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Morning Report for Monday 26 June 2017
Top Stories for Monday 26 June 2017
6:00 AM.Todd Barclay story dogs National Party conference; RNZ political editor on Todd Barclay scandal; Todd Barclay saga - PM responds; Team New Zealand one win away from America's Cup glory; and changes to… Read more Audio
ObamaCare replacement due before Senate
6:13 AM.The legislation to replace ObamaCare is due to come before the Senate for a vote this week, but that might not be able to happen. Aaron Blake is a political reporter with the Washington Post. Audio
Crayfish stocks in Kaikoura threatened by loophole in laws
6:16 AM.An independent fisheries policy adviser says he's worried about the growing number of tourist-focused fishing charters. Tony Craig says in Kaikoura, that's becoming a problem as more and more overseas… Read more Audio
It's 2 for 2 for Team NZ this morning
6:19 AM.It's 2 out of 2 for Team New Zealand this morning. Our America's Cup reporter Todd Niall is in Bermuda and says it was an exciting day of racing. Audio
Early Business News for 26 June 2017
6:23 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Morning Rural News for 26 June 2017
6:25 AM.News from the rural and farming sector. Audio
Local fans crowd into yacht club to cheer on Team New Zealand
6:37 AM.Local Team New Zealand fans have crowded into the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron in Auckland. Audio
National Party president backs Board in Todd Barclay affair
6:40 AM.The National Party President Peter Goodfellow is backing his Board as acting with integrity and professionalism throughout Todd Barclay affair. He talked our reporter Jane Patterson at the National… Read more Audio
As RAMSI ends, Solomon Islanders look to the future
6:45 AM.The regional security force that has been keeping the peace in the Solomon Islands for the better part of 14 years is leaving the country this Friday. The Regional Assistance Mission, or RAMSI as it's… Read more Audio
Business News for 26 June 2017
6:50 AM.News from the business sector, including a market report. Audio
Todd Barclay story dogs National Party conference
7:10 AM.The National party held its election year annual conference over the weekend, hoping to concentrate on the coming three months. However, the Todd Barclay affair continues to hang around and has been… Read more Audio
RNZ political editor on Todd Barclay scandal
7:13 AM.Our political editor Jane Patterson was at the National Party conference this weekend and says questions are continuing about the Todd Barclay scandal. Audio
Team New Zealand one win away from America's Cup glory
7:17 AM.Team New Zealand is one win away from bringing the America's Cup home. Simon Shaw, a British former world match racing champ, says Team New Zealand has a big advantage heading into tomorrow. Audio
English doesn't know if Barclay tape still exists
7:28 AM.The Todd Barclay saga continues to dog National. The Prime Minister Bill English says he didn't lsiten to the tapes because he didn't think it was appropriate. He says he doesn't know if the tapes… Read more Audio
Changes to FastPost irks Postal Workers Union
7:40 AM.New Zealand Post's decision to increase the cost of its Fast Post service from Saturday, and at the same time, reduce its delivery days, has irked the Postal Workers Union. John Maynard is the union's… Read more Audio
Crayfish stocks in Kaikoura threatened by loophole in laws
7:46 AM.Kaikoura is of course famous for its crayfish, but the crustacean is becoming increasingly popular with tourists. The crayfish is under threat and the tourists are being blamed. Locals warn the… Read more Audio
All Blacks pummel the Lions
7:50 AM.The All Blacks beat the Lions 30-15 in Auckland on Saturday night. RNZ's Joe Porter and the Telegraph's rugby correspondent Gavin Mairs break down the game. Audio
One more win needed for Team NZ
8:09 AM.Just one more win needed for New Zealand to bring home the Americas Cup. Our reporter in Bermuda is Todd Niall. Read more Audio
Mental health care under strain as more people use services
8:16 AM.Mental health services are seriously stretched, district health boards complain of a lack of funding, and there are shortages of key staff. The most recent statistics show more than 168,000 clients… Read more Audio
Angry GPs being urged to use election to lobby over funding
8:22 AM.Angry family doctors are being told to use the election campaign to vent their frustrations over a funding system they say locks out too many poor people. The College of GPs wants doctors to bombard… Read more Audio
NZ First wants regions to get 'fair share' of GST, royalties
8:27 AM.A regional focus; tax deductions for small business and an end to the 'mindless extraction of water by bottling companies' - the core issues canvassed by NZ First leader Winston Peters at the party's… Read more Audio
Markets Update for 26 June 2017
8:30 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Al Jazeera under pressure in Qatar clampdown
8:37 AM.Four countries who accused Qatar of supporting terrorism have also demanded the Middle-Eastern state shut down the Al Jazeera TV network. The Al Jazeera representative for the National Union of… Read more Audio
Overhaul of foreign investor protection rules touted in study
8:44 AM.As part of proposed trade talks with New Zealand, the European Union wants to introduce a trade court under the Investor-State-Dispute Settlement system to hear disputes. And some New Zealand trade… Read more Audio
Voting gets underway in Papua New Guinea's election
8:47 AM.Voting has begun in Papua New Guinea's general election. The two week polling period follows almost two months of intense campaigning involving more than 3,000 candidates across the country. Our… Read more Audio
Legal challenge over climate change gets underway today
8:52 AM.Sarah Thomson, a 26-year-old law student from Hamilton, is seeking a judicial review of the Government's position of climate change. She says she wants the Government to take climate change seriously.