O'Reilly has been sacked after a swirl of sexual harassment accusations sparked a walkout by advertisers. Brian Steinberg from Variety tells us it "became an untenable… Read more Audio
Was North Korean missile launch thwarted by US cyber attack?
8:19 AM.A UK based defence analyst says it's highly likely Sunday's missile test in North Korea may've been thwarted by a cyber attack from the US. We speak to Paul Beaver who told us cyber warefare is now… Read more Audio
Next generation of landline calls around the corner
8:26 AM.Spark is ditching the technology that's underpinned phone calls for 140 years for an internet-based phone system. The Telecommunications Users Association's Craig Young says the new system won't be as… Read more Audio
Markets Update for 20 April 2017
8:29 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Will the tourism industry benefit from changes to immigration rules?
8:37 AM.Changes to the immigration rules, could make it easier for the tourism industry to bring in certain workers from overseas. But the chief executive of Wilsons Abel Tasman, Darryl Wilson, says they are… Read more Audio
Hekia Parata reflects on role as Education Minister
8:41 AM.Departing Education Minister Hekia Parata looks back on her time in charge of the portfolio. Audio
Southern lakes need protection from urban development
8:46 AM.Local councils and water scientists are fighting a race against time to protect Lake Wakatipu and Lake Wanaka's pristine waters from urban runoff. Audio
Lukewarm response to council's homeowners' sweetener
8:51 AM."I want to make sure that Wellington is affordable, that it's accessible, and that people that want to build or own a house here, they can do so." The Wellington City Council propses a $5,000 rates… Read more Audio