09:05 Suicide reporting

Should suicides be more widely reported in order to potentially save lives? The Chief Coroner Judge Neil McLean says this country's suicide rate of over 500 a year gets little attention in comparison with the road toll which is under 400 a year.

Today, he's released statistics for the past three years which not only show how many people have taken their lives, their age, their gender, their location.

Judge Neil Maclean, Chief Coroner; and Merryn Stathan, Director, Suicide Prevention Information New Zealand, part of the Mental Health Foundation.


09:20 How to survive a leaky home

Yvonne van Dongen, leaky home owner and author of a new guide for leaky home owners, How to Survive a Leaky Home.

How to Survive a Leaky Home by Yvonne van Dongen
Published by Hodder Moa

09:30 The missing ashes of cricketing legend Bert Sutcliffe

The urn containing some of Bert Sutcliffe's ashes was buried at Carisbrook after his death in 2001. However the future of the ground is uncertain, so the Otago Cricket Association and the Sutcliffe family have agreed to move the Mr Sutcliffe's ashes to the University Oval. But no one can quite pinpoint where the urn was buried.

09:45 UK correspondent Matthew Parris

10:05 Ann M. Veneman - former UNICEF Director; former US Secretary of Agriculture

Ann Veneman has just stepped down as the executive director of UNICEF. She was the first woman to become the US secretary of Agriculture. Immediately after resigning from the position in 2005, she was named by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan as the fifth executive director of UNICEF, which champions the rights and welfare of children around the world.


10:30 Book Review with Don Rood

Matterhorn by Karl Marlantes
Published by Corvus (Atlantic)

10:45 Reading

Malcolm and Juliet by Bernard Beckett

16-year-old Malcolm is making a documentary on sex to win first prize at the National Secondary School's Science Fair (Part 9 of 15)

11:05 New Technology with Nigel Horrocks

Nigel discusses how Google admits it may have missed the social media wave, how many books are there in the world and one not to miss online: A Double Rainbow.

Watch a video of the Google CEO explain why Google Wave was dumped

Google software engineer explains how he worked out the number of books in the world

See the Double Rainbow video

Catch the Double Rainbow ditty

How a baby might have seen it as a mobile

11:30 Parenting with Christian Wright

Speech and language therapist Christian Wright gives advice on how to spot problems in children early on.

11:45 Film review with Graeme Tuckett

Graeme reviews Skin and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.