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Morning Report for Thursday 14 December 2017
Top Stories for Thursday 14 December 2017
6:00 AM.Nearly two-thirds of MPs have voted in support of a bill that would legalise euthanasia. The Government says it will consider moves to rein in rapidly rising salaries for top public servants. It's… Read more Audio
Child monitor recommendation welcomed by Women's Refuge
6:09 AM.The former head of the Women's Refuge is backing a register to monitor all children to the age of five because she says it will save lives. Coroner Wallace Bain recommended it after the brutal killing… Read more Audio
Navy upgrade continues despite $265m blowout
6:12 AM.The Government has decided to go ahead with upgrading two navy frigates despite the cost blowing out by $265 million. It says the cost overrun is unacceptable but cancelling the upgrades would have… Read more Audio
Early Business News for 14 December 2017
6:20 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Euthanasia vote delights husband of Lecretia Seales
6:39 AM.Matt Vickers, whose wife Lecretia Seales died while fighting in the courts for the right to end her life, is ecstatic legislation legalising euthanasia has passed its first reading. He was in… Read more Audio
Refining NZ welcomes fuel security inquiry
6:41 AM.Refining New Zealand is welcoming a government inquiry into the security of of the country's main fuel supply. The pipeline from the Marsden Refinery to Auckland was shut down for 10 days after a leak… Read more Audio
Business News for 14 December 2017
6:49 AM.News from the business sector, including a market report. Audio
Seymour's euthanasia bill passes first reading
7:09 AM.Nearly two-thirds of MPs have voted in support of a bill that would legalise euthanasia. And if New Zealand First gets its way, the public will have the final say in a referendum. There were… Read more Audio
David Seymour discusses euthanasia bill progress
7:15 AM.Nearly two-thirds of MPs have voted in support of a bill that would legalise euthanasia. ACT's David Seymour is the MP behind the End Of Life Choice Bill. He talks to Kim Hill about the issue. Video, Audio
CEO salaries: How much is too much?
7:20 AM.The Government says it will consider moves to rein in rapidly rising salaries for top public servants. Yesterday, for the first time, State Services Commissioner Peter Hughes named three crown… Read more Audio
Govt on track with first 100 days promises
7:27 AM.It's been far from smooth sailing for the new government in its first eight weeks in office, but it appears to be largely on track to deliver its hundred day plan. Inexperienced ministers trying to… Read more Audio
The Opportunities Party to return for 2020 election
7:37 AM.The Opportunities Party founder Gareth Morgan says the party will be back to contest the next general election, but with a new leader. The party, widely known as TOP won 2.4 percent of the vote in… Read more Audio
Democrat beats Republican in controversial Alabama Senate race
7:44 AM.Roy Moore may have been beaten by Democrat Doug Jones in Alabama but he is refusing to concede. Mr Moore says he'll personally pay for a recount. US correspondent Gile Gibson joins us to explain the… Read more Audio
North Canterbury relieved to see SH1 re-opening
7:51 AM.More than a year after North Canterbury's 7.8 magnitude earthquake forced its closure, State Highway 1 north of Kaikoura will re-open to the public on Friday. Thousands of cars and trucks have been… Read more Audio
'A smile on my face' as Canterbury farmer sees rain
7:55 AM.The rain has finally fallen in the south. This week Christchurch got its first drop of rain after 46 straight days of sun. But for farmers further south was it enough? Greg Anderson runs sheep and… Read more Audio
Navy budget blowout: 'Our sailors aren't safe' - Ron Mark
8:10 AM.The cost of upgrading two of the navy's frigates has blown out again - this time by $148 million. The project - originally estimated to cost $374-million - will now cost $639 million. Ron Mark is the… Read more Audio
Bay of Plenty locals unhappy with dangerous SH2 section
8:18 AM.State Highway 2 between Tauranga and Waihi is being called the most dangerous stretch of road in the country by the district's mayor. The Transport Agency has plans to improve the road but locals say… Read more Audio
Coroner urges children's register but Commissioner hesitant
8:21 AM.The Children's Commissioner will not back a register to monitor all children despite a coroner saying it will save lives. Coroner Wallace Bain made the recommendation after the brutal killing of Nia… Read more Audio
Pumpkin, kumara prices hit record highs
8:28 AM.Pumpkin prices are the highest they've been since Statistics New Zealand started monitoring them in 1993. It's averaging $5.78 a kilo - 176 percent higher than a year ago. Kumara has also nearly… Read more Audio
Markets Update for 14 December 2017
8:30 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Teacher aides may cover for Auckland teachers in 2018
8:37 AM.Auckland primary schools fear they will have to use teacher aides in place of teachers next year and they want the government to pay for it. The city's principals have asked the Education Minister… Read more Audio
Teacher aides could stand in for teachers in Auckland
8:37 AM.Auckland primary schools fear they will have to use teacher aides in place of teachers next year and they want the government to pay for it. The city's principals have asked the Education Minister… Read more Audio
Hutt Valley Hospital face 'risk of injury' in quake
8:39 AM.The Hutt Valley's main hospital has 10-kilogram ceiling tiles that pose what the district health board says is the "risk of serious injury" in a major earthquake. The tiles are in corridors and foyers… Read more Audio
Rangatahi share how mainstream school has failed them
8:45 AM.Maori children who left mainstream schooling say they became far more enthusisatic about learning once they were out of an environment that struck them as racist and condescending. Katrina Lemon is a… Read more Audio
Navy to go two years without tanker
8:48 AM.The navy will be without a tanker for at least two years when HMNZS Endeavour is decommissioned on Friday. The replacement ship, named Aotearoa, won't be in service until January 2020. Audio
Star Wars: The Last Jedi premieres in NZ
8:56 AM.The royal premiere of the latest Star Wars movie has been held at Lond's Royal Albert Hall forty years since the first movie that spawned one of the most successful film franchises in history. Princes… Read more Audio