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Morning Report for Friday 20 January 2023
More sexual health clinics needed - health specialists
8:53 AM.Health specialists are calling for a review of the Auckland Sexual Health Service, alongside further investment in public clinics around the country.
In some cases, patients who can't afford to see a… Read more Audio
Ardern's leadership and the rise of online hate
8:43 AM.Former Prime Minister Helen Clark says Jacinda Arden faced an unprecendented level of level of hatred and vitriol during her term in office.
Massey Univeristy's Suze Wilson and Auckland University's… Read more Audio
Te Pāti Māori hopeful for a Māori Labour leader
8:25 AM.Te Pāti Māori is among the political parties keen to share their views on Jacinda Ardern's resignation.
Co-leader Rawiri Waititi says the Prime Minister catapulted the voice of wāhine and youth onto… Read more Audio
Reaction from Napier Labour caucus retreat
8:20 AM.Our political reporter Katie Scotcher has reaction from the Napier Labour caucus retreat. Audio
World reacts to end of era of Jacinda-mania
8:20 AM.Jacinda-mania - a phrase coined as New Zealand's young, female Prime Minister rose to fame across Aotearoa - also spread beyond our country's borders.
During her five years in the role, Jacinda… Read more Audio
Helen Clark on ups and downs of politics as Ardern resigns
8:16 AM.Former Prime Minister and Labour Party leader Helen Clark is not stranger to the rough and tumble, and the ups and downs of politics. She spoke to Corin Dann. Audio
From terrorism to a pandemic - Ardern's time as PM
8:10 AM.Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has weathered many storms throughout her time at the top - from terrorism to a global pandemic.
Lauren Crimp spoke with community leaders and academics about how she… Read more Audio
The international impact of Jacinda Ardern
7:55 AM.Jacinda Ardern became a global icon for progressive politics and was praised for her handling of crises, but also became a lightning rod for criticism among the international right.
Guyon Espiner… Read more Audio
What's next for Labour?
7:53 AM.Labour MPs' phones will be running hot today as they consider who best to lead them into the looming election.
MPs will meet again on Sunday and hold a vote for a new party leader and prime… Read more Audio
Former Chief of Staff "completely stunned" by PM resignation
7:45 AM.Jacinda Ardern's former Chief of Staff Mike Munro says he believes the vitriol she faced as Prime Minister took its toll, though he never thought she would resign.
He says all indications were she… Read more Audio
James Shaw on the Prime Minister's resignation
7:36 AM.The Prime Minister has shocked the country with her resignation.
Green Party co-leader James Shaw says he could see the toll being taken on the Prime Minister, and wasn't wholly surprised to hear of… Read more Audio
National Party unfazed by Prime Minister's resignation
7:20 AM.While people across the globe are saddened by Jacinda Ardern's resignation, others might be taking the news well.
When pressed yesterday, National Party leader Christopher Luxon wouldn't say whether… Read more Audio
Labour Party President responds to Ardern resignation
7:13 AM.A vote will be held on Sunday to decide a new Labour Party leader - that person will need a two-thirds majority in caucus.
If this doesn't happen, the leadership contest goes to the wider membership… Read more Audio
US Treasury tries to avert crisis after hitting debt ceiling
6:58 AM.Treasury department officials in the US are taking measures to avoid a disasterous financial crisis after the country reached its debt ceiling overnight.
The ceiling, of $31.4t, is the maximum amount… Read more Audio
Western allies pledge raft of new military aid for Ukraine
6:52 AM.Western allies have pledged a raft of new military aid for Ukraine.
European defence ministers from 11 countries are meeting in Estonia to announce the package, saying "we're in it for the long… Read more Audio
E tū loses "a guiding light" for members
6:48 AM.Unions have paid tribute to Jacinda Ardern for her commitment to frontline workers and the employment initiatives.
Her Government spearheaded policy such as Fair Pay Agreements, Domestic Violence… Read more Audio
What is the future for Labour?
6:45 AM.Aside from her shock retirement yesterday, Jacinda Ardern also announced this year's election date - October 14.
Labour will head into that election with a new leader and facing an ascendent… Read more Audio
Ardern leaves lasting legacy for tangata whenua - Māori leaders
6:40 AM.Māori leaders say Jacinda Ardern will leave a lasting legacy for tangata whenua, including health reforms, better representation, a Matariki public holiday and the teaching of the country's history.
… Read more Audio -
Stats NZ figures show highest annual food price rise in decades
6:27 AM.New food price figures have revealed how tough the Christmas grocery shop really was.
Stats NZ's latest report shows prices were 11.3 percent higher in December 2022 than they were in December 2021… Read more Audio
QV says PM resignation a spanner in the works
6:25 AM.Quotable Value says the resignation of Jacinda Ardern as Prime Minister is a spanner in the works for housing values, with the election crucial to how house prices play out this year.
The latest… Read more Audio
Big adjustment to post Ardern era - Iain Lees Galloway
6:15 AM.Former cabinet Minister, Iain Lees Galloway says Jacinda Ardern was one of a kind, and it will take time for the country to adjust to a change in leadership.
He says her legacy is huge and her… Read more Audio
Wellington reactions to Ardern resignation
6:14 AM.Wellington's Beehive has been Jacinda Ardern's HQ for nearly six years.
Our reporter Kirsty Frame talked to people in the streets around Parliament to gauge their reaction to the Prime Minister's… Read more Audio